| - The characters have discovered what the Big Bad is up to. They have no hope of stopping him, but if only the Reasonable Authority Figure knew... There is no Epic Hail handy. They have to go in person to Bring News Back of what is happening, along a long, difficult, dangerous route. Odds are good that they will be chased. (Bottled Heroic Resolve may be required to keep going.) Other reasons to Bring News Back include disaster about to strike; disaster averted, and news must be Brought Back so that the people at home don't activate the fallback plan; discovery of a traitor; et cetera. Often leads to You Shall Not Pass, which requires sacrificing No One Gets Left Behind. In other cases, people preparing for a Last Stand may dispatch a Sole Survivor to carry back word of the battle. (Being sent to Bring News Back means that the people who didn't get sent are More Hero Than Thou. This often tests the sternest sense of duty.) Can be combined with an Epic Hail, if the newsbearers are trying to reach an outpost equipped for Epic Hailing. Getting back may not be the end of their problems. Being the Bearer of Bad News, they are often greeted with disbelief or even Malicious Slander; the Evil Chancellor or a Divided We Fall character may try to keep them from the Reasonable Authority Figure. For obvious reasons, much more common in settings that don't have radios, although anything that can cut off communication can bring back the trope -- as can factors that make it too dangerous to use, such as monitoring. Compare Almost-Dead Guy. Indeed, this can be Almost-Dead Guy, told from his point-of-view, but the survival rate is rather higher. Pursued Protagonist uses this as the opening, to get to The Hero, as a form of Herald. Compare Harbinger of Impending Doom. Contrast Late to the Party, Apocalyptic Log, Can't Stop the Signal. An inverse of sorts is Bring Help Back, when the message is that the ones sending the message need help, not information that the ones receiving the message need to have. Examples of Bring News Back include: