| - Hauptstadt: Shark Bay Fläche: 423.970 km² Einwohner: es wurde noch nie eine Volkszählung durchgeführt Die Pacificans leben in etwa zu gleichen Teilen in den Staaten PA, CI, FI und CA Regierungsform: Autokratie Flagge: siehe rechts Höchster Punkt: 5.327 m Spucknicht ( aktiver Vulkan in FI ) Tiefster Punkt: - 73 m Tiefuntendrin ( ödes Tal in CI )
- Lumana'i, more commonly known as Pacifica, was a planet in the Hundred Worlds, settled by humans of Polynesian descent.
- パシフィカ大陸は惑星アルカディアに存在した6大陸の1つである。 UNSC殖民地であった同惑星はプロキオン星系にあった。が2531年の第1次アルカディア攻防戦並びに2549年の第2次アルカディア攻防戦によって完全に放棄された。
- Bei Pacifica handelt es sich um die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Sie stellt eine Unterwasser-Welt dar und beinhaltet mit einer Ausnahme nur Unterwasser-Level. Als Boss der Welt gilt der weibliche Lurchin Barbos. Ihr Level heißt Barbos Barriere. Ihren ursprünglichen Platz auf dem Gipfelgrat übernimmt Kroctopus, der Kampf gegen ihn spielt im Level Kroctopus Krush.
- Pacifica ist die siebte Welt im GBA-Remake von Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. Es ist eine Unterwasserwelt, die nur Wasser-Level enthält, mit Cliffside Blast existiert eine Ausnahme. Ihr Boss ist Barbos.
- Pacifica was created by Doitzstantinople in January 2008. It is a crossover alliance from Cybernations and is the direct offspring of the New Pacific Order. Pacifica follows Francoism, a philosophy founded by Francos Spain in Nation States. Pacifica is currently allied with Polaris in-game, and has several other alliances not officially listed on the "Country" page in-game. -Pacifica Forum: [1] -IRC Channel: irc://irc.coldfront.net/pce
- right|thumb|200px|Pacifica Planeta mayoritariamente oceánico, famoso por sus concurridas playas, lugar donde se dirigía el Enterprise-D en el año 2364 para una investigación científica cuando el Capitán Picard recibió una inquietante comunicación de su viejo amigo, el Capitán Walker Keel. Un año después, El Enterprise-D trasladó a ese planeta a un grupo de dignatarios antedeanos para evaluar el ingreso de su mundo a la Federación.
- Pacifica was a continent on Earth circa 200100, presumably based around the Pacific Ocean. In the Battle of the Game Station, Pacifica was bombed by the Dalek Fleet so ruthlessly it became unrecognisable in seconds. (TV: The Parting of the Ways)
- Pacifica is a world found exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. This world is water-themed. The bear Barnacle, who used to live in Lake Orangatanga, lives here in Pacifica. The boss of this area is Barbos.
- Like Good Knight Park, this park is an island, but this park does not have a medieval theme. The terrain itself is very uneven, making construction difficult. Another note is that since Vertigo Views had a goal of $8,000 in ride tickets, Wacky Warren had a goal of $9,000, and Icarus Park had a goal of $10,000, you'd expect this park to have a goal of $11,000 in ride tickets, but you'd be wrong.
- Pacifica is a world exclusive to the Game Boy Advance version of Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!. It is located where the Banana Bird Cave cache used to be. This world differs from the other worlds in Donkey Kong Country 3 because it has six levels instead of five.
- Pacifica was incorporated in 1957, relatively recently in history of San Mateo County, as the union of nine previously separate, unincorporated communities, including Edgemar, Sharp Park, Pacific Manor (or just Manor), Vallemar, Rockaway Beach, Pedro Point, and San Pedro Valley.
- Pacifica est une planète océanique, dont les eaux bleues chaudes et les plages blanches parfaites en font un bijou dans la galaxie.
- Pacifica is the name of a planet in multiple works of science fiction.
- It's 2020, the world superpowers resorted to nuclear warfare, plunging the world into darkness. Several groups survived the war and resorted to traveling to the once protected island of Pacifica, a island virtually untouched by mankind. Located in the South Pacific the island has a variety of ecosystems. Beneath its rich fertile soil is abundant amounts of natural resources ready to be tapped in and used to rebuild human civilization.
- Pacifica was one of the six continents on the planet Arcadia, a UEG colony in the Procyon system.
- Note: This is Just a code of Conduct, every man Got free will. Codigo De conducta --- Eticas Bushido Eticas del Bushido
* Las Siete virtudes
* 義 – Gi – Rectitud -> "solo existe lo correcto o el error, no medios tonos"
* 勇 – Yū – Corage -> "Esconderte en tu escudo no es forma de vida"
* 仁 – Jin – Benevolencia -> "Tu poder debe ser usado para el bien de todos"
* 礼 – Rei – Respect -> "Se gentil & respetuoso, hasta con tu enemigo"
* 誠 – Makoto - Honestidad -> "Dar tu palabra y hacer lo prometido, son una sola accion"
* 名誉 – Meiyo – Honor,Gloria -> "No puedes esconderte de ti mismo"
* 忠義 – Chūgi – Lealtad -> "Cuidado con el camino que elijes"
- De Enterprise-D was in 2364 voor een wetenschappelijke opdracht onderweg naar Pacifica, toen kapitein Jean-Luc Picard voor een geheime ontmoeting de koers wijzigde naar Dytallix B. De stop bij Pacifica kwam vanwege de daaropvolgende gebeurtenissen te vervallen. (TNG: "Conspiracy") In 2365 werd een conferentie gehouden waarop vergaderd werd over de toetreding van de Antedeans tot de Federatie. De Enterprise moest twee Antedean hoogwaardigheidsbekleders naar de planeet vervoeren, evenals ambassadeur Lwaxana Troi. (TNG: "Manhunt")
- planet name Class: Affiliation: Star system: Surface: Dominant species: Pacifica is the common name for a Class O oceanic planet in the Alpha Quadrant. A member of the Federation, Pacifica is known for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches, which make it "the jewel of the galaxy." Pacifica is home to a variety of sentient lifeforms, including the indigenous Selkie. Humans, Betazoids, Risans and other humanoid species have lived on the planet since it was colonized by the Federation. (Star Trek: Star Charts, Star Trek: Titan, Star Trek: Pendragon)
- As California seceded in 1930 to create the Nation of Hollywood, the people of Oregon and Washington began to consider their own options. As the other western states began the slide into what would become the Disputed Western Territories, the consideration became more urgent. With the collaspe of Canada, the choice became clear. Washington, Oregon and British Columbia formed the nation of Pacifica. Pacifica is also concerned with pirates operating out of Idaho, the Cascade and Olympic Mountains, and along the coast.
- V roce 2364 letěla na Pacifiku USS Enterprise 1701 D, kapitána Picarda ale přemluvil jeho přítel, kapitán Walter Keel z lodi USS Horatio k setkání na Dytallix B. Informacím o zvláštním chování velení Hvězdné flotily Picard nevěřil. Až do chvíle, kdy Enterprise narazila na trosky zničeného Horatia. Na Pacifiku už Enterprise nedoletěla, vrátila se k Zemi, aby odhalila infiltraci velení nepřátelským parazitním druhem. (TNG: "Conspiracy")
- Pacifica was an ocean planet and Federation Member State in the Taurus Reach region, in the Alpha Quadrant. It was the homeworld of the Selkie species and the location of a Federation colony. (ST reference: Star Charts; TTN novel: Orion's Hounds; VAN novel: Reap the Whirlwind) Pacifica was famed for its warm blue waters and fine beaches, considered to be a "jewel in the galaxy", and making it a popular tourist destination. Other attractions on Pacifica, include the vast underwater city of hi'Leyi'a. (TNG episode: "Conspiracy"; TTN novel: Taking Wing)
- thumb|Die Enterprise erreicht Pacifica. Der Planet Pacifica ist fast gänzlich vom Pacifica-Ozean bedeckt und befindet sich in der Nähe des Sektors 63. Der Planet ist – ähnlich wie Risa – ein beliebtes Ausflugsziel vieler Touristen und bietet vielfältige Erholungsmöglichkeiten. Zudem werden dort einige Konferenzen ausgetragen.
- Pacifica was an inhabited ocean planet, renowned for its warm blue waters and fine white beaches. Some considered it a jewel of the galaxy. It was a Federation planet. In 2364, the USS Enterprise-D was en route to Pacifica for a scientific mission when Captain Jean-Luc Picard diverted it to Dytallix B for a secret meeting. Picard canceled the visit to Pacifica due to ensuing events, causing the leader of the planet, Governor Delaplane, to contact Starfleet Command. (TNG: "Conspiracy" )
- Pacifica Pacifica is a series of eighteen islands that make up a lose confederation od island states. The confederation each has one representive that serves a life term. Each island has a king, queen, or count as a executive leader. Each island has it's own culture, language, sometimes religion, and Pacifica is a country only in name. The eighteen islands that make up the lose confederation of Pacifica are the following: