This Torkoal is a Fire-type Pokémon owned by Ash. It is the fourth Pokémon caught by Ash in the Hoenn region. It is also the fifth Pokémon on Ash's Hoenn team with Corphish, Treecko, and Taillow.
This Torkoal is a Fire-type Pokémon owned by Ash. It is the fourth Pokémon caught by Ash in the Hoenn region. It is also the fifth Pokémon on Ash's Hoenn team with Corphish, Treecko, and Taillow.
This Torkoal is a Fire-type Pokémon owned by Ash. It is the fourth Pokémon caught by Ash in the Hoenn region. It is also the fifth Pokémon on Ash's Hoenn team with Corphish, Treecko, and Taillow.