Ewww...those Pesky Ponies were carrying a stinky pickle! What do monsters need pickles for? If they are trying to make me sick to my stomach, it's working! Well, good job.
Great! Numbuh Five knew you were the real deal.
Defeat six Pesky Ponies to prevent them from attacking Genius Grove
Hey those critters dropped something. Bring it here so I can have a look.
I don't want to see them galloping into Genius Grove.
Nice work taking care of those Pesky Ponies. But they left something behind. Bring it to me so I can see it.
You did some nice work against those Pesky Ponies. But why did they have pickles? Yuck! Numbuh Five hates pickles!
Monsters are streaming in from Pokey Oaks North and threatening to invade Genius Grove. Numbuh Five doesn't like it. You think you could run some defense?
Look for the Pesky Ponies. Those little buggers are trouble.
We need to keep those creepy monsters in Pokey Oaks North from coming in to Genius Grove. Head to Pokey Oaks North and look for those Pesky Ponies.