| - thumb|200px|Convent in Amsterdam. De term convent heeft meerdere betekenissen onder andere klooster, vergadering en een gemeenschappelijke woning in tegenstelling met huis in een begijnhof. De term stamt uit het Latijn van conventus, samenkomst.
- A convent is a home for nuns in the Catholic Church. Usually an order will have a convent where its nuns may be secluded from society.
- Chercher "convent" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- The convent was the place where noble girls of Tortall were educated in the fifth century of the Human Era. The closest convent school to Alanna's home was located at the City of the Gods. Another convent school could be found in Rachia, and there were others scattered around the Eastern Lands. The daughters of the Great Mother Goddess looked after the girls and taught them things like court manners, magic (if the girl was Gifted), sewing and dancing, and how to manage a fief. Girls attended convent until they were fifteen or sixteen years old, when they would leave for the capital to find husbands. Younger sons of noble houses were sometimes also taught there in the use of magic or in the ways of religion, if they decided against following their older brothers to the royal palace. When th
| - thumb|200px|Convent in Amsterdam. De term convent heeft meerdere betekenissen onder andere klooster, vergadering en een gemeenschappelijke woning in tegenstelling met huis in een begijnhof. De term stamt uit het Latijn van conventus, samenkomst.
- A convent is a home for nuns in the Catholic Church. Usually an order will have a convent where its nuns may be secluded from society.
- Chercher "convent" sur dicod'Òc (dictionnaires en ligne sur le site du Congrès permanent de la lenga occitana)
- The convent was the place where noble girls of Tortall were educated in the fifth century of the Human Era. The closest convent school to Alanna's home was located at the City of the Gods. Another convent school could be found in Rachia, and there were others scattered around the Eastern Lands. The daughters of the Great Mother Goddess looked after the girls and taught them things like court manners, magic (if the girl was Gifted), sewing and dancing, and how to manage a fief. Girls attended convent until they were fifteen or sixteen years old, when they would leave for the capital to find husbands. Younger sons of noble houses were sometimes also taught there in the use of magic or in the ways of religion, if they decided against following their older brothers to the royal palace. When they got older, the boys were sent to the Mithran priests' cloisters for further education. Alanna of Trebond was supposed to have gone to convent school at the City of the Gods, but because she wanted to do more than just learn proper manners and how to be a lady, and instead wanted to become a knight. She changed places with her twin brother, Thom of Trebond, who went to the convent instead, and later to the cloisters to learn magic.