| - When and where the Eldar first began using Wraithbone is unknown, though most Imperial scholars assume it was in the distant past, long before humanity had even fully evolved to sentience. It is used to create the Craftworlds of the Eldar, all of their edifices, their tanks and other vehicles, robotic constructs such as the Wraithguard and Wraithlords, as well as their individual weapons and armour. It is a psychic conductor and thus provides not only the structure and armour for the things built of it, but also the power distribution and communications systems since Wraithbone carries psychic energy the way a wire or fiber optic cable carries electricity or photons. Wraithbone can also naturally generate a psychic shield that protects the occupants of any spacecraft made from the material
| - When and where the Eldar first began using Wraithbone is unknown, though most Imperial scholars assume it was in the distant past, long before humanity had even fully evolved to sentience. It is used to create the Craftworlds of the Eldar, all of their edifices, their tanks and other vehicles, robotic constructs such as the Wraithguard and Wraithlords, as well as their individual weapons and armour. It is a psychic conductor and thus provides not only the structure and armour for the things built of it, but also the power distribution and communications systems since Wraithbone carries psychic energy the way a wire or fiber optic cable carries electricity or photons. Wraithbone can also naturally generate a psychic shield that protects the occupants of any spacecraft made from the material from the predations of the entities of the Warp, much like an Imperial Gellar Field. It was this psychic shielding property of Wraithbone that protected the souls of the inhabitants of the Craftworlds from the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh which destroyed so much of the Eldar race. Wraithbone is a psycho-plastic material that is highly resilient to damage, and capable of limited self-repair. It, and the other building materials of the Eldar, will grow and react more like living tissue than the building materials of other races, save for the Tyranids' bio-constructs and Necrodermis, the Necron living metal that is the basis of a majority of the Necron's technology. Wraithbone provides the psychic structure that allows it to become a repository for the spirit of a dead Eldar hero. An Eldar spirit is drawn from the Infinity Circuit of a Craftworld and resides within a Spirit Stone mounted in the construct until such time as its power begins to fade and it can no longer function.