| - Chow Hound is a Looney Tunes animated short directed by Chuck Jones and written by Michael Maltese. Released June 16, 1951, the voices were performed by Bea Benaderet, Stan Freberg, Mel Blanc and John T. Smith. Unlike most Warner Bros.-series cartoons featuring cats as the antagonists of their targets (such as birds) and dogs serving to discourage their behavior, Chow Hound uses a different formula, wherein a large bulldog is the merciless bully, and the cat (along with a mouse) are his hapless victims.
- Chow Hound is a Looney Tunes (reissued as a Blue Ribbon Merrie Melodies) animated short directed by Chuck Jones and written by Michael Maltese. Released June 16, 1951, the voices are performed by Mel Blanc, Bea Benaderet and John T. Smith. Unlike most Warner Bros.-series cartoons featuring cats as the antagonists of their targets (such as birds) and dogs serving to discourage their behavior, Chow Hound uses a different formula, wherein a large bulldog is the merciless bully, and the cat (along with a mouse) are his hapless victims.