| - She first came to Earth with plans to have her babies conquer the planet with never-ending Bug infestation. She and her children hid under the sewer line, turning it into a cave-like throne throne room, linked by bug tunnels. Fortunately for mankind, Agent Kay and Jay stopped her plans by flooding the hideout. After escaping, she called Eddy and Beetal to aid her to a better place to nest. Then, she and her offspring went to soda factory for a snack. Kay and Jay were too late to stop her from laying her new eggs, and the queen and her two Bugs escaped back to the hotel.
| - She first came to Earth with plans to have her babies conquer the planet with never-ending Bug infestation. She and her children hid under the sewer line, turning it into a cave-like throne throne room, linked by bug tunnels. Fortunately for mankind, Agent Kay and Jay stopped her plans by flooding the hideout. After escaping, she called Eddy and Beetal to aid her to a better place to nest. Then, she and her offspring went to soda factory for a snack. Kay and Jay were too late to stop her from laying her new eggs, and the queen and her two Bugs escaped back to the hotel. When MIB froze her new brood along with Eddy and Beetal, she jumped into an electric sign to speed the hatching. Kay blasted the metal plate supporting the sign and she fell in the penthouse pool, getting electrocuted. Kay, Jay and Elle froze her again, and shipped back to prison.