| - The capitol city of the Union of Soviet Shintolin Republics (USSR); a great and powerful nation by the people, for the people. Never again shall the peoples of Shintolin be forced into bonds by the rich and powerful. Our great Nation delivers Freedom to all who will receive it.
- Leningrad (ros. Ленинград) – rosyjski zespół muzyczny grający muzykę z gatunku ska. Jego nazwa odnosi się do dawnej nazwy miasta, w którym został on utworzony (Petersburg, dawniej Leningrad). Liderem i wokalistą zespołu jest Siergiej "Sznur" Sznurow.
- Leningrad, (русc. Ленинград) — карта из сетевой игры Call of Duty 2 малых размеров.
- Leningrad is a multiplayer map in Call of Duty 2.
- Leningrad on kaupunki Neuvostoliitossa.
- thumb|right|260px|Ponorkový prístav s čerpacou stanicou jadrového paliva v Leningrade Leningrad (sloveňšký Leninov Hrad) staršie Peťerburg, alebo Veťerburg, dnes známe skôr ako Sankt Putinburg je potenciálne hlavné mesto Leninlandu (Keďže Leninland vznikne až v roku 2012), cárovho Ruska, kolíska revolúcie, rodisko Pu Ťina a 1. memento, že po vodcoch revolúcie by sa mestá nazývať nemali (2. memento je Stalingrad.) Dnes sa Leningrád volá Petrohrád, ďalšie premenovania sú plánované na roky 2198 a 3017 (tisíce výročie Veľkéj októbrovej socialistickej revolúcie).
- Leningrad (formerly Saint Petersburg, Petrograd) is a large metropolis in the Russian SFSR, Soviet Union and former capital of the Russian Empire, located on Russia's Baltic coast. It is named after the Soviet revolutionary hero, V.I. Lenin.
- Leningrad (Ленингра́д, 1924–1991) is a city and a federal subject of Russia located on the Neva River at the head of the Gulf of Finland on the Baltic Sea. The city's other names were Petrograd (Петрогра́д, 1914–1924) and Saint Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербу́рг (help·info), tr.: Sankt-Peterburg, Russian pronunciation: [sankt pʲɪtʲɪrˈburk]) . It is often called just Petersburg (Петербу́рг) and is informally known as Piter (Пи́тер).
- In the 21st century, this city was known as St. Petersburg (Russian: Санкт-Петербург). In 2059, Wendy Ruiz Raymond was born in this city. (TNG-R: "The Neutral Zone" , okudagram) In 2263 of the alternate reality, Pavel Chekov claimed to Natalia that Scotch whisky had been invented by a "little old lady" from Leningrad. (Star Trek Beyond) In 2268, Pavel Chekov made this same claim to Montgomery Scott while visiting the bar at Deep Space Station K-7. (TOS: "The Trouble with Tribbles" )
- Leningrad ist der Name einer russisch – sowjetischen Großstadt. Sie wird 1703 als Sankt Petersburg gegründet, zwischen 1914 und 1926 heißt sie Petrograd, 1926 wird sie nach Wladimir Lenin „Leningrad“ genannt. 2268 behauptet Pavel Chekov behauptet gegenüber Montgomery Scott, dass der Scotch Whisky von zwei alten Damen aus Leningrad erfunden worden sei. (TOS: )