| - Ice Staff is a low-ranked staff that provides 20 Attack (15 in the NES version), +2 Intellect and Mind, and casts Blizzard when used as an item during battle. It can be bought for 3,500 gil at Village of the Ancients, Dwarven Hollows (remake) or Northeast Saronia (NES), or found in Tokkul and Gulgan Gulch. It can be equipped by the Onion Knight, White Mage, Black Mage, Red Mage, Evoker, Devout, Magus, Summoner, and Sage classes.
- Emberstar, Lightning Master, Imperial Executioner, Succubus, Cleric, Machinist, Wind Master, Ice Mage, Necromancer, Soulhunter, Master Mage, Shadow Shaman, Psychopath, Silencer, Frost Mage, Old Curse, Mystic, Death Mage, Disease Bringer, Chaplain, Phoenix, Forest Guardian, Stormlord
- The Ice Staff appears in the Zombie map Origins. It is one of four staffs. When a zombie is hit with the Ice Staff that will instantly turn a light blue color and large spikes of ice grow out of them at all angles until then flop over and shatter into tiny peices. To get this staff the player must collect the parts from dig sights around the map however the parts can only be dug up if it is snowing and there cannot be more than one part per sect, there is one in each, Trenches, No Mans Land, and the Chapel area. The disk is found at the tank station by Generator 2 on the desk when walking in, on the shelf next to the mystery box location, and on the desk around the corner.