| - Giulio: Well, shall we begin, Kurt! Kurt: Bring it. Gusurg: What's happening? Amy: Looks like a fight to see who's the better chef. Gusurg: Is this really happening? Riela: We found some really good ingredients amongst the supplies the Imperial army left behind. 21: Presents from the Empire I see, Maximillian's very own charity service? Great! I've been getting sick of eating dry-wrapped rations anyway! 56: Food from the Empire.. Is it even good? Giulio: Our opinions on how best to serve food clashed and that led to this full-blown duel you see now. Food from the Empire must be produced using recipes from the Empire! Kurt: You're wrong, it's more important to observe the make of the soil and the quality of the water that flows. Annika: It's getting serious! It's a face-off between the traditional Giulio and the innovative Kurt! Gusurg: Oh, so when will this all be ready? Amy: Half a day to prepare the ingredients, and 2 hours more to cook them? Gusurg: Hey, hey, that's way too long! Should we make Borgia wait this long? Riela: His Eminence has had his food prepared separately so it's going to be fine. Giulio: This flank of pork (シマブタ) has little characteristics so it draws it's taste greatly from the seasoning added to it. And it will be up to me to recreate the taste that has been passed down for hundreds of years! Kurt: And it will be up to me to find out if the recipe passed down for ages was the optimal solution or has tradition threatened the very progress of innovation! A bland piece of meat should be dashed with living herbs, a topping of Bookgalni is your best bet! I'm not going to lose to some Empire tradition! Annika: Who do you think will win? Amy: I really would like to have a taste of that Empire recipe, but what the commander is preparing looks pretty good too. 21: Why not both? This competition is getting interesting! Imca: Pork (シマブタ) tastes pretty good roasted with salt too.. Gusurg: I am so hungry now I just want to eat something... 21: Delish! Annika: What in the world?! Both are delicious! You've earned my respect! Amy: Both of them are so good it seems meaningless to decide who won. Giulio: It's supposed to be a duel, you'd best be serious about judging it! Kurt: It's as Giulio says, we're not leaving happy without a proper victor here. 21: Give me more! Whoever does wins! Giulio: No way! Kurt: It's not a match between who has more, get a proper judge on the taste. 21: It's hard to choose, it's like.. I don't know, really. Annika: I can't tell either! Riela: There's that problem of preference too. Imca: Roasted with salt is the best. Giulio: Right! If you're done eating, make your votes! Giulio: ..an even score. Kurt: Exactly the same number. Riela: Hm? I think someone hasn't voted yet? Annika: It's Gusurg! He's still eating over there! Gusurg: Hm? Something about me? Giulio: Gusurg! Whose cooking did you like more? Kurt: Give us an honest answer.. so? Giulio: Hey Gusurg, what's going on with your face? Oh?! I don't think the both of us used any of that sauce?! Gusurg: Oh, this? It's called "Afterburner", my favorite taste. I love my meat hot, want some? Kurt: Gusurg..! Giulio: You're defiling our efforts! I almost need to judge you in a court of law! Gusurg: Is it such a big deal! I just really like my food spicy!