| - A black-furred tom slipped through the undergrowth, his ears pricked in interest. "Hello?" he called hesitantly. Nothing greeted him. He growled something under his breath, then called out again, "I was called here." He waited for an answer. When nothing sounded, he turned to leave. "Wait." a voice growled, halting the dark-pelted cat in his tracks. The one voice sounded like four, but clearer. And it had a bit of an echo to it. "I was the summoner." "Well? What's the message?" the tom mewed questioningly. "I haven't got all night." "R-revenge?" the black-furred tom gasped.
| - A black-furred tom slipped through the undergrowth, his ears pricked in interest. "Hello?" he called hesitantly. Nothing greeted him. He growled something under his breath, then called out again, "I was called here." He waited for an answer. When nothing sounded, he turned to leave. "Wait." a voice growled, halting the dark-pelted cat in his tracks. The one voice sounded like four, but clearer. And it had a bit of an echo to it. "I was the summoner." "Well? What's the message?" the tom mewed questioningly. "I haven't got all night." "There are four that need your guidance." The voice - voices? - pressed. "They have been cast away due to crimes that would normally get a cat killed." A pale silvery outline flickered in front of a bush. Possibly the speaker, the dark-furred tom guessed. He shook his head slightly and mewed evenly, "My guidance? I'm just a loner to them. Just a loner to everyone. Why would these... unnamed cats need my guidance?" He tipped his head to the side slightly. One of the four voices grunted, and another hushed it. An airy voice mewed, "If you don't guide them, they're likely to kill each other and not get their revenge-" "R-revenge?" the black-furred tom gasped. "Yes." a different voice replied. "Revenge on the Clans, of course!" it chided. "Does it have to be me that guides them?" the tom mewed curtly, flicking his tail. "Yes, thistledown-brain!" the same voice hissed. "Okay, fine!" the tom sighed angrily. "But if I get too annoyed with them, I'm leaving them to fend for themselves. Got it?" "Got it." all four voices mewed in unison. Then the pale silvery outline flickered again, then vanished. The tom stood in silence, then turned and left.