| - The UNSC Army Rangers, also known as Black Berets due to their distinctive authorised headwear, are élite, light infantry, special operations troops of the UNSC Army, capable of rapid organisational mobilisation and deployment. They operate under the jurisdiction of the UNSC Army Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and are headquartered at Seoul Airbase, Unified Republic of Korea.
| - The UNSC Army Rangers, also known as Black Berets due to their distinctive authorised headwear, are élite, light infantry, special operations troops of the UNSC Army, capable of rapid organisational mobilisation and deployment. They operate under the jurisdiction of the UNSC Army Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and are headquartered at Seoul Airbase, Unified Republic of Korea. Ranger prospects are drawn largely from the UNSC Army Airborne Corps, as Airborne qualification, among others, is requisite for enrollment into UNSC Army Ranger Schools. Upon completion, newly graduated Rangers are issued and authorised to wear the distinctive Black Beret, as well as the Ranger qualification tab. As is the case with other UNSC Army Schools, Ranger graduates are not guaranteed entry into the Corps, and may return to serve in their pre-training formations.