| - This page is a list of all the characters in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga. Decriptions of the characters are on the bottom. NOTE: all characters are NOT playable on the Nintendo DS List of Characters Story/Purchased Characters Bonus Characters
* Qui-Gon Jinn * - Available at beginning of game One of the more venerable members of the Jedi Order, Qui-Gon Jinn has had a life much like any other Jedi Master. Despite his abilities and positive attitude, he was considered by many in the order as a maverick, often going against the will of the Council. Qui-Gon Jinn is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Obi-Wan Kenobi * - Available at beginning of game
* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Jedi Master) - After II-1
* Obi-Wan Kenobi (Episode III) - After III-2
* Ben Kenobi * - After IV-2 General Kenobi is one of the great heroes of the Clone Wars. Having started his life as most other Jedi going through his training, Obi-Wan grew up as Padawan to Qui-Gon Jinn, where he remained until Qui-Gon's death. He then became Master to Anakin Skywalker, until the end of the Clone Wars. After the rise of the Empire, he went into seclusion, where he observed Luke Skywalker, and began training him in the ways of the Jedi. These four different Obi-Wans are the Jedi at various stages of life, first as a Padawan under Qui-Gon, then as a Master before the Clone Wars, then his shorter hair during the Clone Wars, then finally his gray hair look late in his life. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* TC-14 * - After I-1 A simple silver-colored protocol droid in the service of the Trade Federation, it was TC-14 who escorted Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan to the conference room when they arrived aboard the Federation's flagship. TC-14 is a protocol droid. Her disabilites are a lack of weapon and a lack of jump. She also cannot manipulate anything. She will not be targeted by enemies, however. It's worth noting that when protocol droids takes damage, they will continue to lose pieces of themselves. This does not affect abilities, but it's kinda funny. Abilities: Protocol Access (B or Z at a Threepio panel, opens doors, etc.) ---
* Jar Jar Binks * - After I-2 A rather accident-prone Gungan, Jar Jar was recently banished from the city of Otoh Gunga following an accident due to his clumsiness. Despite his character traits, he became a General in the Gungan Army, and later the ambassador of the Gungans to the Senate. Jar Jar is a Gungan non-combatant. He cannot attack, but he can still build and pull levers. Also, he does have the ability to jump higher than most other characters. Abilities: High Double Jump (press A twice) ---
* Queen Amidala * - After I-3
* Padmé (Battle) * - After I-5
* Padmé (Geonosis) * - After II-3
* Padmé (Clawed) * - After II-4 Padmé Naberrie was raised among the nobles of Naboo, eventually becoming their elected queen at the age of fourteen and taking her name of state, Amidala. Once her term had ended, she stayed in the political spotlight as the representative of Naboo in the Senate. It was then that she fell in love with the Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, and gave birth to twins, Luke and Leia, dying shortly thereafter. These four are the same character with a costume change. The first is the odd ornamental red dress of the Naboo Queen, then a simple red combat outfit, then her white outfit from the second movie, then her torn outfit after being attacked by the Nexu on Geonosis. Padmé is an experienced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps, followed by a hair flip) ---
* Captain Panaka * - After I-3 Panaka is the chief of security tasked specifically with protecting the Naboo royalty. He accompanies her throughout the Naboo/Trade Federation incident, then stays behind to protect the new Queen Jamillia once Padmé's term expired. Panaka is an experienced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) ---
* R2-D2 * - After I-5 (or II-3, or III-2, or IV-1, or V-4, or VI-1) Everyone's favorite astromech droid began (we imagine) his programming as a repair droid on a Naboo Star Cruiser. He's been a surprisingly large number of places for a droid: Naboo, Tatooine, Coruscant, Geonosis, the Death Star, Yavin IV, Hoth, Dagobah, Bespin, Endor. He's also the only droid to know EVERYTHING that went on in the Star Wars movies. It's a shame he only speaks in bleeps/bloops. Artoo is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. He also cannot manipulate anything. However, Artoo will not generally be targeted by enemy fire. Abilities: Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance) Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi) Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.) ---
* Anakin Skywalker (Boy) * - After I-5 Born a slave on Tatooine, Anakin lived his young life in the service of Gardulla the Hutt, then later Watto the Toydarian. Anakin was raised by his mother, and thus he is very attached to her. At his mother's urging, he helps Qui-Gon and his companions fix their damaged ship and leaves with them for Coruscant, then later Naboo, where he is instrumental in the victory. As a boy, Anakin is a non-combatant shortie. He has no weapon, but can jump and manipulate things. Abilities: Crawl (press Z near a vent) ---
* R4-P17 * - After II-2 R4 is an astromech droid like most others. She accompanied Obi-Wan on his mission to Kamino, and later Geonosis. She also participated in the Battle of Coruscant, but did not survive. R4 is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. She also cannot manipulate anything. However, she will not generally be targeted by enemy fire. Abilities: Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance) Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi) Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.) ---
* Anakin Skywalker (Padawan) * - After II-3
* Anakin Skywalker (Jedi) * - After III-2 Despite being too old for formal acceptance into the Jedi Temple, Anakin was trained to be a Jedi under Obi-Wan Kenobi, where he excelled at using his powerful connection to the Force. Soon after the outset of the Clone Wars, he was anointed as a Jedi Knight and became one of the Clone Wars' greatest heroes. Anakin's two costumes are for his different looks between the two movies where he was an adult. First his Padawan robes, then his darker Jedi robes from Episode III. Grown-up Anakin Skywalker is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* C-3PO * - After II-3 (or IV-1, or V-2, or VI-1) This fussy protocol droid began his programming on Tatooine, in Anakin Skywalker's house. He spent his early years helping with chores and farming, until collected by Anakin to travel to Geonosis. He's suffered a memory wipe following the rise of the Empire, so remembers little before his tenure on the Tantive IV. Threepio is a protocol droid. His disabilites are a lack of weapon and a lack of jump. He also cannot manipulate anything. Like Artoo, though, he will not be targeted by enemies. It's worth noting that when Threepio takes damage, he'll continue to lose pieces of himself. This does not affect his abilities, but it's kinda funny. Abilities: Protocol Access (B or Z at a Threepio panel, opens doors, etc.) ---
* Mace Windu * - After II-4 One of the more prominent and talented members of the Jedi Council, Master Mace Windu has been touted as one of the finest lightsaber combatants in history. He personally gathered a team of Jedi to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi from Geonosis. Mace Windu is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Yoda * - After II-6 (or III-4, or V-4) One of the most renowned Jedi Masters in the galaxy. Yoda's species is still unknown. A master of lightsaber combat and use of the Force, Yoda has seen much in his 900 years of life, but can he handle a headstrong farmboy, son of the Chosen One? Yoda is an Old Jedi. His normal walk is very slow. When his saber is ignited, he gains speed. Note that he does not have the "hover seat" that he had in LEGO Star Wars I. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Chancellor Palpatine * - After III-2 The Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic is a position of moderator and diplomat. During Palpatine's term, however, he began to exert far more control than his station warranted. More power came to him, still, after he was granted emergency powers for the purpose of war. Chancellor Palpatine is a non-combatant. He can still build and pull levers, but he can't attack. ---
* Commander Cody * - After III-3 One of the millions of clones employed by the Republic to combat the Trade Federation, Cody is a command unit meant to lead. He assists Obi-Wan Kenobi on Utapau after he chases General Grievous there, for a time, anyway. Cody is a basic gunner. Mockups of him (clones with shoulder pads) also appear as enemies in one mission, where they have two hearts. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) ---
* Chewbacca * - After III-4 (or IV-3, or V-2, or VI-1) While he started his life in peace on Kashyyyk, war came to his planet, and he rose up along his Wookiee brothers to fight. Following the war, he was captured into slavery. He was then freed by Han Solo, who he then owed a life-debt to. He stands as his partner's conscience and muscle. He's also an exceedingly skilled mechanic, and a good friend. Just don't make him mad. Chewbacca is an experienced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (pulls the arms of his enemy if they can be beat in one hit, otherwise punches) ---
* Princess Leia * - After IV-1
* Princess Leia (Hoth) * - After V-2
* Princess Leia (Bespin) * - After V-6
* Princess Leia (Boussh) * - After VI-1
* Princess Leia (Endor) * - After VI-3 Adopted in infancy by the Royal House of Alderaan, and given the name Leia Organa, this firebrand grew up in luxury, but became the Senator to Alderaan and a vital member of the Rebel Alliance. When she was exposed as a member, she became one of the most popular beacons of hope for the Alliance, with her charm, charisma, and ferocity. These five Leias are all the same character with a costume change. The original being her white senatorial robe (or pantsuit), Hoth being a more bundled up affair, Bespin involves her with longer hair and a tan costume, and Endor in forest camo greens. Boussh is her dressed up as an Ubesian bounty hunter in order to infiltrate Jabba's Palace. Yes. Read that again. In LSW:CS, Leia (Boussh) is NOT a bounty hunter. She's just a gunner like everyone else. She will only get bounty hunter abilities in Jabba's Palace with the hat. Leia is an experienced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps) ---
* Captain Antilles * - After IV-1
* Rebel Friend * - After IV-1 His first mission (when we saw him chronologically) was to give C-3PO a memory wipe. Antilles is the captain of the Tantive IV (and no relation to Wedge Antilles). He met his end about twenty years after that first mission at the hands (literally) of Darth Vader. The Rebel Friend is just a red- shirted (poor guy) version of Antilles. The Rebels are basic gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) ---
* Luke Skywalker (Tatooine) * - After IV-2
* Luke Skywalker (Stormtrooper) * - After IV-4
* Luke Skywalker (Pilot) * - After V-4 This farmboy from Tatooine grew up dreaming of flying the stars, and was always jealous when his friend Biggs would come home with stories of adventures. He got his wish when he lost his adopted uncle and aunt to the Empire. These three Lukes are the same character with a costume change. The first is his simple desert outfit from Tatooine. The second is a stolen suit of stormtrooper armor, and the third is his Rebel pilot jumpsuit. Luke (pre-Jedi) is a master gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) ---
* Han Solo * - After IV-3
* Han Solo (Stormtrooper) * - After IV-4
* Han Solo (Hoth) * - After V-2
* Han Solo (Skiff) * - After VI-1
* Han Solo (Endor) * - After VI-4 A Corellian smuggler wise in the ways of the galaxy and the almighty Credit. Han Solo is a cocky fellow living the life of a freelance. He'll soon find himself swept up in the Galactic Civil War, taking sides with the Rebel Alliance. The five Hans are the same character with a costume change. The first is his white shirt and black vest. The second is a suit of stolen stormtrooper armor. The third is his heavy blue jacket he wears on Hoth. The fourth is a basic white shirt. The fifth is his basic outfit with green camos. Han Solo is a master gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) ---
* Luke Skywalker (Dagobah) * - After V-4
* Luke Skywalker (Bespin) * - After V-5
* Luke Skywalker (Jedi) * - After VI-1 Having realized his destiny as a Jedi, Luke takes up his father's lightsaber and is ready to be the shining light of the Force to stand against the Empire. These three Lukes are the same character with costume changes. The first is brief training clothes with a backpack. The second is a simple light- colored outfit. The last is black Jedi robes and a green lightsaber. Luke (Jedi) is... a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) Force Choke (hold down Z while focused on a Gamorrean) ---
* Lando Calrissian * - After V-6
* Lando (Palace Guard) * - After VI-2 This scoundrel has had many occupations in his life, from gambler, to smuggler, to Baron-Administrator of Cloud City. He's always in the mood for a good deal, generally regardless of the party involved. Like Solo, he'll also end up throwing his chips in with the Alliance. Lando's normal costume is his Bespin Baron garb. The second costume has a helmet which obscures his roguish features. Lando is a master gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of kicks and a super uppercut) ---
* Princess Leia (Slave) * - After VI-2 After being captured by Jabba, Leia is placed in a rather brief costume. It's not too different from her other setups, except in one key area. Leia (Slave) is an experienced gunner (sort of). Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dance (hold down Z, doesn't do anything, but sure looks hot, eh?) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of face-slaps) ---
* Wicket * - After VI-4 Wicket Wystri Warrick is an Ewok from the forest moon of Endor. Although a simple hunter-gatherer, Wicket is plagued by an intense curiosity of foreign objects and people. Wicket is an Ewok. Abilities: Slingshot (main weapon, travels in an arc) Crawl (press Z near a vent) ---
* Darth Vader * - After VI-5 or A New Hope bonus mission One of the most terrifying symbols of the Empire's power, Darth Vader was the Emperor's personal envoy throughout the galaxy, and his apprentice in the dark side of the Force. Dressed in black armor, cape, and a skull helmet, Vader struck fear in his enemies and allies alike. Darth Vader is a Sith. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) Force Choke (hold down Z while focused on an enemy) Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle) ======================= 11B. Extra Characters = ======================= All these characters must be bought from the bar. ---
* Gonk Droid * - Available at the beginning (3000) The EG-6 Power Droid is an ungainly-looking machine. Basically a box on two stubby legs, the Gonk is nonetheless an important part of starships, as it can create and store incredible amounts of power. The Gonk Droid is a non-combatant. Further, they have no abilities, cannot jump, and walk very slowly. ---
* PK Droid * - Available at the beginning (1500) The PK series are simple worker droids. They are very cheap models and can easily be bought in bulk. The Trade Federation employed a large number of them for maintenance on their many ships. The PK Droid is a non-combatant. While faster than the Gonk Droid, they still cannot attack or jump, and have no abilities. Like most non-combatant droids, though, most enemies will ignore them. ---
* Battle Droid * - After I-1 (6,500)
* Battle Droid (Security) * - After I-1 (8,500)
* Battle Droid (Commander) * - After I-1 (10,000)
* Battle Droid (Geonosis) * - After II-3 (8,500) Battle droids are typical droids designed for combat, and heavily employed by the Trade Federation. The simplest droids are the B1 series, which are capable of little more than attacking their enemies. The more advanced predecessors, the OOM series, are programmed with more strategy and intellect, and are capable of more complex tasks such as security or command. The four battle droid types are mostly the same. The first is the standard droid from Episode I, the second is the type with red markings used for security, the third is the type with yellow markings used for command (they can take two hits as enemies), and the last is the more reddish type used on Geonosis. Battle Droids are droid gunners. They cannot jump or manipulate anything, but they can fight back. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Walkie Talkie (Commander Only) (press Z, does nothing) ---
* Droideka * - After I-1 (40,000) One of the more feared sights in the Trade Federation army, Droidekas are fast, deadly, and resilient. They travel by curling themselves up in a wheel, then unfold upon reaching their destination, where they will deploy personal shield generators and twin blaster cannons. When fought as enemies, their shields take about six or so hits (or one down-stab with a saber), and their bodies take another three hits. Droidekas are rather unique. Like other droids, they cannot jump or interact with the environment, but they're formidable fighters, as their shields allow them to take several hits and their blasters are lethal. Abilities: Twin Blasters (main weapon) ---
* Captain Tarpals * - After I-2 (17,500) Tarpals is the leader of the security forces of Otoh Gunga, and a fine warrior in his own right. He stood beside Jar Jar Binks in the Battle of Naboo among the rest of the Gungan Army. Tarpals is a Gungan Warrior. He has the high jump of Jar Jar, but he's not a total wuss, bringing his spear and shield into battle. However, he has nothing much to attack with besides a basic triple standing attack. Abilities: Spear and Shield (main weapons) High Double Jump (presss A twice) ---
* Boss Nass * - After I-2 (15,000) Rugor Nass is an Ankura Gungan, the current leader of the Gungan people of Otoh Gunga at the time of the Battle of Naboo. While he generally holds to the Gungan tradition of remaining separate from outside peoples, in the end he pledges the support of his people in fighting the Trade Federation. Boss Nass is a non-combatant. He can only jump, build, and pull levers. ---
* Royal Guard * - After I-3 (10,000) Members of the Royal Security Force on Naboo, dedicated to protecting the Queen and the nobility. Royal Guard are experienced gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) ---
* Padmé * - After I-3 (20,000) Padmé in her blue handmaiden outfit from Episode I. See Padmé for more info. ---
* Watto * - After I-4 (16,000) This Toydarian runs a junk shop in Mos Espa on Tatooine. Ever the gambler, Watto often bets on podraces, and sometimes even asks his young slave, Anakin Skywalker, to participate in them. Watto is a unique character. Similar to a Geonosian, he can fly, and his weapon is a simple zapper. Abilities: Zapper (main weapon, disables anything but Jedi for a few seconds) Fly (press A twice to hover in midair) ---
* Pit Droid * - After I-4 (4,000) The DUM-series droids are used in light repair and construction. Watto and several podrace owners maintain small numbers of these droids for use in their work. Pit Droids are non-combatants. They can do nothing apart from walk around, much like the PK Droid. ---
* Darth Maul * - After I-6 (60,000) A Zabrak from the planet Iridoinia, Maul was taken in early childhood by Darth Sidious and trained in the ways of the Sith. He was trained to be nothing more than a tool of his master, and acted accordingly, performing assassinations and other dirty work when his master wasn't free to move around. Darth maul is a Sith. While he does have his trademark lightsaber, it doesn't make him that much different from other saber-users, apart from a different moveset. Abilities: Double-bladed lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Zam Wesell * - After II-1 (27,500) One of the galaxy's few Clawdites, Zam Wesell is a shape-shifting bounty hunter. She tends to assume the form of a human woman. She is known for often partnering with the Mandalorian, Jango Fett. Zam is a bounty hunter (huntress). Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Dexter Jettster * - After II-1 (10,000) A Besalisk originating from the planet Ojom, Dexter is a cook who owns a diner in Coruscant. He's spent a lot of time in several less than legal jobs throughout the galaxy. As such, he knows a lot more about the galaxy's ways than most. Dexter is a non-combatant (which is a shame with those four big arms). He can jump, build, and pull levers. ---
* Clone * - After II-2 (13,000)
* Clone (Episode III) * - After III-4 (10,000)
* Clone (Episode III, Pilot) * - After III-4 (11,000)
* Clone (Episode III, Swamp) * - After III-4 (12,000)
* Clone (Episode III, Walker) * - After III-4 (12,000)
* Disguised Clone * - After III-5 (12,000) Modeled off of bounty hunter Jango Fett, the Clone Army was developed by the Kaminoans under the order of Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas. Superior to droids in almost every way, the Clones were created to be the perfect soldiers: skilled and obedient, yet being able to reason on their own. All Clones are the same, mostly with slight costume changes. The first is the Clones as they appear in Episode II. The next four are varied forms of Clones based on their affiliation. The last one is something that wasn't seen in the films: Clones dressed in Jedi cloaks to trick Jedi into letting their guard down. All Clones are experienced Imperial gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle) ---
* Lama Su * - After II-2 (9,000)
* Taun We * - After II-2 (9,000) The Kaminoans have hard lives on Kamino. After an ice age almost drove their species to extinction, they focused on science, specifically genetics and cloning, to keep themselves from dying out. This is the reason that Kamino is so well-known for its cloning proficiency and efficiency. Lama Su and Taun We are both non-combatants. All they can do is jump, build, and pull levers. ---
* Geonosian * - After II-3 (20,000) The dominant species on the rocky planet Geonosis are a hardy and insect- like species. They live in hives in their mountain home. Considered a barbaric race, they enjoy public displays of combat and violence. Geonosians are unique gunners. Abilities: Geonosian Blaster (main weapon) Fly (press A twice to hover in midair) ---
* Super Battle Droid * - After II-4 (25,000) The B2 series of battle droid is well-known for being far more deadly than its predecessor, with better armor and armament. They were deployed in service to the CIS at the beginning of the Clone Wars. Super Battle Droids are droid gunners. They cannot jump or interact with the environment. As enemies, Supers take three hits to destroy. Abilities: Hand Blaster (main weapon) ---
* Jango Fett * - After II-4 (70,000) A talented bounty hunter from Concord Dawn, Jango Fett began his career as a member of the mercenary unit, the Mandalorians. After they were wiped out, Jango continued on his own. He was chosen as the template from which the Clone Army would be conceived. Jango is a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Abilities: Dual Blaster Pistols (main weapon) Jetpack (press A while in the air to activate the jetpack, which allows you to hover for a time; press A again to drop to the ground) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches and kicks) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Boba Fett (Boy) * - After II-4 (5,500) Jango Fett, besides his pay, made one request of those who would make him as the template of the Clone Army: one clone, unaltered, which he would treat as his son, who grew up learning much from his father. Young Boba Fett is a non-combatant shortie. He has no weapon, but can jump and interact with the environment. Abilities: Crawl (press Z near a vent) ---
* Luminara * - After II-4 (28,000) Luminara Unduli is a Mirialan Jedi Master. She was part of the platoon gathered by Mace Windu used to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. Luminara is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Ki-Adi Mundi * - After II-4 (30,000) A Cerean Jedi Master, and a member of the Jedi Council, Ki-Adi is one of the few Jedi allowed to marry and have a family, as his species is known for a very small birth rate. Ki-Adi Mundi is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Kit Fisto * - After II-4 (35,000) A Nautolan Jedi Master, Kit was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. He's a generally positive and laid-back Jedi. Kit Fisto is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Shaak Ti * - After II-4 (36,000) A Togrutan Jedi Master, Shaak Ti was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. She also served on the Jedi Council. She is reportedly one of the few Jedi to survive the Great Jedi Purge (despite having two unused death scenes filmed for her for Episode III). Shaak Ti is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Aayla Secura * - After II-4 (37,000) A Twi'lek Jedi Knight, Aaylas'ecura was part of the platoon Mace Windu gathered to rescue Obi-Wan Kenobi. Aayla is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Plo Koon * - After II-4 (39,000) The Kel Dor Jedi Master, and member of the Jedi Council, Plo Koon was considered one of the more powerful Jedi, having incredible telekinetic powers and the judgement to use Force Lightning, although never to harm sapients. Plo Koon is a Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Count Dooku * - After III-2 (100,000) Dooku of Serenno was one of the twenty Jedi who had walked away from the Jedi Order during his life to pursue other goals. Unfortunately, his goal was involved with overthrowing the corrupt Republic, as he created the Confederacy of Independent Systems. He led the CIS against the Republic during the Clone Wars. Dooku is a Sith. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles) Force Lightning (hold down Z while focused on an enemy) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) ---
* Grievous' Bodyguard * - After III-2 (42,000) The IG-100 MagnaGuard is an advanced battle droid designed to be the bodyguards of General Grievous. They stand two meters tall and wield electrostaffs with rather deadly skill. They were created to be used against the Jedi. Bodyguards are unique melee combatants. Their electrostaffs allow them to cross swords with Jedi. They also have a very high single jump, and the ability to perform a down-stab, much like Jedi. Abilities: Electrostaff (main weapon) High Jump (press A) ---
* General Grievous * - After III-3 (70,000) Born Qymaen jai Sheelal, a Kaleesh warlord, Grievous assumed his current cyborg form after a shuttle crash. He is the Supreme Commander of the droid armies of the CIS. He is also a formidable combatant, trained by Dooku in the ways of the lightsaber. He holds one saber in each of his four arms, trophies he has taken from fallen Jedi. Grevious is a unique melee combatant. He has lightsabers (yes, four), but no Force powers. However, he does have a very high double jump. Abilities: Quad Lightsabers (main weapons) High Double Jump (press A twice) ---
* Wookiee * - After II-4 (16,000) See Chewbacca for info on him and his species. ---
* Mace Windu (Episode III) * - After III-5 (38,000) Mace Windu in his Episode III outfit. See Mace Windu. ---
* Rebel Trooper * - After IV-1 (10,000)
* Rebel Trooper (Hoth) * - After V-2 (16,000)
* Rebel Pilot * - After V-2 (15,000) See Captain Antilles. These are just different models of Rebels; one with a blue shirt, one in white Hoth warms, and one in a pilot jumpsuit. ---
* Stormtrooper * - After IV-1 (10,000)
* Sandtrooper * - After IV-3 (14,000)
* Beach Trooper * - After IV-4 (20,000)
* Death Star Trooper * - After IV-4 (19,000)
* TIE Fighter Pilot * - After IV-4 (21,000)
* Snowtrooper * - After V-2 (16,000) Once clones under the Republic Army, the rank and file Imperial soldier opened its doors up to enlistment later on in the history of the Empire. Dressed in bright white armor and a menacing helmet, stormtroopers are remarkably easy to kill even with all that on. The DS Trooper and TIE Fighter Pilot are unique in that as enemies they have two hearts. There are four models of the stormie. The first is the standard. The second has a big backpack to supply for the desert. The third is a blue swimsuit- clad trooper (and helmet), not nearly as creepy as the Speedo guys. The fourth is a streamlined model for use in snowy areas. The Death Star Trooper is assigned to specific part of the DS for control work, and the TIE Fighter Pilot should be obvious. Troopers are Imperial gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Imperial Shuttle Pilot * - After IV-1 (25,000)
* Imperial Officer * - After IV-4 (28,000) These suits are the "upper class" of the Imperial soldiers. They're assigned to more specific tasks than just milling about and getting killed. However, they act roughly the same. They have two hearts as enemies. Officers are experienced Imperial gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Tusken Raider * - After IV-2 (23,000) Also known as "Sandpeople", these creatures rove the deserts of Tatooine. They're a scavenging people, but they do have a rich culture. Tuskens are basic gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (rifle butt) ---
* Jawa * - After IV-2 (24,000) Also a scavenging people, but they're less inclined to kill and more inclined to just run off with stuff. They always wear their hooded robes. Jawas are shorties. Abilities: Zapper (main weapon, disables anything but Jedi for a few seconds) Crawl (press Z next to vents) ---
* Greedo * - After IV-3 (60,000) Greedo was a cocky young Rodian, blinded by his species rich history of being successful bounty hunters. He was skilled, but not as much as Han Solo. Greedo is a bounty hunter. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Imperial Spy * - After IV-3 (13,500) His name is Garindan. He's a Kabuz spy stationed on Tatooine. Also known as "Long-Snoot". He tips off the Imperials to "those two droids". Imperial Spy is a non-combatant. He cannot attack, but can jump, build, and pull levers. Abilities: Walkie Talkie (press Z, doesn't do anything) ---
* Grand Moff Tarkin * - After IV-4 (38,000) The ruler of the Empire's Outer Rim territories, Wilhuff Tarkin was a man of vast ambition. He was the overseer of construction and acting commander of the Death Star. Tarkin is an experienced Imperial Gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Han Solo (Hood) * - After V-2 (20,000) Han Solo in his winter wear. See Han Solo. ---
* Luke Skywalker (Hoth) * - After V-2 (14,000) Luke in his Hoth uniform. See Luke Skywalker (non-Jedi). ---
* Lobot * - After V-5 (11,000) The aide and de facto administrator of Cloud City, Lobot was once a pirate before being forced into a contract and becoming a cyborg, attached to the city's central computer. Lobot is a melee fighter. Abilities: Melee Attack (a series of punches, followed by a headbutt) ---
* Ugnaught * - After V-5 (36,000) Small humanoids known for their tiresome work ethic, Ugnaughts are known as excellent miners throughout the galaxy, many having found their way to Bespin. Ugnaughts are shorties. Abilities: Zapper (main weapon, disables anyone but Jedi for a few seconds) Crawl (press Z next to vents) ---
* Bespin Guard * - After V-5 (15,000) A volunteer force from the ranks of Bespin's citizenry, these guards have been trained to defend Cloud City in the event of ruckus or invasion. The Bespin Guard is an advanced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of kicks) ---
* Princess Leia (Prisoner) * - After V-5 (22,000) Leia in less of her Bespin costume. See Princess Leia. ---
* Gamorrean Guard * - After VI-1 (40,000) Large porcine beings from the planet Gamorr, these brutes are known for their great strength and warrior natures. Jabba the Hutt obtained a tribe of these folk as guards for his palace. As enemies, they have two hearts. Gamorreans are unique melee fighters. They have a triple combo much like lightsabers do, and they can block using the axes. Also, after jumping in the air, they have a jump slam attack similar to the Jedi's double jump down- stab, in that it makes an small explosion of energy. Abilities: Vibro-ax (main weapon) ---
* Bib Fortuna * - After VI-1 (16,000) This ambitious Twi'lek has served as Jabba's majordomo for many years, but he secretly yearns to usurp his master's power. Bib Fortuna is a melee fighter. Abilities: Melee attack (a series of punches, then kicks) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Palace Guard * - After VI-1 (14,000)
* Skiff Guard * - After VI-2 (12,000) In addition to the Gamorreans, Jabba also maintains a contigent of guards of varying species, from human to Nikto. Jabba's Guards are basic gunners. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) ---
* Bossk * - After VI-1 (75,000) A ferocious and well-known Trandoshan, Bossk has earned a nasty reputation for himself over his life. Being a member of a species who are lifelong enemies of the Wookiees, Bossk is far more interested in Chewbacca's pelt than Han Solo. Bossk is a bounty hunter. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Boba Fett * - After VI-2 (100,000) One of the galaxy's most feared bounty hunters, and the clone son of another legend, Boba Fett wears the armor of the feared warriors of Mandalore. He rarely speaks and is ruthlessly efficient. Boba Fett is a Mandalorian bounty hunter. Abilities: High-powered Blaster Rifle (main weapon, does double damage) Jetpack (press A while in the air to activate the jetpack, which allows you to hover for a time; press A again to drop to the ground) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches and kicks) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* Ewok * - After VI-4 (34,000) See Wicket. This is just an Ewok with a brown hood instead of a red one. ---
* Imperial Guard * - After VI-5 (46,000) A special cadre of gifted soldiers with sworn allegiance to the Emperor, these red-robed enforcers are armed with force pikes and are dangerous foes. As enemies, they have four hearts. Guards are unique melee fighters. They have a triple attack combo as Jedi do. Abilities: Force Pike (main weapon) Dive (press B while in the air, does no damage) Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle) ---
* The Emperor * - After VI-5 (275,000) Emperor Palpatine, also known as Darth Sidious, is probably one of the most evil and ruthless beings in galactic history. He rose from being a simple diplomat to ruler of the galaxy, and nearly succeeded in bringing about the complete extinction of the Jedi. The Emperor is a Sith. His double jump has a slightly higher reach than any other Jedi/Sith's, so it may be easier to reach higher canisters with him. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Sith Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with red sparkles) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) Force Lightning (hold down Z while focused on an enemy) Imperial Access (press Z on a white circle) ---
* Admiral Ackbar * - After VI-6 (33,000) One of the greatest tactical geniuses of the Rebel Alliance, Ackbar was once a peace-loving Mon Calamari much like the rest of his people, until the Empire enslaved his race. He and his people then used their starship technology to recreate their space-going ferries into machines of war, with frightening results. Ackbar is an advanced gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Dive Roll (press A twice to roll and avoid fire, at the end of the roll press B for three quick shots) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) ---
* IG-88 * - After VI-6 (100,000) An assassin droid meant to be the next generation of killing machines, IG-88's creators made a horrible blunder by accidentally giving their masterpiece sentience. IG-88 went on to become a fearsome and emotionless bounty hunter. IG-88 is a droid bounty hunter. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a punch, kick, then a detach-head-and-slam) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) Protocol Access (press Z at a Threepio panel) Astromech Access (press Z at an Artoo panel) ---
* Dengar * - After VI-2 (70,000) Dengar is a Corellian who partially owes his current sad state to Han Solo, who bested him in a swoop race, leaving him horribly injured. His recovery led to his becoming a bounty hunter with almost no emotion. Dengar is a bounty hunter. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) ---
* 4-LOM * - After VI-2 (45,000) 4-LOM is a former protocol droid who had a mishap with his programming when he reasoned his way into thievery, and then later into becoming a bounty hunter. He partnered with the Gand Zuckuss, but seems to be without him in this game. 4-LOM is a droid bounty hunter. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon, does double damage) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Thermal Detonator (press Z to throw an exploding grenade) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (a series of punches, then a spinning arm attack) Bounty Hunter Access (press Z on a green circle) Protocol Access (press Z at a Threepio panel) Astromech Access (press Z at an Artoo panel) ---
* Ben Kenobi (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,100,000)
* Anakin Skywalker (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,000,000)
* Yoda (Ghost) * - After VI-6 (1,200,000) One of the greatest Force abilities ever known, developed by Qui-Gon Jinn, is the ability to linger after one's death as a specter, able to continue to communicate with the land of the living, even if they cannot interact physically. Qui-Gon taught the ability to Yoda after his own death, who then taught it to Obi-Wan. It is assumed that Anakin developed this ability on his own. These guys are ghost Jedi. Abilities: Lightsaber (main weapon) Double Jump (press A twice) Force (hold down Z while focused on an object with blue sparkles) Mind Trick (press Z while focused on a non-droid enemy to stun them for a few moments) Force Push (hold down Z while focused on a droid) Invincibility (cannot be harmed and will not lose studs from a fall, can still be shot out of vehicles, though) Invisibility (enemies will not interact with a ghost Jedi) ---
* R2-Q5 * - After VI-6 (100,000) Well, I don't know why they brought this guy in, because there's really no story behind him apart from him being present on board the second Death Star when it was destroyed. R2-Q5 is an astromech. The disabilities of an astromech are a lack of weapon. He also cannot manipulate anything. However, he will not generally be targeted by enemy fire. Abilities: Hover (hold down A, very little height, but long distance) Zap (press B, disables most anything for a small time except for Jedi) Astromech Access (Z at an Artoo panel, opens doors, etc.) ---
* Indiana Jones * - View the trailer in the Bonus section (50,000) Dr. Henry "Indiana" Jones, Jr. is a renowned archaeologist and adventurer. He searches the world for ancient relics in the 1930's, ever evading the Nazi menace. In this game, he's simply a bonus character, as the next LEGO game by Traveller's Tales will be LEGO Indiana Jones. Dr. Jones is an experienced gunner. Abilities: Revolver (main weapon) Dodge (press B at incoming fire) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Melee Attack (the whip!) ======================== 11C. Vehicles/Minikits = ======================== Vehicles are largely very similar. Their blasters do the same amount of damage, and their manuvering and speed capabilities are pretty much the same. There are some exceptions, though, as I'll address. Unless otherwise specified, all craft have blasters, carry three torpedoes, and can perform acrobatics. ---
* Anakin's Pod * - After I-4 Anakin Skywalker's homebrew podracer was cobbled together by the boy at the age of nine. Using his technical prowess, Anakin was able to craft a podracer of amazing speed. While podracers have no armaments, they do have a higher top speed than most craft, although it's not particularly noticable. Attributes: High speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Naboo Starfighter * - After Anakin's Flight Bonus Mission, Minikit I-5 The Royal N-1 Starfighter was employed by the Naboo government as a craft to be used for defense, patrol, and escort. The chromium finish on the front marks it as a craft specifically in service of the Royal House. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Anakin's Speeder * - After II-1 The XJ-6 Airspeeder is a custom-built airspeeder that was owned by Senator Simon Greyshade. Anakin "commandeered" this speeder for his chase of Zam Wesell through the skyways of Coruscant. While the "real" XJ-6 was a simple pleasure craft, this version is pretty much a standard fighter. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Republic Gunship * - After II-5, Minikit II-4 The Low Altitude Assault Transport/infantry (LAAT/i) was a gunship employed by the Grand Army of the Repbuilc, often as air support for ground troops. It was crafted by Rothana Heavy Engineering, as part of its efforts to support the Republic in the coming war. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics Tow Cable ---
* Jedi Starfighter (Yellow) * - After III-1, Minikit III-3
* Jedi Starfighter (Red) * - After III-1 The Eta-2 Actis-class light interceptor, also known as the "Jedi interceptor" was one of the primary ships used by the Jedi in the later years of the Clone Wars. Both Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker piloted one in the Battle of Coruscant. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* X-Wing * - After IV-6, Minikit V-4 The Incom T-65 Space Superiority Star Fighter is still a popular piece of machinery even so many years after its inception (both in the Star Wars universe and in popular culture). Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Y-Wing * - After IV-6, Minikit IV-5 The Koensayr BTL Attack Starfighter is the workhouse of the Rebel fleet, and of their earliest. Known for its raw power over its speed, the Y-Wing can pound capital ships to dust. Attributes: Dual Lasers Five Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Snowspeeder * - After V-1, Minikit V-2 The Incom T-47 Airspeeder wasn't meant for the combat, but the industrious Rebellion managed to retrofit a group of speeders with laser cannons to be an effective combat weapon. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Fair speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics Tow Cable ---
* Millenium Falcon * - After V-3, Minikit IV-4 Han Solo's YT-1300 CEC Freighter is probably the most famous ship in the galaxy. Beginning its life as a simple Corellian freighter, it underwent massive and illegal modifications to increase its durability, firepower, speed, and smuggling capabilities. Attributes: Dual Lasers Tracking Laser Turret Three Torpedoes Good speed Fair maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Sebulba's Pod * - After I-4 (20,000), Minikit I-4 The Collor Pondrat "Plug-F Mammoth" was the racer used by the famed Dug racer, Sebulba. He personally and illegally modified the racer to ensure his victories, including such dirty weapons a flamethrower. The pod was trashed following his loss to Anakin Skywalker at the Boonta Eve Classic. While podracers have no armaments, they do have a higher top speed than most craft, although it's not particularly noticable. Attributes: High speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Zam's Airspeeder * - After II-1 (24,000), Minikit II-1 The "Koro-2 Exodrive" Airspeeder was Zam Wesell's personal craft for her planetside missions. She utilized it in an attempted getaway following her attempted assassination of Senator Amidala. Unfortunately, she was no match for the piloting skills of Anakin Skywalker, and her speeder crashed in the streets of Coruscant. While the "real" Exodrive was a simple pleasure craft, this version is pretty much a standard fighter. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Droid Trifighter * - After III-1 (28,000) The CIS's droid-based dogfighter, the droid tri-fighter was an autonomous starfighter used during the later parts of the Clone Wars. It is easily recognized by its three arms that branch out of the rear and converge near the front of the ship. Attributes: Triple Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Vulture Droid * - After III-1 (30,000) The mainstay fighter of the Trade Federation all the way up to the Clone Wars, the Variable Geometric Self-Propelled Battle Droid was a common sight among TF and CIS forces. Like all droid fighters, it had no pilot, just a droid brain connected to a control ship. Attributes: Quad Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* Clone Arcfighter * - After III-1 (33,000), Minikit III-5 The Aggressive ReConnaissance-170 starfighter was designed by Incom and Subpro. It was a heavy starfighter for its time, and was used chiefly by the Grand Army of the Republic (mostly pilot clones). It's considred an ancestor to the X-Wing. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good maneuverability plus acrobatics ---
* TIE Fighter * - After IV-6 (35,000), Minikit V-3
* TIE Interceptor * - After IV-6 (40,000), Minikit VI-6
* TIE Fighter (Darth Vader) * - After IV-6 (50,000), Minikit IV-6 The TIE series (stands for Twin Ion Engine) was designed to be very recognizable as a symbol of the Empire. Consisting of a ball cockpit and solar panels on either side, these craft were meant to look alien and menacing. The standard TIE Fighter, the basic model, has hexagonal panels. The newer Interceptor has bent and dagger-shaped panels, as well as better performance overall. The Advanced is a part prototype and part Vader's personal ride, with the addition of hyperdrive and deflector shields. Attributes: Dual Lasers (Quad Lasers for the Interceptor) Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics Imperial Clearance (pass through TIE Gates) ---
* TIE Bomber * - After V-3 (60,000), Minikit VI-3 The TIE Bomber is a double-hulled TIE. The second hull (to the left of the cockpit) is the warhead bay, holding any missiles or bombs that the mission would require. Attributes: Dual Lasers Five Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics Imperial Clearance (pass through TIE Gates) ---
* Imperial Shuttle * - After V-3 (25,000), Minikit VI-5 The Lambda-Class Shuttle is a typical shuttle used to ferry passengers. Its most distinct feature is its three wings, the lower of which fold up when the shuttle lands. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Republic Crusier * - Minikit I-1 The CEC Consular-class space cruiser was specifically painted red as the color of diplomatic immunity, and was used by the Republic in its latter years to ferry ambassadors, diplomats, and Jedi. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi were ferried to Naboo in such a craft. Attributes: Laser Cannon Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Gungan Bongo * - Minikit I-2 The tribubble bongo is a submersible craft created by the Gungans for travelling through the planet's underwater passageways. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi used one to travel through the planet's core en route to Theed. Attributes: No Lasers Three Torpedoes Fair speed Fair manueverability, no acrobatics ---
* Royal Cruiser * - Minikit I-3 The J-Type 327 Nubian royal starship is one of several types of starships employed by the Naboo. It is a long, sleek, chrome-covered craft. When Queen Amidala fled Naboo en route to Coruscant, she did so in a J-Type 327. Despite its weapons, the real J-Type 327 had none. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Sith Infiltrator * - Minikit I-6 The Scimitar, also known as the Sith Infiltrator, is Darth Maul's personal prototype starship. It was given to him by his master, Darth Sidious to aid in any missions his master would send him on. One of the remarkable aspects of the craft is its prototype small-scale cloaking device. Jedi who have inspected the ship comment on how "alive" with the dark side it is. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Jedi Starfighter * - Minikit II-1 The Delta-7 "Aethersprite"-class light interceptor was a craft commissioned by the Jedi specifically for bolstering their motor pool shortly before the Clone Wars. A very small craft, it relies on a seperate hyperdrive module, which it attaches onto in flight, for long-range travel. Obi-Wan Kenobi employed an Aethersprite for his mission tracking Jango Fett. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Droideka * - Minikit II-3 One of the more feared sights in the Trade Federation army, Droidekas are fast, deadly, and resilient. They travel by curling themselves up in a wheel, then unfold upon reaching their destination, where they will deploy personal shield generators and twin blaster cannons. When fought as enemies, their shields take about six or so hits (or one down-stab with a saber), and their bodies take another three hits. Attributes: Dual Lasers, only when deployed No Torpedoes Horrible speed When shield is deployed, Droideka is invincible Ground Craft Can have "Self Destruct" Extra applied to it ---
* AT-TE * - Minikit II-5 Developed by Rothana Heavy Engineering as part of the mustering for the Clone Wars, the All Terrain Tactical Enforcer is a "walker" assault vehicle. Its two most imposing features were its six walking legs and the massive cannon on top of it. Attributes: Laser Cannon No Torpedoes Snail's pace speed Ground Craft ---
* Solar Sailor * - Minikit II-6 The Punworcca 116-class interstellar sloop is a somewhat unique craft that was designed for Count Dooku by his Geonosian benefactors, but became more unique when Dooku fitted it with a solar sail, which would normally be far too small compared to other solar sails of its time. Dooku used this sloop to evade capture on Geonosis and return to Coruscant. Attributes: No Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability, no acrobatics ---
* Drop Ship * - Minikit III-1 A cousin the Republic Gunship, the LAAT/c (Low Altitude Assault Transport/ carrier) is a gunship designed by Rothana Heavy Engineering. Its primary function was to serve as a carrier for heavy assault vehicles, such as the AT-TE, hence its simplified name, the Drop Ship. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Emergency Ship * - Minikit III-2 The emergency firespeeder is a standard ship utilized to quickly race to the scene of a fire and suppress it. Many were deployed during the Battle of Coruscant, near the end of the Clone Wars, as there were many ships dropping from orbit. Attributes: No Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Wookiee Cat * - Minikit III-4 The Oevvaor jet catamaran is a sporting and fishing craft developed by the Wookiees for use in surveying the harsh wilderness of Kashyyyk. Despite its primitive appearance, it utilizes modern repulsorlifts and engines, yet normally has no weapons. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability, no acrobatics Ground Craft ---
* V-Wing * - Minikit III-6 The Alpha-3 Nimbus-class starfighter is a short-ranged starfighter that was employed by the Galactic Republic late in the Clone Wars, and later the Galactic Empire. It was a follow-up to the Aethersprite Jedi Starfighter, and was said to be partly a predecessor to the forthcoming TIE Fighter. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Star Destroyer * - Minikit IV-1 The Imperial-class Star Destroyer is one of the most visible reminders of the Empire's might. The giant, dagger-shaped, mile-long battle cruiser sports a frightening array of military might. Attributes: Laser Cannon Five Torpedoes Poor speed Poor manueverability, no acrobatics Ship scaled to be as small as a fighter ---
* Sandcrawler * - Minikit IV-2 Powered by steam-powered nuclear fusion engines, the Sandcrawlers are ancient vehicles originally brought to Tatooine in an attempt to mine the planet. When the planet's prospect turned fruitless, they were abandoned and subsequently adopted by the local Jawas, who use them to travel the deserts. Attributes: No Lasers No Torpedoes Poor speed Poor manueverability, no acrobatics Can hop a tiny bit by pressing A Ground Craft ---
* Land Speeder * - Minikit IV-3 The SoroSuub X-34 landspeeder is a modest, yet sporty, civilian speeder. Boasting not much more than a trio of engines and a repulsorlift, Luke Skywalker still enjoyed his time travelling between vaporators during his days on the Lars farm. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Fair speed Fair manueverability, no acrobatics ---
* AT-AT * - Minikit V-1 A perfect example of the Empire's "rule through fear" doctrine, the All Terrain Armored Transport is an Imperial walker designed for ground assault. Appearing to be a giant, fearsome, metal beast, the walkers boasted heavy firepower and considerable armor. Multiple AT-ATs were employed during the Battle of Hoth. Attributes: Dual Lasers No Torpedoes Snail's pace speed Poor manueverability, no acrobatics Ground Craft ---
* Cloud Car * - Minikit V-5 The Bespin Motors "Storm IV" Twin Pod Cloud Car is a modest security vehicle employed by the Bespin Guard for patrol and security over Cloud City. Two of the craft escorted the Millenium Falcon as it approached the city during the Galactic Civil War. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Slave I * - Unlock all Minikits (Free Play), Minikit V-6 The Firespray-31-class patrol and attack craft is an oddly shaped starship designed by Kuat Systems Engineering. While the prototypes were being tested on Oovo IV, Jango Fett stole one and destroyed the rest, heavily modifying the craft to suit his bounty hunting needs. The ship was later owned by his clone son, Boba Fett. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Good speed Good manueverability plus acrobatics ---
* Desert Skiff * - Minikit VI-1 The Ubrikkian Bantha-II cargo skiff is a relatively small repulsor craft often used on desert planets, such as Tatooine. Jabba the Hutt employs a small motor pool of these craft for his security detail when he travels on his sail barge. He also uses them for prisoners being fed to the Sarlacc. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Fair speed Fair manueverability, no acrobatics Ground Craft ---
* Sail Barge * - Minikit VI-2 Jabba the Hutt's prized sail barge, the Khetanna, is a decent-sized luxury repulsor craft developed by Ubrikkian Industries. It was his personal transport across the sands of Tatooine to places such as Mos Eisley or the Great Pit of Carkoon. Attributes: Laser Cannon Three Torpedoes Fair speed Fair manueverability, no acrobatics Ground Craft ---
* AT-ST * - Minikit VI-4 Sometimes humorously labeled as "chicken walkers", the All Terrain Scout Transport is a smaller and faster cousin of the Imperial AT-AT. Still a menacing sight, but with lower firepower than the AT-AT, an AT-ST is used for scouting and fire support for ground troops. Attributes: Dual Lasers Three Torpedoes Snail's pace speed Poor manueverability, no acrobatics Ground Craft ================================ 11D. "Extra Toggle" Characters = ================================ These characters are present only when you buy the Extra called "Extra Toggle". Basically what it does is that you turn it on, then go into a mission on Free Play or Challenge. As you cycle through the characters, you'll come across a few that aren't in the usual list. I'll tell you right now that none of these characters are particularly special, but here they are, documented. ---
* Skeleton * Available in: II-4, III-5, IV-2, IV-4, V-2, V-4, VI-2, VI-4, VI-5, Episode IIi Character Bonus This is, quite simply, a bag of moving bones. It has really no impact on the Star Wars universe. The Skeleton is a melee fighter. Abilities: Melee Attack (swinging its arm, then kicking out its leg) ---
* Buzz Droid * Available in: III-1, III-2, III-3, Episode II Character Bonus The Pistoeka sabotage droid is a small droid used for precise attacks. They were generally deployed by a vulture droid's discord missile, where they would attach to starfighters and systematically pull them apart. In III-1, the Buzz Droid is useless and does nothing. In the others, the Buzz Droid is a droid melee fighter. It has all the disadvantages of droids (no jump, no manipulating) only it has a melee attack. Abilities: Melee Attack (swinging its front arm) ---
* Training Remote * Available in: III-5 The remote is a small spherical droid armed with a light blaster, generally used for training purposes, either by gunners or for lightsaber users. The remote is a rather unique and mostly useless droid. It floats, so it can't depress switches or the like and its light blaster does no damage. Abilities: Light blaster (main weapon, does no damage) ---
* Rebel Engineer * Available in: IV-1, V-2, A New Hope Like all good groups, even the Rebels have engineers to maintain their technology. The Rebel Engineer is a basic gunner, just like the Rebel Troopers. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) ---
* Droid 1 *
* Droid 2 *
* Droid 3 *
* Droid 4 * Available in: IV-2, IV-3, Episode IV Character Bonus Droid 1 a WED Treadwell, used for repair. Droid 2 is a droid that I can't identify. Droid 3 is an Asp Droid, used for basic multifunctional work. Droid 4 is an R1, a precursor to the R2 series, used for navigation. Despite their appearances, all the droids operate the same. They're droid gunners. They also move rather slowly. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) ---
* Womp Rat * Available in: IV-2, IV-3, VI-1, VI-4, Episode IV Character Bonus, LEGO City, New Town A womp rat is a larger than usual scavenging rodent. Their native world is Tatooine. They're known for their ferocity in packs and alarming reproduction rate. Womp rats are non-combatants. Their only use is the fact that they move quite fast and that they go unnoticed by enemies. ---
* Mouse Droid * Available in: IV-4, IV-5, VI-5 The MSE-series of mouse droids were a series of service droids used to deliver messages and guide personnel in facilities where one could easily get lost. Mouse Droids are non-combatants. Their only use is the fact that they move quite fast and that they go unnoticed by enemies. ---
* Imperial Engineer * Available in: IV-4, IV-5, VI-4, VI-5, Episode VI Character Bonus On hand in most facilties, the Imperial Engineer is also known for his notorious slacking off (see opening cutscene for VI-1). The Imp Engineer is an Imperial Gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Han Solo (frozen in carbonite) * Available in: V-5, V-6, VI-1, Episode V Character Bonus As a test to see if Luke Skywalker could survive the freezing process, Han Solo was placed into a block of carbonite in the hopes that he could be contained. He did survive, but after being removed, he had a small bout of hibernation sickness, which included temporary blindness. Carbonite Han is a non-combatant. All he can do is hop around and look silly. ---
* AT-AT Driver * Available in: VI-3 Specially trained to pilot heavy vehicles, these troopers are still not much more than the average Imperial Grunt. The AT-AT Driver is an Imperial Gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Scout Trooper * Available in: VI-3, VI-4 A specialized group of Imperial troopers who are often tasked with recon and scouting missions, they are considered hot hands on a speeder bike. The Scout Trooper is an Imperial Gunner. Abilities: Blaster (main weapon) Swan Dive (double press A to do a face plant on the floor) Grapple (press Z on grapple points) Imperial Access (press Z on white circles) ---
* Rancor * Available in: Episode I Minikit Bonus While their homeworld is Dathomir, rancors can be found in odd places throughout the galaxy, as they are incredibly ferocious and large predators. Jabba kept one in his palace to feed troublemakers to. The Rancor is a non-combatant. All it can do plod around incredibly slowly. To its credit, though, it's invincible to enemy fire. ---
* Wampa * Availble in : Episode V Minikit Bonus A semisentient scavenging mammal, this white and hairy beast roams the wastes of Hoth for whatever it can scrounge. It tends to live in caverns of ice to avoid harsh storms. Like the Rancor, the Wampa is a non-combatant that plods around and is invincible. Appearances
* LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga
* LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game
* LEGO Star Wars: The Original Trilogy