Defenders are first encountered on 24F in Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard.
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| - Defenders are first encountered on 24F in Etrian Odyssey II: Heroes of Lagaard.
- The Silver Sentinel is the first boss you encounter in the Labyrinth. To get the key that unlocks the bridge you need to cross, you have to defeat him in battle. Gold: 60-110 Hats: Lightning-Charged Mantle Hood of Hibernation Triton's Topper Reaper's Hood Mantle of Thunder Ivy-Wrapped Cap Promethean Hood Robes: Wrap of Equity Raiment of the Raven Verdant Vestment Robe of Radiance Arboreal Robes Surcoat of Glory Smock of the Frost Giant Vestment of the Spring Boots: Mocassins of the Oracle Striders of the Thicket Reaper's Boots Dragonclaw Boots Ashen Footwraps Shoes of the Greatest Saga Frost Giant's Boots Shoes of the Phoenix
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| - Deck of the Silver Sentinel
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es lore
| - Puedes Colocar esta carta en tu mano en tu Zona de Cartas Mágicas & de Trampa como una Carta Mágica. Durante la End Phase del turno en que esta carta Colocada en tu Zona de Cartas Mágicas & de Trampa fue destruida por el efecto de una carta de tu adversario y mandada al Cementerio: selecciona 1 carta que controle tu adversario ; Invoca esta carta de Modo Especial desde el Cementerio y, si lo haces, destruye ese objetivo .
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ja lore
| - このカードは魔法カード扱いとして手札から魔法&罠カードゾーンにセットできる。魔法&罠カードゾーンにセットされたこのカードが相手のカードの効果によって破壊され墓地へ送られたターンのエンドフェイズ時、このカードを墓地から特殊召喚し、相手フィールド上のカード1枚を選択して破壊する。
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| - The Silver Sentinel is the first boss you encounter in the Labyrinth. To get the key that unlocks the bridge you need to cross, you have to defeat him in battle.
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it lore
| - Puoi Posizionare questa carta dalla tua mano nella tua Zona Carte Magia & Trappola come una Carta Magia. Durante la End Phase del turno in cui questa carta Posizionata nella tua Zona Carte Magia & Trappola è stata distrutta dall'effetto di una carta dell'avversario e mandata al Cimitero: scegli come bersaglio 1 carta controllata dal tuo avversario ; Evoca Specialmente questa carta dal Cimitero e, se lo fai, distruggi quel bersaglio .
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| - You can Set this card from your hand to your Spell & Trap Card Zone as a Spell Card. During the End Phase of the turn this Set card in your Spell & Trap Card Zone was destroyed by an opponent's card effect and sent to the Graveyard: Target 1 card your opponent controls ; Special Summon this card from the Graveyard, and if you do, destroy that target .
pt lore
| - Você pode Baixar esta carta da sua mão para a sua Zona das Cartas Mágicas e Armadilhas como uma Carta Mágica. Durante a End Phase do turno em que esta carta estiver virada para baixo em sua Zona das Cartas Mágicas e Armadilha for destruída pelo efeito de uma carta do seu oponente e for enviada ao Cemitério: Selecione 1 carta que seu oponente controla; invoque por Invocação-Especial esta carta do seu Cemitério, e se você fizer isto, destrua a carta selecionada.
zh lore
| - 手卡中的此卡可以背面放置在自己场上的魔法·陷阱区域中。魔法·陷阱区域中的此卡被对方的卡的效果破坏并送去墓地时,那个回合的结束阶段,此卡从墓地中特殊召唤上场,并选择对方场上一张卡破坏掉。
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| - Ivy-Wrapped Cap
- Triton's Topper
- Reaper's Hood
- Hood of Hibernation
- Lightning-Charged Mantle
- Mantle of Thunder
- Promethean Hood
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trans name
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| - * Destroys your opponent's Monster Cards
* Destroys your opponent's Spell Cards
* Destroys your opponent's Trap Cards
| - Cyclops
- Leprechaun
- Sprite
- Centaur
- Seraph
- Heck Hound
- Locust Swarm
- Storm Shark
- Weakness
- Lifeblade
- Death Shield
- Life Trap
- Spirit Armor
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ko lore
| - 이 카드는 마법 카드로 취급하고 패에서 마법&함정 카드 존에 세트할 수 있다. 마법&함정 카드 존에 세트된 이 카드가 상대 카드의 효과에 의해서 파괴되어 묘지로 보내진 턴의 엔드 페이즈시, 이 카드를 묘지에서 특수 소환하고, 상대 필드 위의 카드 1장을 선택하여 파괴한다.
de lore
| - Du kannst diese Karte als Zauberkarte von deiner Hand in deine Zauber- & Fallenkartenzone setzen. Während der End Phase des Spielzugs, in dem diese gesetzte Karte in deiner Zauber- & Fallenkartenzone durch einen Karteneffekt deines Gegners zerstört und auf den Friedhof gelegt wurde: Wähle 1 Karte, die dein Gegner kontrolliert ; beschwöre diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung vom Friedhof und falls du dies tust, zerstöre das gewählte Ziel .
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| - Flaming Soup
- Golden Grapes
- Gummy Humongofrog
- Goat Cheese
- King Banana
| - Robe of Radiance
- Arboreal Robes
- Smock of the Frost Giant
- Verdant Vestment
- Raiment of the Raven
- Surcoat of Glory
- Vestment of the Spring
- Wrap of Equity
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fr lore
| - Vous pouvez Poser cette carte depuis votre main dans votre Zone Carte Magie & Piège comme une Carte Magie. Durant la End Phase du tour où cette carte Posée dans votre Zone Carte Magie & Piège a été détruite par un effet de carte de votre adversaire et envoyée au Cimetière : ciblez 1 carte contrôlée par votre adversaire ; Invoquez Spécialement cette carte depuis le Cimetière, et si vous le faites, détruisez la cible .
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effect types
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| - Blade of the Silver Sentinel
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| - Special Summons itself from your Graveyard
| - Dragonblood Dirk
- Searing Knife
- Dragon's Claw Blade
- Poniard of Vitality
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