| - A Weapon Art for the Masterblade. A bonecrushing horizontal blow. Deals substantial damage to a unit.
- [[Category:Breath of Fire III s|Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire III Residents|Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire |Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire II |Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire III |Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire IV |Sunder]][[Category:Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter |Sunder]] Sunder is a anthropomorphic unicorn within Breath of Fire III, and together with Balio is a servant of the crime lord Mikba. They brought forth the tragedy that sent Ryu on his journey, and serve as the main antagonists for a large duration of the childhood chapters.
- Sunder fue contratado por Vilgax para que vigilará a Ben Tennyson. Fue contratado por cada hora de vigilancia, serían 3000 pesos. Lobo lo hirió de gravedad a Sunder y casi muere desangrado, pero fue llevado a tiempo a los plomeros quienes lo curaron y encerraron en el Null Void.
- Sunder is a dastardly bounty hunter.
- Sunder is a mutant and member of the Morlocks.
- Sunder is a two-handed warrior talent in Dragon Age II.
- Sunder is a multi-player map in Frontlines: Fuel of War.
- Sunder is an alien bounty hunter who first appeared in Singlehanded.
- Sunder (? Banks) is Render's father. He occasionally drinks at Superbad. Sometime in 2005, he had a confrontation with Goldstar in Cincinnati which led to Goldstar being sent to prison after the alleged hero destroyed a Route 50 overpass and a bus, injuring 16 people and leading to the death of four.
- Shortly after revealing to Dregn that the Clans of Clint City would destroy his empire, Heegrn, the prophetess, also told Sunder that he would meet his death during the revolt of the clans. Once he’d gotten over the shock, Sunder tattooed the date of his death on his left arm and swore that he would eliminate the Clint City clan leaders before that day came.
- Sunder was a male Gen'Dai mercenary warlord who was hired by the Hutt Cartel around the time of the conquest of Makeb to lead the armies gathering on the planet Darvannis. Sunder wore full-body armor and wielded a club-like staff weapon. However, Sunder and the other three warlords—Horic, Vilus Garr, and Tu'chuk—were unknowingly hired by the Dread Master Styrak and not the Cartel. The four warlords were slain before Styrak's plans could advance beyond Darvannis.
- Over time, Sunder has developed into the 'older sibling' of all the sweeps, watching their every move and reporting to Scourge when someone "misbehaves," as he calls it. Aloof, he carries a certain favor with Scourge for his reporting of what actually goes on among the Sweeps. In robot mode, Sunder is armed with a laser rifle capable of firing rocket-propelled grenades. In Sweepcraft mode, he is equipped with machine gun turrets and dual plasma cannons. Arrogance can sometimes go too far, putting him in dangerous situations especially among the other Sweeps.
- The Sunder is a Legendary Two-Handed Mace in Diablo III. It requires character level 70 to use. Its level 52 equivalent is Cataclysm. The weapon's special effect creates cracks in the ground within roughly 35 yards of the bearer (not of the attack's target) that slow enemies within that range for roughly 60%, but fade after several seconds.
- Sunder es un cazarrecompensas de especie y planeta desconocidos, famoso por su profesionalismo al conseguir objetos extraños y valiosos, y por sus avanzadas habilidades de lucha con diversos aparatos tecnológicos. [1]
- __NOEDITSECTION__ <default>Sunder</default> File:Image needed.jpg Stats Type Weight Value Enchantment Displays Museum Deepholme Technical info Origin RefID XX1253E6(XX must be replaced with the number LEGACY OF THE DRAGONBORN has in your load order)
- In Ben 10: Alien Force Sunder is a hulking, humanoid, alien, with grey skin. He wears a black, overall-like outfit with a red trim. Sunder has long, white hair, and a scar on his left eye. His eyes are black with red pupils, and he has two slits for a nose. In addition to that, Sunder also has a black trim around his face.
- Not much is known about the mysterious mutant called Sunder, except he was a founding member of the Morlocks, abandoning whatever identity he may once have had in the surface human world. Sunder was the aide to Callisto, and was the muscles of his group and was very protective of them, especially Callisto. On Callisto's orders, he kidnapped Angel to the realm of the Morlocks. He later aided Callisto in abducting Kitty Pryde and attempting to force Pryde to marry the Morlock Caliban. He also served the wizard Kulan Gath when the latter took over Manhattan. Some time later, he took up residence on Muir Island. He briefly joined the "Muir Island" X-Men organized by Moira MacTaggert, but was shortly killed by the cyborg Pretty-Boy with a bullet wound in the back when the Reavers invaded Muir I
- SUNDER is a self-styled demon, with a taste for macabre arts and literature. Given the opportunity, he tends to play himself as a defender of the weak. He will always stand up for someone weaker than their assailant, when it suits his purposes. He is capable of generating strong magnetic shields in robot mode, as well as reflecting energy blasts. He can unleash jets of Hellfire, whose direction he can control with his magnetic circuitry. He can also concentrate this into an intense, focused blast. He transforms into a two-headed hydra that breaths fire and lightning. The hydra's tail converts to chain whip in robot mode, and the hydra form can convert to a jet with FTL capabilities. In both robot and jet modes, he carries a magnetic shock cannon which can fry circuitry with a magnetic blas
- Der Asiatische Elefantenbulle Sunder war Tempelelefant im Jyotiba-Tempel bei Kolhapur im indischen Bundesstaat Maharashtra. Aufgrund einer Kampagne zur Freilassung von Sunder u.a. durch PETA, die von Paul McCartney und Pamela Anderson unterstützt wurde, bestand für den Bullen die Aussicht, in absehbarer Zeit in ein Rettungs- und Rehabilitierungszentrum für Wildtiere in der Nähe von Bangalore überführt zu werden.