| - It is shown in the "Paz's Diary" Briefing files that it was actually Kazuhira Miller who wrote the song; Militaires Sans Frontières had organized a "Peace Day" in which the two would perform the song. Paz revealed she was in fact looking forward to performing it and had been practicing, but had to activate her plan three days before the performance. "Koi no Yokushiryoku" can also be gotten from the PlayStation Network account on Peace Walker via a DLC content, in which it is included in the first set of DLC content. In addition to the regular composition, an acoustic guitar duet arrangement, titled "Koi no Yokushiryoku (Acoustic Guitar Duo)" was also put to DLC, also being the final one. It also had formerly been used for two DLC VOCALOID, one being for the song intro, and the other being the song's chorus. The acoustic guitar duo is played as part of the Peace Walker medley in the Metal Gear 25th Anniversary music collection. The song also appears in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, where parts of it can be heard on Chico's tapes, and is also one of the Mother Base medleys on the iDroid. A more somber, lyricless version can also be found as a cassette tape in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, specifically in the room right before Miller's holding area in Episode 1. "KOI NO YOKUSHI-RYOKUComposed by: Akihiro HondaLyrics by:The "METAL GEAR SOLID PEACE WALKER" Sound Team.Paz's (V.O. Nana Mizuki) character song.Equip the "WALKMAN" during any mission to play the specified song as a BGM." ―Koi no Yokushi-ryoku description on PSN. "KOI NO YOKUSHI-RYOKU (Acoustic Guitar Duo)Composed by: Akihiro HondaArrangement by: Seiro HiroseAn acoustic guitar duet arrangement of Paz's (V.O. Nana Mizuki) character song.Equip the "WALKMAN" during any mission to play the specified song as a BGM." ―Koi no Yokushi-ryoku (Acoustic Guitar Duo) description on PSN.