| - Valkyrie is a former member of Chronos and host to a Guyver unit, Valkyria is the manga counterpart of Valcuria from the animated Guyver movie, Guyver: Out of Control in which she replaces the role of Oswald A. Lisker as Guyver II. She is incorporated into the manga storyline as Guyver II Female. She activated the Unit in an unknown location, and for unknown reasons. A flashback revealed that she was the step-sister of Oswald Lisker, the original Guyver II. Her mother was Astrid Forsberg and her stepfather was US Senator Robert P. Lisker. Their marriage arranged by Chronos to unite the powerful American and Swedish Chronos families together. Robert was quite cold to Valkyria, but initially Oswald acted like a big brother to her. After her mother's death she came to resent the submissive role she had been dealt and proceeded to work her way up the ranks of Chronos to avoid being used as a pawn the way her mother was. Her goal to show up her brother was destroyed upon his death, shattering her. She stole the artificial control medallion that was being developed by Chronos and used it, on the spot, to become a Guyver. She then proceeded to fight her way out. She resisted any of Chronos' attempts to stop her. She has been accosted by Richard Guyot to join him; in return, he promised to fulfill all her wishes. She has joined his cause, but it remains to be seen how loyal to him she feels. She is plagued by bouts of fatigue and dizziness even in human form as a result of becoming a Guyver; her powers may come with a fatal expiration date.