| - Kingdom is the third studio album released by Yumi Takahashi, released on May 28, 2008. In it's first week, the album peaked at number 4 in Canada, and managed to chart within the top 10 in the United Kingdom, the United States and in Asia, in it's first week the album also managed to chart within the top 20 in the world charts. In the albums second week it managed to grab the number 3 spot on the charts in the United Kingdom and the number 6 spot on the charts in the United States.
- Kingdom is the fourth level of the Tomb Raider II: Golden Mask. In it, Lara discovers Bigfoot for the third time and faces the Guardian of the Kingdom...
- Kingdom is the virtual reality game created by SIC in the video game Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom. The user interface for the game is packaged in a Duel Disk for testing purposes. The game presents the story of a rebellion against the Sygh-Varths Empire. In fact, it is a trap by Scott Irvine to gain control of the Egyptian God Cards.
- The Kingdom believed they are God's chosen race and will rise up to retake the earth. They are a group of 777 vampires who planned to destroy sinners and non-vampires.
- In biology, kingdom (Latin: regnum, pl. regna) is a taxonomic rank, which is either the highest rank or in the more recent three-doman system, the rank below domain. Kingdoms are divided into smaller groups called phyla (in zoology) or divisions (in botany). The complete sequence of ranks is life, domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species.
- A Kingdom are lot of lands which are ruled by the nobility or royal families. There are at least a dozen of kingdoms scattered through the land to be known as Albion. The listed kingdoms contain the current leaders of the known that have either been seen or heard about.
- A Kingdom is a region of RuneScape, generally inhabited and ruled by one of the several races of RuneScape.
- Kingdom 「キングダム Reino?」 es un manga escrito e ilustrado por Yasuhisa Hara. La serie fue adaptada al anime en 2012, constando de 38 episodios animados por Studio Pierrot. Una segunda temporada salió en 2013, constando de 39 episodios.
- A Kingdom is a land ruled by a king (and sometimes Queens). It is probably the most common land or country type in the World of Daventry. They tended to be the largest and most successful lands.
- Kingdom is an underground research and detention facility in the City of Glass. It mainly focuses on developing the Reflection project which can be used for controlling people's emotions and behaviour. It also detains prisoners such as Aline Maera, who was later rescued by Faith Connors. The facility is one of the Conglomerate's biggest secrets, and its location is only known by the Corporate Houses' members and their close associates. Dogen instructed Faith how to access the facility when she attempted to rescue her mentor and a man who adopted her, Noah.
- Kingdom was a group of three Carrack-class light cruisers used by the Rebel Alliance. They were part of an attempt to wrestle out TIE Defenders from the Grey Wolf but all three were utterly destroyed by Tan Maarek Stele.
- The origins of Kingdom is unknown, however it can be seen with Uchuu is a flashback, meaning that he had the weapon for a long time. Although the blade has no history most people do seem to know about them as many people have tried to learn about the weapons such as Mategai Ryou, Haru Suzu, Kohaku and Kensai.
- Kingdoms are the various regions in RuneScape Classic. There are three main kingdoms that cover the continent: Kandarin, Asgarnia, and Misthalin. Kandarin occupies the western side of Gielinor and is only available to members. The eastern side consisting of Asgarnia and Misthalin is available to free players.
- While Brooklyn struggles to assert his authority in the wake of Goliath's mysterious disappearance, Fang conspires to rule over his fellow Mutates in the Labyrinth.
- 遠くから キミが声を枯らして 呼ぶような夜は こんな歌で迎えようか 声がするファイルセット 遥かシスティナのチャペルから 広場には瓦礫さんざん 肩寄せて秘密の声を聞け KINGDOM KINGDOM 人を裂く弾頭 たかが週末の避暑のため 広場には残骸点在 身を寄せて声を持て いろめくはTHAILAND 胸に忍ばせた豊饒の 血を浴びたシスター千人 肩を抱き地上に春を呼ぶ KINGDOM KINGDOM キミを撃つ弾丸 今だ喝采にそびえ立つ なお歌え去勢の歌手団 今ここに春のため 遠くから キミが声を枯らして 呼ぶような夜は こんな歌で迎えようか 声を出せファイルセット 遥か胸の奥ミューズから 広場には埃さんざん せめてひと粒の雨のため 人を撃つ弾丸 わずか一抹の夢のため 心には歌手団千人 祈るただキミのため 遠くから キミが声を枯らして 呼ぶような夜は こんな歌で迎えようか 遠くから キミが声を枯らして 呼ぶような夜は こんな歌で迎えようか
- A kingdom is a category of organisms within the field of biosemantics, based on how the organisms harness the heat energy they create. It is further divided into phyla as subcategories.
- A kingdom, in the RK world, is another term for a country. It is ruled by a King or Queen, elected from amongst the populace, and has its own government, cities and organizations. While there can be travel and interaction between kingdoms, travel can also by order of governement be closed between kingdoms.
- Kuningaskunta on eräänlainen "hallitusmuoto". Gielinorissa on erilaisia kuningaskuntia, joita hallitsevat sekä ihmiset että muut lajit, kuten esimerkiksi Gnomet.
- A kingdom is a state ruled by a monarch, sometimes called a monarchy. Power is usually passed along hereditary lines. In Azeroth, this is the most common form of government for human states. Most likely the predominance of this type of state on the eastern continent explains why it is called the Eastern Kingdoms.
- A kingdom is a state ruled by a monarch, sometimes called a monarchy. Power is usually passed along hereditary lines. In Azeroth, this is the most common form of government for human states. Most likely the predominance of this type of state on the eastern continent explains why it is called the Eastern Kingdoms.
- In the region Ransei, each sub-region occupied by a Warlord is known as Kingdom. It is usually specialized by some specific type. In total there are 17 regions based on 17 Pokémon Types.
- So, you sit down to watch ITV 1 on a Sunday night and the sponsored by clip is that of the channel's lower-level crime dramas, declaring that "Talk Talk sponsors ITV Mystery Dramas". Then you spend an hour watching lovely East Anglian countryside, Stephen Fry being a lawyer and no-one gets the slightest bit murdered. There's actually a lot of comedy. Welcome to Kingdom, where Crime and Punishment Series meets English planning law, and "They Fight Crime" in a genteel, laid-back fashion, with plenty of breaks for Scenery Porn.
- Kingdom also took the top position on the World United Chart for three weeks. Artist Koda Kumi Album Kingdom Released 2008.01.30 Catalog Number RZCD-45829/B~C (CD+2DVD) RZCD-45830/B (CD+DVD) RZCD-45831 (CD Only) Price ¥5,500 (CD+2DVD) ¥4,200 (CD+DVD) ¥3,059 (CD Only) CD Tracklist: 1.
* Introduction For Kingdom 2.
* LAST ANGEL feat. Tohoshinki (東方神起) 3.
* Amai Wana (甘い罠; Sweet Trap) 4.
* Himitsu (秘密; Secret) 5.
* Ai no Uta (愛のうた; Love Song) 6.
* anytime 7.
* Under 8.
* But 9.
* Koi no Mahō (恋の魔法; The Magic of Love) 10.
* Aishō (愛証; The Proof of Love) 11.
* Anata ga Shite Kureta Koto (あなたがしてくれたこと; What You Did for Me) 12.
* Wonderland 13.
* FREAKY 14.
* More 15.
* Black Cherry (Bonus Track)
- In biology, a kingdom or regnum is the top-level, or nearly the top-level, taxon of organisms in scientific classification. (Sometimes domain or empire has been used as the topmost level.) The kingdoms are then divided into smaller groups called phyla (for animals) or divisions (for plants).
- A Kingdom is a sovereign state instituting a monarchy, or having a monarch as its head. There were several kingdoms in Middle-earth, the largest being those of Rohan and Gondor. However at the time of the War of the Ring Gondor was governed by a Steward rather than a king, until Aragorn's return, and the re-establishment of the Reunited Kingdom. There was also the Kingdom of Rhovanion The most well known Kingdoms are: Gondor, Arnor, Rohan, the Harad and the Reunited Kingdom
- The Kingdom is the world of The Sims Medieval. At the start of the game, the player chooses a Kingdom Ambition, which is the overall goal for the kingdom to achieve. Some Kingdom Ambitions include, Largest Kingdom, Most Happiness, Largest Military Might. Players can advance their Kingdom by completing quests that contribute to the Kingdom Ambition. To expand the kingdom, the player can either construct new buildings or conquer other kingdoms and territories. File:Kingdombanner.png|The banner of the kingdom.