| - The series focuses on Michael Jordan, Bo Jackson and Wayne Gretzky as they fight crime, help children, and protect the environment. These three athletes were chosen to represent the pinnacle of all four major American professional sports in the early 1990s. While Jordan and Gretzky are broadly associated with their respective sports, Jackson was included since he could represent both football and baseball and was a high-profile celebrity off the field as well. A reference to his "Bo Knows" Nike ad-campaign was worked into almost every episode. The three hero athletes were headquartered at "Moms Gym", which was run by the character Mom. The ProStars would receive teleconference messages from various kids around the world, who would explains various situations they were in. The three sporting heroes would then go to wherever the kid was located, and use their gadgets and abilities to stop whatever villains attempting to oppose them. There was often a moral lesson to be taken from each episode. Although the animated characters are not voiced by their real-life counterparts, the three stars do appear in live-action sequences before every episode, in which they tell kids about the upcoming episode, and often answer questions from kids at the conclusion. Normally this is done solely by Gretzky and Jackson—often in separate sound stages and edited to appear as if talking to each other. Jordan's filmed bits were almost always one line or two, and not part of the skits before the episode.