| - Articles on the site include exclusive interviews with Muppet Peter Pan comic writer Grace Randolph, comic artists Amy Mebberson, James Silvani Dave Álvarez and Louis Henry Mitchell, as well as Muppet performers Dave Goelz, Bill Barretta, Matt Vogel, Peter Linz, Kevin Clash, Jerry Nelson and Pam Arciero, as well as writer Jim Lewis. Muppets like Kermit, Cookie Monster and Walter have also been interviewed. BOOM! Studios often uses the blog's reviews to place on the back of the trade paperbacks of Muppet Comic books.
| - Articles on the site include exclusive interviews with Muppet Peter Pan comic writer Grace Randolph, comic artists Amy Mebberson, James Silvani Dave Álvarez and Louis Henry Mitchell, as well as Muppet performers Dave Goelz, Bill Barretta, Matt Vogel, Peter Linz, Kevin Clash, Jerry Nelson and Pam Arciero, as well as writer Jim Lewis. Muppets like Kermit, Cookie Monster and Walter have also been interviewed. In 2016 the site celebrated 40 years of The Muppet Show, where 40 individuals shared their favorite moment from the series. They included Dave Goelz, Peter Linz, Cheryl Henson, Kirk Thatcher, Mike Quinn, Louise Gold and Tyler Bunch, as well as Jim Henson and Richard Hunt's favorite moments as explained by Quinn. The site had a weekly article series called Weekly Muppet Wednesdays, where every Wednesday, a different Muppet was spotlighted. The first Muppet to be honored in this weekly article was Floyd Pepper. In 2012, the site had reached the 100th Weekly Muppet, Kermit the Frog. The final Weekly Muppet Wednesday was in 2016, dedicated to Gloria Estefan. BOOM! Studios often uses the blog's reviews to place on the back of the trade paperbacks of Muppet Comic books. The Muppet Mindset occasionally partners with ToughPigs to celebrate big events.