Aredhel is a Bosmer enforcer residing in Tel Branora. She is a member of House Telvanni, and has no unique dialogue.
Il nome Aredhel è di origine Sindarin e significa "Nobile Elfa". Il titolo Ar-Feiniel è anch'esso Sindarin e vuol dire "Bianca Dama". In Quenya essa era nota col nome di Irissë che significa "Dama Desiderabile".
Aredhel, also known as Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, the "White Lady of the Ñoldor", was the only daughter and third child of the Noldorin High-prince Fingolfin and his wife Anairë. Aredhel was the sister of Fingon, Turgon and Argon, and the mother of Maeglin.
Kategoria:Artykuły wymagające poprawy kategoriiAredhel – postać występująca w The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Jest to Bosmerka oraz członkini Rodu Telvanni. Mieszka w Tel Branorze. Jest ona także stróżem prawa.
Aredhel war die Ehefrau Karlains sowie die Mutter von Mardigan.
thumb|130px|AredhelAredhel, Sindarin: Edle Elbin auch Ar-Feiniel: Edle weiße Maid genannt war eine Noldorin-Elbin und Tochter Fingolfins. Sie nahm später Eol zum Gemahl und gebar ihren Sohn Maeglin.
Aredhel ist eine Bosmer in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind.