| - Much of his early work was in collaboration with writer Malachy Coney. Between 1995 and 1997 he drew the third issue of Holy Cross and the graphic novel The Moon Looked Down and Laughed, both published by Fantagraphics Books, and the gay superhero parody The Dandy Lion, published by Fantagraphics' Eros imprint. Also in 1997 he drew Suicide Kings, written by Mike Carey, for Caliber Comics' Negative Burn anthology, and self-published another of Coney's gay superhero parodies, The Simply Incredible Hunk. There then followed a period of working in the UK small press, including FutureQuake Press and Omnivistascope's anthologies. Around this time he pioneered the Shareware Comics concept of distribution.
| - Much of his early work was in collaboration with writer Malachy Coney. Between 1995 and 1997 he drew the third issue of Holy Cross and the graphic novel The Moon Looked Down and Laughed, both published by Fantagraphics Books, and the gay superhero parody The Dandy Lion, published by Fantagraphics' Eros imprint. Also in 1997 he drew Suicide Kings, written by Mike Carey, for Caliber Comics' Negative Burn anthology, and self-published another of Coney's gay superhero parodies, The Simply Incredible Hunk. There then followed a period of working in the UK small press, including FutureQuake Press and Omnivistascope's anthologies. Around this time he pioneered the Shareware Comics concept of distribution. Since then he has worked for Black Library's Warhammer Monthly, 2000AD (including drawing Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper) and the Judge Dredd Megazine. He co-created Fearless, with writers Mark Sable and Dave Roth, for Image Comics in 2007, and Dead Signal, with writer Al Ewing, for 2000AD in 2008. He has also collected his small press work into a self-published volume called Previously. In 2008 he was involved in developing software to run comics on the iPhone and iPod Touch with Infurious Comics. Apple declined to carry the first comic, Murderdrome, written by Al Ewing and drawn by Holden, on content grounds. Ewing and Holden then developed a series for younger readers called Eye Candy, the second issue of which was drawn by John McCrea. Murderdrome is being reworked as a webcomic. He drew the three issue story "Happy Valley", about an Australian RAF bomber crew in 1942, in Garth Ennis' series Battlefields for Dynamite Entertainment, in 2009-10. Numbercruncher, a creator-owned series with writer Si Spurrier, ran in the Judge Dredd Megazine in 2011, and he was the visual creator of espionage series "Black Ops Xtreme", written by John Freeman, in Strip Magazine, launched in late 2011. He was a founding contributor to Eclectic Micks sketchblog but stepped down as a contributor in February 2010. In 2009 he, alongside Ron Abernethy and Scott Ferguson, launched the podcast Sunnyside Comics. He is married to Annette and they have two sons, Nathan and Thomas.