| - The Shivers in the Fridge is a 2014 American 3D computer-animated fantasy adventure film produced by Clearwater Animation, 20th Century Fox Animation, Scholastic Entertainment, and ChanceWorks Animation, and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film was directed by Fran Manushkin and Geo G., written by Taylor Grodin, Geo G., and Adam Katz, and produced by Paul O. Zolinsky and Adam Katz. It was released on July 4, 2014.
| - The Shivers in the Fridge is a 2014 American 3D computer-animated fantasy adventure film produced by Clearwater Animation, 20th Century Fox Animation, Scholastic Entertainment, and ChanceWorks Animation, and distributed by 20th Century Fox. The film was directed by Fran Manushkin and Geo G., written by Taylor Grodin, Geo G., and Adam Katz, and produced by Paul O. Zolinsky and Adam Katz. It was released on July 4, 2014. The movie centers at the house, inside the refrigerator where the Shivers live, because they are always cold, which consists of May (Mom), Fred (Dad), Paume (Grandma), Kayze (Grandpa), and Sonny (the Son). But one day, outside the refrigerator, is a man who lived in a house, storing food in the refrigerator, trying to crush the Shivers, so they have to escape outside the refrigerator so nobody will get hurt. This film is rated PG.