| - Take Back the News was founded by Emily Brandt in 2001. It began as a print project in an independent Boston-based newspaper in response to perceived misrepresentation of a highly publicized sexual assault. The goal was to provide victims of sexual assault a chance to tell the public what happened in their own words. The success of the first print project prompted the development of takebackthenews.net, so that the project could expand to communities around the country. Again, this website provided a forum for sexual assault survivors to tell their stories in a public forum in their own words. Several communities and campuses have sponsored and continue to sponsor local Take Back the News Print Projects, which replicate the format of the original print project. Take Back the News became an official non-profit organization in the summer of 2005. During that same summer, Emily’s three sisters, Maria Brandt, Laura Blasberg, and Julia Brandt, took on roles as Board Members of Take Back the News. In July 2006, Julia Wey joined the Board of Directors as well. The five women continue to collaborate on all aspects of the project and on the maintenance of the new website, takebackthenews.org.