| - It is said that the worst enemies are those you can't see... never has this been more true than in Sega Saturn exclusive Enemy Zero. One of three games in now-defunct WARP's "D Trilogy", the game has you playing as Laura, an amnesiac on a space station attacked by aliens. Seems like a fairly standard set-up, right? Well, the aliens are invisible. Not only that, but unlike most Survival Horror games, you only have one life to your name. Yes, one hit, and the game's over. Whether this is a challenge or a cheap shot is up to the player, and indeed opinions on this game are mixed, but for those interested, it's worth a shot.
| - It is said that the worst enemies are those you can't see... never has this been more true than in Sega Saturn exclusive Enemy Zero. One of three games in now-defunct WARP's "D Trilogy", the game has you playing as Laura, an amnesiac on a space station attacked by aliens. Seems like a fairly standard set-up, right? Well, the aliens are invisible. Not only that, but unlike most Survival Horror games, you only have one life to your name. Yes, one hit, and the game's over. Whether this is a challenge or a cheap shot is up to the player, and indeed opinions on this game are mixed, but for those interested, it's worth a shot. This game provides examples of...
* Anyone Can Die - Well, it IS a horror game...
* Artificial Human - David and Laura.
* Bittersweet Ending - Laura escapes, the monsters are destroyed but the rest of the crewmates are dead.
* Barbie Doll Anatomy- If you watched carefully the intro (or the ending), you can see that Laura's breasts are featureless.
* Black Dude Dies First - Parker.
* Enemy Detecting Radar - The whole point of the game. All you have to detect the enemies is a soundpiece you put in your ear. The faster the chime, the closer the enemy...
* Expy - Laura and George are Ripley and Ash respectively. Only Ash is the human and Ripley is the robot.
* One-Hit-Point Wonder - Like actual humans, Laura qualifies for this, as does the rest of the crew...
* The enemies as well.
* Reused Character Design: David and Kimberly would go on to appear in D2.
* Shower Scene - When you beat the game on Normal and started the game on Hard.
* Virtual Celebrity - The star of the game, Laura, is the main character of the series' two other games, though the three Lauras themselves are totally different characters.