| - TBA ("Red's Untold Tale") Snow White finds herself taking shelter in Widow Lucas' chicken shed. Red discovers her there and invites her to come back to Granny's with her. While stopping at a well, Snow uncovers the site of a massacre and Red reveals that it is wolfstime, a time of the month when the moon is full and the wolf hunts. At a town meeting, Granny shows the villagers the scars of her first encounter with a similar wolf 60 years before. She warns the crowd that the wolf is truly evil and that the only thing people can do is hide until wolfstime is over. While chatting about Peter, Red's love, Snow learns that Red feels trapped like a rat in a cage. Granny has always been overprotective and Red feels Granny disapproves of Peter. Seeking to prove herself, Red comes up with a plan to
| - TBA ("Red's Untold Tale") Snow White finds herself taking shelter in Widow Lucas' chicken shed. Red discovers her there and invites her to come back to Granny's with her. While stopping at a well, Snow uncovers the site of a massacre and Red reveals that it is wolfstime, a time of the month when the moon is full and the wolf hunts. At a town meeting, Granny shows the villagers the scars of her first encounter with a similar wolf 60 years before. She warns the crowd that the wolf is truly evil and that the only thing people can do is hide until wolfstime is over. While chatting about Peter, Red's love, Snow learns that Red feels trapped like a rat in a cage. Granny has always been overprotective and Red feels Granny disapproves of Peter. Seeking to prove herself, Red comes up with a plan to kill the wolf while it slumbers in the daylight. Red and Snow track the beast but are shocked to find that the wolf's prints take a human form and lead back towards Granny's house... and specifically Red's window. Red and Snow become convinced that the wolf is Peter and Red tells him what she has found. Peter begs her to tie him up in chains in order to protect everyone from his murderous hunger. Red does as he asks and promises to stay with him through the night until wolfstime is over. Back at Granny's, Snow is pretending to be asleep with Red's cloak around her in order to fool Granny. Granny discovers the truths and tells Snow that Peter is not the wolf, but Red is. Snow learns that Red's cloak was designed by a wizard and helps to stop Red from turning into the wolf. Red has no memory of being the wolf and Granny has kept it from her all these years. They race to rescue Peter, but are too late to save him. Granny shoots the wolf with a silver tipped arrow and Red transforms back into human form. As the realization of what she has done sinks in, Red is left devastated, and a hunting party descends on them. Granny orders Red and Snow to leave quickly. ("Red-Handed") Red and Snow manage to avoid both the hunting party and the Queen's guards, each looking for one of them. When Red notices her magic cloak has a tear, she worries it might no longer work, and urges Snow to run off and find shelter. Snow obliges, but not before agreeing to meet her in the morning so they can go and find a cabin in the woods to live in. The following morning, Red is delighted to learn that her cloak still works, but it is soon stolen by someone named Quinn, who she later learns is also a werewolf. Quinn leads Red to his pack, with the promise of making her overcome her shame of being a wolf and her fear of not being able to control the beast within, and there Red meets Anita, who turns out to be none other than her mother. Anita explains that she and her pack have learned to control the wolf and no longer have to live in shame because of their primal side. Anita teaches Red to control the wolf, and she is finally able to. Later, Quinn is fatally wounded by an arrow, fired by a henchman of the Queen. The guards enter their hideout and are rapidly taken out by the pack, but a grieving Anita blames Snow for Quinn's death and asks that Red kill her. Red is unwilling to, and Anita prepares to do it herself. However, Red transforms into a wolf as well and lunges herself at Anita, causing Anita to be accidentally impaled. Red mourns her mother's death and later, after Anita's been buried in the woods, Snow and Red agree to stay together and go find that cabin in the woods.. ("Child of the Moon") The two friends eventually separate as Snow wishes to spend time alone in the wilderness. A long while later, Red wears the cloak when she's reunited with her old friend to inform her of Charming's wedding to Princess Abigail. ("7:15 A.M.") Red wears the cloak when she runs into Charming, who is looking for Snow. ("What Happened to Frederick") When Red and Charming are attacked by King George's guards, she drops her cloak to allow her wolf transformation. Once in her wolf form, she attacks and kills most of the guards. ("Heart of Darkness") Red later wears the cloak when they invade King George's castle. However things don't go quite as planned, and Red later finds Snow's lifeless body after biting a poisoned apple. ("An Apple Red as Blood") After Snow is awakened by Charming, they go into war against King George. As they plan at one of their camps they're attacked by some of his men. Red, who is wearing the cloak, flees the camp. ("Lady of the Lake") After winning the war against King George and they take over his castle, Red wears the cloak at Regina's execution. However the queen is spared by Snow White.. ("The Cricket Game") The cloak is then worn at a council meeting after Regina's Dark Curse threat.. ("Pilot")