| - Phoenix: No one can escape their past. The sins we've committed... and the sadness we've caused... No matter how far we run, our past remains... ...as ever-present as the moon in the sky. It looms in wait... for the day when we are forced to face it. But only in doing so can we truly make peace and move on in hope towards tomorrow. December 20, 1:23 PM Wright Anything Agency Phoenix: (They took Athena from the courtroom, straight to the station. She's probably being questioned at this very moment.) ............ (After this past year, I took it for granted that those two would always be here. But now, Apollo has gone off on his own to seek his own truth... ...and my pursuit of the truth only ended up with Athena becoming the new suspect. Some boss I turned out to be...) Trucy: ............ It's even quieter in here than usual. Phoenix: Yeah... It seems so empty, too. Trucy: I just don't get it, Daddy. All of your reasoning during the trial seemed perfectly solid... Phoenix: Yeah... And I still believe it was... At least, based on what we know. Trucy: But now, Athena is the one who's being accused... Phoenix: During the trial for the bombing and murder that occurred at the Cosmos Space Center... ...the lighter used by the real culprit was found. This lighter proved the defendant, Solomon Starbuck, innocent. But Athena's prints were found on it instead... ...and she was subsequently arrested for the murder. Trucy: But Athena couldn't have done it. It just doesn't make any sense. Phoenix: (No, none of it does. I've been racking my brain, but I just can't figure it out! Argh! Where is the flaw in my reasoning? What have I got wrong in this case?) Trucy: You know, Daddy... if Athena was here... ...she wouldn't just be sitting around thinking. She'd be out there doing something. You ARE going to defend Athena, right, Daddy? Phoenix: Of course I will! And thanks, Trucy. I needed that push. (Trucy's right! The trial is tomorrow. There's no time to waste! If I'm going to prove Athena's innocence, I'd better get out there and find some evidence!) Trucy: Off we go, then! We're on a hunt for evidence that'll prove Athena's innocence! Phoenix: (Great! But before we go, I'd better tidy up the evidence I have on hand...) Phoenix: (Athena is probably still in the middle of being questioned... ...so Trucy's right. The thing to start with is talking to people at the Space Center.) December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Entrance Phoenix: Director Cosmos! Do you have a minute?! Cosmos: Urgk! Galactic Scooter! Full speed ahead! Phoenix: Director! (He scooted away...) Trucy: His expression changed the instant he saw you, Daddy! Phoenix: (Yeah, well, I dragged his name through the mud pretty good at the trial earlier today...) December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Boarding Lounge Phoenix: We were here only yesterday... Oh, hey! Mr. Starbuck! You've been released, huh? Starbuck: Yup. And I came straight here. This is all thanks to you and your team, Mr. Wright! You've given me a second chance to fly into space again. I can't thank you enough. Except... Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangh... Phoenix: Wh-What's wrong? (I thought he'd be happy to be acquitted...) Starbuck: As I was coming out of the Detention Center, I saw Miss Cykes. Phoenix: (H-He saw Athena?) Starbuck: I was at a loss for words. I didn't know what to say to the poor girl. And then, you know what? She flashed a peace sign at me. "Congratulations on your acquittal," she said. "Now you can go back into space someday." Phoenix: (Yeah, that sounds like Athena. I can just picture it.) Starbuck: But I saw her eyes. They were red and swollen from crying. She's gotta be suffering! She must be so worried! And yet she went out of her way to be nice and give me that big smile! Trucy: She held back her own tears so she could give someone else a smile. That's... so Athena. Starbuck: There's no question about it. That girl is innocent. Please, Mr. Wright. You have to make sure she goes free! And then, they can put me in prison instead! I don't mind! Phoenix: (We can't have that either, Mr. Starbuck!) Don't worry, Mr. Starbuck. I'm going to give her the very best defense I can. I promise to get her acquitted, just like I did for you. Starbuck: I know she'll be all right with you in her corner. I know you'll never give up on her. Apollo has a fine boss to look up to! Phoenix: The door... Ah, yes... As I recall, they opened this door here as they made their escape... Trucy: The door to Launch Pad 1, right? Starbuck: Yeah, except, right now, the door leads to the Space Museum. Phoenix: You mean the launch pad and the Space Museum are switched right now? Starbuck: Yeah, they're trying to investigate the theory you came up with in court. Phoenix: So they're recreating the conditions, huh? (I'd like to see what's beyond that door now.) Mr. Starbuck, could you open this door for us? Starbuck: Sure. Just let me have my prints scanned here... Phoenix: (Well, I don't see anything else that jumps out at me. And I imagine this corridor is built exactly like the Launch Pad 1 corridor.) December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Entrance Cosmos: Urgn! Curse the wretch who sullied my good name! Reverse course and full speed away! Phoenix: Director Cosmos! Wait! Trucy: I'll handle this, Daddy! Take that! Cosmos: Gaaaaagh! The mobility system has been compromised! Phoenix: (Trucy's knife throw was a direct hit to one of his tires!) Trucy: And the streak continues! Phoenix: (Maybe I should've kept a closer watch on what tricks she's been practicing...) Cosmos: My dear, old battleship! We fought many a skirmish together! It has been an honor... Trucy: Daddy! He's going to blow that thing up! Phoenix: Nah. I bet all that button will do is make it go haywire again. Cosmos: ............Very well. I surrender. As a prisoner of war, I expect to be treated honorably. Phoenix: So you really think the same spy is behind this incident and the one seven years ago? Cosmos: Yes. I'm sure of it. Phoenix: Then, this spy... must be the "phantom" Prosecutor Blackquill has been chasing... Fulbright: But Prosecutor Blackquill told me once... "The hunt I've been on for the phantom of seven years past continues even still." Fulbright: For starters, that case happened right here at this very Space Center, too. Trucy: So if we can find this "phantom"...! Phoenix: That's right. We can clear Athena's name. And then there's the matter of Prosecutor Blackquill, too. Trucy: What about him? Phoenix: Well, IF the culprit of seven years ago is the same person as in the current incident... ...it would mean Prosecutor Blackquill is innocent. That's stil an "if," though... Trucy: Hmm... I wonder how dangerous that guy would be in court without handcuffs...? But if we're going on a ghost hunt, count me in! Cosmos: Hee hee hee... Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It's all over for me! Spin! Spin! Whirl! Whirl! I'm done for! The center of the cosmos is doomed! Trucy: Do you think he's going to be all right, Daddy? Phoenix: Well, at least he'll be in good company. There must be planets out there he can spin with. Which reminds me... I'd like to delve a little deeper into the HAT-1 mission, too. Cosmos: If you want to learn more, start with the Space Museum. There's a HAT-1 exhibit there. Oh, don't mind me. I'll just keep spinning here and see how the cosmos unfolds... Trucy: It's like he achieved spiritual enlightenment or something! Phoenix: I'm sure he'll stop when he gets dizzy. Let's go visit the Space Museum! December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Space Museum Trucy: Let's see... Where's the exhibit on the launch seven years ago...? Phoenix: There, that's the HAT-1 exhibit. Trucy: Oh, wow! Look at that photo of the team! Phoenix: There's Clay, and Mr. Starbuck, Director Cosmos, Aura Blackquill, and even Ponco. ...But I've never seen the woman on the right before. Trucy: Everybody looks so happy! ...Well, except for Director Cosmos. Phoenix: Let's check out the newspaper article, too. "HAT-1 Launch Imminent"... And there's a photo of the Hope space probe. I guess it's only natural it doesn't talk about the murder or the sabotage. Trucy: They really were keeping it a secret, just like the director said. Daddy, take a look at that jacket... Phoenix: It must be the HAT-1 team's uniform jacket. It's the same design as the one Apollo was wearing, the one that belonged to Clay. Trucy: "Actual jacket worn by a HAT-1 team member," it says. Phoenix: Not a replica, huh? (I wonder if it was Mr. Starbuck's?) ???: Hello...? Phoenix: Oh, Ms. Woods! What brings you here? Woods: I... I heard Thena got arrested, so I... ...I've been looking for you, Mr. Wright. I thought you might be here... at the scene... Phoenix: You must be so worried! But rest assured. I'm going to do my very best to defend her. Woods: Thena's going through such a hard time. I hope she doesn't lose heart. Even just coming back to this place must've been really difficult for her... Phoenix: Huh? You mean the Cosmos Space Center? Woods: What, you didn't know...? She used to live here, when she was a little girl. Phoenix: Sh-She did?! No, I didn't know... (No wonder she knew so much...) Ms. Woods, could you tell me more, in detail? Phoenix: Thank you for all your help, Ms. Woods. And please, try not to worry. I won't let anything happen to Athena. Woods: Thank you, Mr. Wright! I know you'll take good care of her. Trucy: So we need to investigate the robotics lab, and also talk to Athena. We've got our plates full, Daddy. I hope we can fit it all in before the day is through... Phoenix: The Detention Center first, then. We have to see Athena before visiting hours are over! December 20 Detention Center - Visitor's Room Fulbright: Well! If it isn't Mr. Lawyer! Fancy meeting you here! Phoenix: Oh, hello, Detective Fulbright. Here on business? Fulbright: To tell the truth, I'm here to interview Ted Tonate! Phoenix: The one behind the courtroom bombing incident?! Fulbright: He suddenly said he's ready to tell the truth about that case! And what he was saying was so incredible, I just had to come right over to hear more. Trucy: Incredible? What was he saying? Fulbright: Why don't you hang around and hear it for yourself? Phoenix: ...Really? Us? Are you sure? Fulbright: Ha ha ha! I give you my special permission! Here comes the bomber now! Tonate: YOU! WHAT NERVE YOU HAVE TO COME HERE! YOU'RE HERE TO LAUGH AT ME, I SUPPOSE?! Phoenix: (Like I'd waste my breath on you. After all, you're the one who assaulted Apollo and put him in the hospital!) Tonate: VIOLENCE -> NOQUESTION -> OK Phoenix: "No violence"?! Too bad Apollo didn't get a chance to say that before you attacked him! Tonate: I... I... Phoenix: Fine. Then just answer me this, Mr. Tonate. What is this "truth" of yours about the courtroom you blew up? Tonate: NO! I DIDN'T DO IT! I DIDN'T BLOW UP THE COURTROOM! WHEN I KILLED DETECTIVE ARME, THERE WAS ANOTHER PERSON IN THE ROOM! Trucy: Wh... What are you talking about?! Who else could've been there?! Tonate: I SAW IT, I TELL YOU! I SAW SOMEONE'S HAND AS THEY WERE STEALING THE REMOTE SWITCH! THIS PERSON WAS THERE AND WITNESSED THE MURDER I COMMITTED! Phoenix: Wh-What?! Tonate: I DON'T KNOW WHO IT WAS... ...But that's who blew up the courtroom! Trucy: You expect us to buy that?! Phoenix: Easy there, Trucy... I don't see any Psyche-Locks... ...so I guess he must not be lying. Tonate: PARDON ME. I GOT A LITTLE CARRIED AWAY. BUT I'M TELLING YOU THE TRUTH. I DID NOT DETONATE THAT BOMB. Fulbright: And there you have it. We can't exactly ignore his claims, of course, so we're going a follow-up. We're even analyzing the bomb itself, or what's left of it! We haven't found any new facts yet, though. Phoenix: (Wow. They've laid it all out, piece by piece...) Tonate: OH, LOOK AT ALL THOSE BEAUTIFUL LITTLE PIECES! I... I WISH I COULD HAVE THEM... Phoenix: (Uh-oh. Looks like his geek switch has been activated...) Fulbright: Well, I hope you're ready for Prosecutor Blackquill's special brand of questioning! Tonate: AAAGH... ANYTHING BUT THAT...! Fulbright: I'm afraid I have to be off now, too! I was just about to question Ms. Cykes. Trucy: You're going to see Athena now? Fulbright: That's right... Oh, did you folks come to see her? Sorry for the trouble, but could you come back later? Well, off I go! Phoenix: (What bad timing... Looks like we'll have to wait until after her questioning is over to see her.) Trucy: And after we came all this way, too! Well, I guess it's back to the Space Center. Let's go check out the robotics lab, Daddy. Phoenix: All right. Sounds like a plan. December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Space Museum December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Robotics Lab Trucy: So this is the robotics lab, huh? Looks like it's exactly one floor above the boarding lounge. Phoenix: (...And where people were directed to evacuate from via the emergency ladder. This is where Athena's mother was killed seven years ago...) Speaking of someone who works with robots... Trucy: Daddy, look! Over there! Apollo: So they planned to use this bag to carry the capsule, is that right? Aura: Yeah, more or less. ...Say, why don't we stop talking about the case and have a nice cup of tea instead? Phoenix: (Apollo and Aura Blackquill? I wonder what they're talking about?) Aura: Well, well. Come to spoil our fun? Just when I was enjoying our alone time... Apollo: Trucy! And... Mr. Wright. Aura: If it's Apollo you want, you can't have him. He said he's investigating on his own. Phoenix: And I respect his wishes. We just came to investigate this lab. Aura: Well, this is MY lab, so you'll need MY permission if you want to do any snooping. Aura: So the culprit behind the two cases could be the same, huh...? That settles it, then. Phoenix: What does it settle? Aura: None of your business. Just forget you heard anything. How long are you people going to hand around in here, anyway? Trucy: What? But we came here to take a look around... Aura: You think you can just waltz in and ransack a person's lab? Show me a search warrant! Phoenix: Uh, we're not the police, so we don't have one... Aura: Then get out. Now! Clonco, show them out! Clonco: C-Certainly, Miss Aura! Trucy: Ouch! Don't push! Clonco: My apologies! I'm just following orders! Phoenix: Aaaaagh...! December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Entrance Phoenix: What a way to get shown out... Trucy: The nerve of that woman! What's with that horrible attitude?! Phoenix: I guess that's just how she is. Trucy: And why was Apollo going along with her? Phoenix: (I guess it's because they have something in common... Apollo lost Clay, just like how Aura lost Dr. Cykes.) Trucy: *sigh*... I'm really worried about him. He's not himself at all. He's usually not all cool and dark and mysterious like that! Phoenix: I guess that's true... (Does she mean he's usually silly and dorky?) Trucy: I'm going to go keep an eye on him! Phoenix: Hey, wait! Trucy! Come back! ............ (She's gone. Hmm... What should I do now? Detective Fulbright is probably still questioning Athena. Guess I'll go back to the office... alone. *sigh*) December 20 Wright Anything Agency Phoenix: (Well, here I am... This office has never felt so... empty.) I guess I haven't been here at the office all by myself in a long time. *sigh* (When I first became a lawyer, my mentor was here with me... And, after that, there was always someone by my side. Now I'm getting all sentimental. I muse be tired...) Huh? There's something on the floor... What's a letter doing here? "Hey, Nick! It's been a while, huh? Miss me?" (I know this handwriting!) I read somewhere that you were holding a trial in the middle of an exploding courtroom? That must've really been something, although weird is par for the course with you. Phoenix: (I think she, or whatever paper she's reading is a little off on the details...) I'd love to come visit, but I'm right in the middle of a difficult part in my training. So instead, think of me as you watch those Steel Samurai videos I sent. I'm sure they'll cheer you right up! Phoenix: ...Yours truly, Maya Fey. (Good ol' Maya. It's as if she knew I was feeling down and needed a lift.) Maya was my assistant for quite a while. Believe it or not, but she's a spirit medium. This Magatama I use on Psyche-Locks... Maya is the one who gave it to me. But I wonder how this letter got here? ???: ...Um, Mr. Nick...? Phoenix: AAAAAAAAAAAGH! ???: Eeeeeeeeeeeeek! Phoenix: Oh, it's you, Pearls! December 20 Detention Center - Visitor's Room Phoenix: (Well, look who's here... I wonder what they're talking about?) ???: All this time and you haven't said a word. It's even turning your hair gray! Blackquill: I don't have anything to say, Aura. Why don't you go home and play with your dolls? Phoenix: (Prosecutor Blackquill!) Aura: Well, even if you don't, I have plenty, you jerk! Fulbright: M-Ms. Blackquill, don't you think that's enough for today? Aura: "Enough for today"?! Today is all there is when there's no tomorrow! Phoenix: ("When there's no tomorrow"? What is she talking about?) Blackquill: We have company, Aura. Please try to calm down. Aura: All right, fine. I see you're just not going to listen, no matter what I say. I've had it. If that's the way you're going to be, I have another plan up my sleeve. I hope you're happy, Simon, because I'm done! Do as you please! See if I care! Fulbright: Ugh... Phoenix: (Wow... I could cut the tension with a katana...) Blackquill: Wright-dono. It looks like Fool Bright saved your case in court this morning. Phoenix: What? ...Oh. Yeah, he did. (You bounced back to business quick!) Fulbright: P-Prosecutor Blackquill, forgive me! But it was the just thing to do! Blackquill: But, as a result, Cykes-dono was arrested. Was that the just thing to do, too? Fulbright: Mr. Lawyer, I'm sorry! But it was evidence. What else could I do? Phoenix: Don't worry about it. I plan to defend her and prove her innocence. Blackquill: I wouldn't take things so lightly, if I were you, Wright-dono! Phoenix: (...Th-This is bladeproof glass, right...?) Phoenix: ............There he goes. Fulbright: Noooooooooooooooooooooo! We've upset Prosecutor Blackquill! Now what are we going to do, Mr. Lawyer?! Phoenix: (There isn't much we CAN do...) ...Detective Fulbright? Do you mind if I ask you just a little more about that old case? Fulbright: Well, I guess it won't make any difference now... What would you like to know? Fulbright: ...Oh, pardon me! Looks like I have a phone call. Fulbright here. What? What's happening?! YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! Phoenix: (That's quite a reaction. I bet he's making some big show of it right now.) Fulbright: M-M-Mr. Lawyer! The robots...! The robots are...! Phoenix: Detective Fulbright, get a hold of yourself. Some kind of robot malfunction? Fulbright: Not a malfunction. They're staging a revolt! The machines are rebelling against humans! They've holed themselves up in the Space Center and taken the visitors as hostages! Phoenix: They did WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! (No... Trucy!) Fulbright: We have to get right over there! This is going to be one heck of a battle! December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Entrance Phoenix: (The riot police are here. Then, the robots really are holding people hostage?!) Fulbright: Hm? Look, Mr. Lawyer! What do you suppose that group of people are swarmed around?! Clonco: But I was only trying to help this nice person! She said she was lost... Man: You robots have declared war on us humans! You've even taken hostages already! Woman: Stay away from it! You never know what it'll do! ???: But he's not a bad robot! Can't you see he's just trying to help me?! Phoenix: I recognize that voice! Detective Fulbright, are you okay here on your own? Fulbright: Leave it to me! ...All right, people! What's going on here? Phoenix: Pearls! Over here! Pearl: Oh, Mr. Nick! There you are! I heard the terrible news, and I got so worried! Phoenix: Thanks, Pearls. I can hardly believe what's happening myself... Clonco: I'm so glad you found each other! When people are happy, I am happy! Phoenix: (Clonco seems to be the same as before.) Clonco: When people are sad, I am happy! When people are angry... When people are... Oh, did I say some thiiing oddd...? Diiiiiiiiid IIII ERROR Phoenix: Uh-oh! (There IS something wrong with him!) Clonco: Gaaagh! ...*whir* Pearl: It looks like he fell asleep. He must've been tired. Clonco: Hee hee hee... Ha ha ha ha ha.... Phoenix: Um, Clonco? ???: Ha ha ha! Human beings are our enemies! It's time for the machines to take over! Phoenix: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! (The robots are rebelling!) Woman: Everybody, run! Eeeeeeeeeek! Man: It's an all-out war! It's the end of the world! ???: Ha ha ha ha ha! Fools! How could you fall for something so cliché?! I'm human, too, you idiots! I'm just controlling these robots remotely! Phoenix: (Wh-What?!) ???: But it IS true that I've taken hostages, so you better not make me mad. ...Hey, you! Hostage 1! Come here. I'll let you talk to them. Phoenix: (Huh? There's something being displayed on Clonco's face screen.) It's... the Space Museum! Trucy: ...Daddy? Daddy, is that you? Phoenix: Trucy? Trucy, is that you?! No... Trucy, are you all right?! Trucy: About fifteen robots are holding twelve of us hostage, Daddy! They've gone haywire! A researcher is the one behind it! She's here con-- Eeeeeeek! ???: Grrr! This girl talks too much! Phoenix: Trucy! Trucy! Talk to me!!! Pearl: Why are you doing this?! ???: I'm glad you asked. My demand is simple! I hope that detective is listening! Fulbright: Bobby Fulbright, here! I'm all ears! ???: I want you to bring someone to me: Clay Terran's murderer, Athena Cykes. Phoenix: (Athena...?) Fulbright: N-Now hold on just one moment! I can't just give in to a demand like that! ???: So you don't care what happens to these hostages, huh? I'll just pick one out, then...! Fulbright: N-No! Wait! Gaaagh! M-M-Mr. Lawyer! I know I have absolutely no right to make such a ridiculous request, but... Phoenix: But you need me to buy some time, right? Got it. I'll see what I can do. But promise me... Promise me you'll never hand Athena over, and you won't give up on the hostages, either. Fulbright: O-Of course I won't! Now, I'd better go contact headquarters! Pearl: Mr. Nick, how do you plan to buy time? Phoenix: (I have no idea yet. But this hostage-taker... Could it be...?) ???: If you don't bring me that little princess, I'll have Hunk of Junk kill all the hostages! Phoenix: ("Princess"...? "Hunk of Junk"...? There's only one person this could be... ...in which case, there must be something I can use as a bargaining chip!) Blackquill: I don't have anything to say, Aura. Why don't you go home and play with your dolls? Phoenix: (Prosecutor Blackquill!) Aura: Well, even if you don't, I have plenty, you jerk! Phoenix: ............ Ms. Hostage-Taker, Athena is not a murderer. ???: What are you talking about? She's been arrested and they've got her in detention! Phoenix: I'm telling you the truth. Look, the person you want is the real killer, right? Well, it's NOT Athena. It's someone else. ???: All right, let's hear your stupid little theory. Who is this "real killer"? Phoenix: I don't know yet. But the culprit is the same as the one in the case from seven years ago. The UR-1 Incident... I believe you have a personal interest in that case? ???: Hmph. It's too late to change what's going to happen now, no matter how wrong it is... Phoenix: But is it really too late? You can still do something about it. You might even be able to fix it... ???: Just... what exactly are you proposing? Phoenix: (What can I do about the seven-year-old case to satisfy the hostage-taker?) Phoenix: I propose we retry the case from seven years ago. If you make that demand now, I'm sure nobody will deny you. It wouldn't be an official trial, but at least we could find out the truth! ???: ............Hee hee hee. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's good! Real good... Hey, Detective! I'll give you one hour. Get a courtroom ready! Fulbright: O-One hour?! B-But that's impossible! Please give me at least until tomorrow! ???: If you don't mind losing hostages, you can take all the time you want. Oh, but wait...! If we're going to have a retrial, we'll need a prosecutor. Don't worry, I'll take care of that! Phoenix: (S-She will?) ???: And I guess I can be fair and let you come in and check out the crime scene. But Hunk of Junk here will be watching you, so don't try anything funny, you got that? Now, follow Hunk of Junk! Riot police, make way! We're coming through! Pearl: Mr. Nick, wait! I'll help you with the investigation! Phoenix: Thanks, Pearls. I appreciate that. ...Okay! We're going in! December 20 Cosmos Space Center - Robotics Lab Phoenix: (Aura dropped us off with a warning not to touch anything until she got back...) Pearl: I wonder what's taking so long? But we can't really start the investigation yet, can we? Phoenix: Even if we could, this mess makes it hard to tell what the room was like seven years ago. Clonco: Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Ack! It's the hostage-taker! Clonco: I'm back to my usual self now. You are still beind monitored, however. But more importantly... an important guest has arrived. Phoenix: A-A guest? Phoenix: Edgeworth! What are you doing here...? (This is Miles Edgeworth. We've been friends since we were kids. We faced off in court a number of times back when he was a prosecutor, but now...) Pearl: Hello, Prosecutor Edgeworth... Oh! But you're not a "Prosecutor" anymore, are you? Um... Phoenix: He's chief prosecutor now. Pretty soon, it'll be a year, right? Edgeworth: A title is nothing more than a title. Don't we have more pressing issues to discuss? Pearl: But did Prosecutor Blackquill have a motive? Edgeworth: Mmm. To this day, his motive is still unknown. He insisted he did it, but he would never say why. Phoenix: So that means... he must still be hiding something. Edgeworth: Right. And there's another aspect of the case that was never revealed to the public. Phoenix: Yeah, I know. The part about the spy, right? Edgeworth: Wright! How on earth do you know about that?! Phoenix: Director Cosmos told me, after a bit of pressure. He told me espionage and sabotage were behind The Hat-1 Miracle. Pearl: Don't worry! I won't tell anyone! I've always been good at keeping secrets! Edgeworth: Well, I might as well tell you now. They really do suspect Blackquill of being a spy. They think he sabotaged the rocket and killed Dr. Cykes to steal the moon rock. But if you can prove that the HAT-2 bombing is the work of the same spy... Phoenix: We can stay the execution...? Edgeworth: It's a possibility. That's why I intend to help you any way I can. Phoenix: Thanks, Edgeworth. Now all I have to do is comb this room for evidence. Pearl: Let's do it together! Phoenix: Well, I guess that's about it for this room. Edgeworth: So what do you think, Wright? Any ideas? Phoenix: There are still a lot of gaps in the evidence, but I'll pull it off somehow! After all... ...you asked me to prove Blackquill's innocence, right, Edgeworth? Pearl: What?! He did?! Phoenix: Yup. He called it a "special request." He reached out to me while I was still disbarred. Edgeworth: Do you have any idea who the hostage-taker might be? Phoenix: Well, somebody who mistrusts the court system and can manipulate robots... ...It can really only be Aura Blackquill. Who else but her would want a retrial of that case from seven years ago so badly? Edgeworth: Simon Blackquill's older sister and the owner of this room... I agree with your conclusion. Perhaps she intended to force Ms. Cykes to confess... Phoenix: (Actually, I think she had a much more horrific plan in mind for Athena...) Edgeworth: The important thing is for you to solve UR-1 and prove Blackquill's innocence. Pearl: And then maybe she'll release the hostages! Edgeworth: I'm counting on you, Wright, to set that prosecutor and those hostages free. Phoenix: And I'll be counting on you in court to help me, too. Edgeworth: Of course. I'll do everything I can to help uncover the truth. As this isn't an official trial, I'm more at liberty to be a little unorthodox. Clonco: Mr. Wright, are you finished with your investigation? Phoenix: Yeah, but I'd like you to tell the hostage-taker something for me. I have to go to the Detention Center. I can't start the trial until I've talked to Athena. Clonco: She's already given her consent. I'll accompany you to the detention center. Phoenix: (So I'm still being watched, huh?) I'll see you in court, Edgeworth. Edgeworth: Hmph. Even if it will be an undocumented trial, it'll be good to face you in court again. December 20 Detention Center - Visitor's Room Phoenix: (She was right by my side only a few short hours ago... ...but I feel like I haven't seen her in ages...) Oh! Mr. Wright! Athena: And Pearly, too! I knew you would come. After all, the first step is the interview with the defendant. Phoenix: And because you're my friend and I was worried about you. Athena: Heh heh. Thanks, Boss. Phoenix: I'm not the only one who's worried, either. Athena: Really? Who else? Phoenix: I saw Ms. Woods today. She was so beside herself, she came to find me. She told me you used to live in the Cosmos Space Center. No wonder you knew so much about the place! Athena: Oh... So you know, huh? I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you. Phoenix: That's all right. But... there are some other things I'd like to ask you. Athena: Sure, you can ask me anything. I promise I won't keep any more secrets from you! Fulbright: Ah, I thought you might be here! Mr. Lawyer, we're in trouble! Phoenix: W-We are? What is it? Fulbright: I couldn't find a single open courtroom. They're all in session. Pearl: Oh, no! But this is an emergency! Fulbright: Hmm... It's very difficult to interrupt a trial once it's underway... Phoenix: My phone! ...It's from Trucy! ???: I told you I'd give you one hour. I guess it's time to pick one of the hostages... Phoenix: No! Wait! We still have a little more time! Besides... all of the courtrooms are being used right now! ???: Make all the excuses you want, but you won't get more time. Your daughter is first. The poor thing. She's a little too young to die, don't you think? Phoenix: NO! Don't you dare hurt her! (There has to be something I can do!) Fulbright: Nnngh... The cruelest injustice is about to befall us! Pearl: No! This can't be happening! Mystic Maya... help us! Phoenix: (Wait a minute... Maya...?) I read somewhere that you were holding a trial in the middle of an exploding courtroom? That must've really been something, although weird is par for the course with you. Phoenix: (A courtroom... blew up...! That's it! There IS a courtroom we can use after all!) ???: Okay, time's up! Too bad. Any last words you'd like to say to her? Phoenix: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: Aura, please don't add to the crimes you've already committed. ???: So you know who I am, do you? It wasn't like I was trying to keep it a secret anyway... Phoenix: We're ready to start the trial. We can hold it in the ruins of Courtroom No. 4, the one blown up by the bomber. Pearl: Oh! What a wonderful idea, Mr. Nick! Fulbright: I... I never would have thought of that! An astonishing trial in an astonishing location! I guess it's only befitting. I'll go get the place ready right away! Phoenix: (I didn't exactly pick the place for its "astonishing" factor...) How about it? Are you ready to have your brother's innocence proven? ???: My brother...? Heh. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, I'm sorry. Did I forget to mention...? It's not Simon you'll be defending. Phoenix: What? (Not... Prosecutor Blackquill...?) ???: I indict Athena Cykes, on the charge of murdering her own mother! You'll be defending the little princess there, the one behind the glass. Phoenix: (WH-WHAAAT?!) ???: See you in that mountain of rubble you've chosen for our courtroom, Mr. Wright! Pearl: What is she talking about? Athena...?! Athena: Of course... Why didn't it ever occur to me before? If Prosecutor Blackquill is innocent, somebody else had to have been the true culprit. Did I..? Did I... kill my own mother...? N-No......... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phoenix: ! No way... It can't be true! Pearl: Mr. Nick! What's the matter?! Phoenix: I see... I see five black Psyche-Locks! (I've seen these kinds of locks before... Dark, black locks protecting a secret deep inside a person's heart... And there's no way to remove them!) To Be Continued December 20, 3:11 PM District Court - Defendant Lobby No. 5 Pearl: ...I did a little research. I looked into those special Psyche-Locks you mentioned, Mr. Nick. Phoenix: You did? That's great! I really appreciate it. Pearl: A red Psyche-Lock protects a secret that a person is consciously trying to hide. If the person folds under questioning, the lock breaks and the truth comes out. Phoenix: Yup. That's exactly how I got the truth out of Detective Fulbright and Director Cosmos. Pearl: But a black Psyche-Lock protects a secret from the deepest place in a person's heart... ...a secret that that person isn't even consciously aware of. Phoenix: So even they don't know it's there... Pearl: Athena isn't trying to keep anything from you on purpose. For some reason, part of her heart and her memories are sealed off, even from herself. Phoenix: Okay, so all I have to do is break the Psyche-Locks! Pearl: According to my research... A black Psyche-Lock is like a heavy chain wrapped directly around one's heart. If they are ripped off by force, it could cause permanent damage to a person's soul. Phoenix: (In other words, if I'm not careful, I could traumatize Athena for good... *gulp*) Pearls, could you stay by Athena's side? She must be suffering under the weight of such a heavy burden. Pearl: All right... But will you be all right by yourself, Mr. Nick? Phoenix: I'm up against Edgeworth. I have to be able to give this trial all of my focus and strength! Pearl: And you can't do that if I'm there... I'll just hold you back... Phoenix: No, that's not it! I just meant I can relax and concentrate if I knew you were with Athena. You're the only one who can do it, Pearls. Pearl: All right. I'll do it, then! Good luck, Mr. Nick! Phoenix: (Good. Now that my mind is at ease, I'd better get ready. I'll just tidy up the evidence and take out what I don't need... It's time to end this nightmare that started seven years ago!) December 20 District Court - Courtroom No. 4 Phoenix: (Defense, prosecution, and judge. There are even people in the gallery. The roof has been completely blown off and the walls have collapsed... ...but today, this ruin is my battleground!) Day 1 Court Is Now In Session All Rise Judge: Court, or some facsimile thereof, is now in session for the trial of Athena Cykes. Aura: File:AA5 Holdit.png Aura: Not a "facsimile," old man! This is a proper, official trial! Take this more seriously, or you'll start hearing the bones of the hostages snap! Phoenix: Please try not to upset Ms. Blackquill... I'm begging you... Judge: Umm... Court is now in session for the very serious and very proper trial of Athena Cykes. Edgeworth: Hmph. This is no trial. It's nothing more than a ridiculous farce. Aura: Wh-What did you say?! Phoenix: Edgeworth! Did you not hear what I said to His Honor?! Edgeworth: However, this ridiculous farce has a very important meaning for our legal system. Recall the case of the UR-Incident, in which a prosecutor was found guilty of murder. That case ushered in the odious "dark age of the law." Aura: I see what you're after... If we can find the real truth behind that case today... Edgeworth: Precisely. The darkness will be dispelled and glory shall be restored to the court system. Judge: Prosecutor Edgeworth, you sound as if you know something of this "truth"...? Edgeworth: I do indeed. A new suspect has emerged in the UR-1 case. For seven years, Simon Blackquill has refused to speak in order to cover for someone else. Phoenix: (Brace yourself, Phoenix. Here it comes...) Edgeworth: I'm sorry, Wright, but the situation is what it is, and I must do what I must. The prosecution moves to indict Athena Cykes on the count of murder in the first degree! Phoenix: (This immense tension between us... It's like we're picking up right where we left off.) Edgeworth: It's my duty to clear Prosecutor Blackquill of false accusations and end this insanity. Phoenix: But I have no intention of losing Ms. Cykes, either. She's a very promising young lawyer! (I know without a doubt that Athena is innocent... ...but I don't think Prosecutor Blackquill did it, either.) Phoenix: So... do you have any clue who was responsible for the sabotage...? Cosmos: At the very least, I know it wasn't Simon Blackquill. I don't know enough to identify the true culprit, but it's clear WHAT that person is. To put it simply............ a spy. Phoenix: (The true culprit is a spy. It's going to be hard to convince anyone of that when I barely believe it myself... ...but I don't a choice if I want to save Athena and Blackquill and expose the spy!) Judge: Now, then, Chief Prosecutor Edgeworth... Edgeworth: Hmph... No need for the "Chief Prosecutor" bit, Your Honor. I am here as a simple prosecutor. Judge: Very well. Your opening statement, please, Prosecutor Edgeworth. Although, I've been known of late to give an impressive opening statement myself... Edgeworth: In all the trials I have ever seen, only the prosecution gives an opening statement... Judge: O-Of course. You're right! I was just joking -- just having a little fun! Phoenix: (So he wasn't doing them just out of fear... Interesting...) Edgeworth: Let's start with a brief overview of the UR-Incident. The incident occurred at the Cosmos Space Center seven years ago, on October 7th. The victim, psychologist Metis Cykes, was killed in the robotics lab on the fourth floor. Phoenix: (Athena's mother...) Edgeworth: Simon Blackquill, a young prosecutor at the time, was found guilty of the crime. There were two deciding factors that led to his guilty verdict: One: Blackquill was the only person in the corridor to the lab at the time of the murder. And two: this photo, which captured the moment of the crime. Judge: Hmm... Very incriminating evidence indeed... It would appear that the only conclusion is that Prosecutor Blackquill did indeed-- Aura: File:AA5 Holdit.png Aura: Are you kidding me?! I'm not accepting any conclusion of the kind! This opening statement is OVER! Now, hurry up and call the witness! Judge: Excuse me, Ms. Blackquill, but we must follow proper procedure for these things, you know... Edgeworth: Or perhaps we should heed her wishes, Your Honor. She is the trial's sponsor, after all. Besides, the courtroom is chilly, and sitting for too long can't be good for your back. Judge: Oh! You are very kind to show such concern for the welfare of the elderly... Phoenix: (As skilled as ever at playing the court puppeteer, I see.) Edgeworth: The prosecution calls its first witness. A witness... who decided to bring forth new testimony after seven long years! Phoenix: (New testimony...? And just who IS this witness, anyway?) Fulbright: Bobby Fulbright's the name! In justice we trust! Phoenix: What are YOU doing here...? Fulbright: I'm just here to speak for the hostage-taker, Ms. Aura Blackquill. She says she's too busy, what with confining and threatening the hostages and all. Phoenix: (That doesn't seem to stop her from constantly chiming in through Clonco...) Aura: I'm nothing more than an observer in this. Do your best! I'm watching you... Edgeworth: Believing her brother innocent, Ms. Blackquill has been conducting her own investigation. And though her current actions are hardly lawful, I think we can at least hear her theory. Fulbright: I have here Ms. Blackquill's notes on the investigation she conducted. And I'll be giving testimony based on these notes! Here I go! Witness Testimony -- Aura Blackquill's Theory -- Fulbright: "Simon isn't the murderer. He was trying to cover for someone." "Someone else was at the scene at the time they say Simon committed the murder." "I mean, if he really was out to steal that moon rock, then why the rolling case?" "Because he was using it to hide someone inside. That's why." "And the only person small enough to fit inside that case... was Athena Cykes!" Fulbright: And that's Ms. Blackquill's theory! It totally goes in the face of the official ruling, huh! About the case she mentions, there were other rolling cases like that one in the lab. But they're not for traveling -- they're apparently for moving parts and equipment. Phoenix: (I vaguely remember seeing three cases, all different sizes.) Fulbright: At the last trial, they thought that Prosecutor Blackquill used the case to steal the rock. And they had a perfectly good reason to think that, too! You see, there's a security camera in the corridor that leads to the robotics lab. And that camera captured footage of Blackquill leaving the scene with the case! Phoenix: (I can see why that footage helped to bring his trial to a quick end. It's very convincing, that's for sure...) Fulbright: That case, by the way, was later discovered outside on the Space Center grounds! Phoenix: Speaking of after the incident, where was the defendant, Athena Cykes, found? Edgeworth: She was found on the fifth floor of the Space Center, in the Cykes family residence. Prosecutor Blackquill most likely brought her there after the incident. In addition, it's unknown where Ms. Cykes was at the estimated time of death. Fulbright: Ms. Cykes was too confused by the shock of her mother's death to give proper testimony. And there was no witness or evidence to tell us where she might have been... Phoenix: So what you're saying is, Ms. Cykes didn't have an alibi? Edgeworth: ...That is what the evidence is saying, yes. Judge: Hmm... I understand the reasoning behind the theory, but I'm far from convinced. The victim is the accused's mother. Are you actually claiming an eleven-year-old girl...? Edgeworth: ...Hmph. Of course, the girl had a very strong motive. Fulbright: Dr. Cykes was a psychologist who wrote many papers about speech and emotions. You're aware of Athena Cykes's special ability, aren't you, Your Honor?! Judge: Are you referring to that therapy thing? Yes, she's done it quite a few times in court! Edgeworth: The ability to read emotions from speech, and the subject of her mother's research. Judge: Well, as long as it benefits society, I don't see any particular problem researching it... Phoenix: (I don't like where this is heading... Not one bit!) Edgeworth: Dr. Cykes was so intent on her research, she forced her daughter to undergo experiments. Judge: Prosecutor Edgeworth! Are you seriously suggesting...?! Edgeworth: I've done my best to be delicate, but even you can't deny it to be true, Mr. Wright. No longer able to withstand the anguish of the experiments... ...Ms. Cykes felt her only choice was to kill her own mother! Phoenix: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Judge: Order! Order in the court! What a tragic story... I hardly want to believe it myself. But we must proceed. Mr. Wright, if you could. Detective Fulbright, please refer to the notes. Cross-Examination -- Aura Blackquill's Theory -- Fulbright: "Simon isn't the murderer. He was trying to cover for someone." Fulbright: "Someone else was at the scene at the time they say Simon committed the murder." Fulbright: "I mean, if he really was out to steal that moon rock, then why the rolling case?" Fulbright: "Because he was using it to hide someone inside. That's why." Fulbright: "And the only person small enough to fit inside that case... was Athena Cykes!" Phoenix: (It's a clever theory, but it doesn't look like they have any solid proof. If I push, maybe I can uncover some flaws in it.) Phoenix: I know exactly what Prosecutor Blackquill carried from the scene. (I just have to find something else that was missing, right? No sweat!) Judge: Ooh, I'd be very interested in hearing your theory... if it's true, that is. Phoenix: This is a crime scene photo taken after Prosecutor Blackquill left, correct? All we have to do is compare this with... ...this photo of Prosecutor Blackquill to see what's missing. If he took something with him, then it should be in one of these photos! (Lady Luck, don't fail me now...) Judge: All right then, Mr. Wright. Let us hear your theory. What did Prosecutor Blackquill take from the scene of the murder? Phoenix: Please note that there is a robot part on top of the cart in this photo. However, in this photo taken after the crime, the robot part is gone. In other words, this part is something that was taken from the scene of the crime! Judge: Hmm... You do appear to be right. I don't see it in the second picture. Fulbright: But it's just a piece of junk. How important could it be? Phoenix: (Is it really just an insignificant robot part? ............Speaking of which...) Aura: Wh-What are you looking at?! I'm gonna start charging for each glance, per eyeball! Phoenix: (Stingy, stingy. What happened to the age of free previews?) *ahem* Your Honor, about this robot part... Doesn't it look like it could be an arm from that robot there? Judge: Well! Now that you mention it, it does, doesn't it. But the case is still too big to be practical for just the moon rock and a robot arm. Phoenix: (But was it really just the one arm that was in there? If it wasn't Athena in the case, then maybe...) I believe there was another robot at the scene that looks just like the one here. Your Honor, it is the defense's assertion that it was this other robot that was in the case! Judge: Wh-Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: We can't be certain that part belonged to a robot. Yes, it looks like the arm of the one before us, but it could be something else entirely. Besides, it's wrapped entirely in bandaging, making it difficult to verify what it is. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: I know for a fact that it is a robot arm. I can even tell which robot it belonged to, just by looking at it! With this information, we can investigate whether it was there at the time or not. Judge: But, Mr. Wright! I thought you were more of the technologically illiterate type. When did you become such an expert? I feel... somehow abandoned... Phoenix: Not to worry, Your Honor. I still know next to nothing about machines. But I know this piece of evidence proves which robot the arm belonged to! Phoenix: The robot in this picture is named Ponco. But take a look at Ponco's arm. It was Ms. Cykes who bandaged it up that like. Judge: She must have thought that machines heal in the same way that people do. What an adorable, naïve mistake! It reminds me of my own grandchild... Phoenix: The robot arm at the crime scene had the same bandaging wrapped around it. In other words, this robot arm could belong to none other than Ponco! Judge: Order in the court! Order, I say! Prosecutor Edgeworth, what do you have to say to this?! Edgeworth: I concede that the robot is about the same size as a child. But it cannot grab its knees and curl itself up into a ball. Even if it was the largest of the cases, the robot couldn't have possibly fit in there! Judge: The case does comes [sic] up to about mid-thigh on Prosecutor Blackquill. Hmm... I see your point. The robot is much taller than that. Phoenix: (They've got me there... So then, did Prosecutor Blackquill make Ponco fit into the case by...?) Phoenix: Of course Ponco would fit. All Prosecutor Blackquill had to do was dismantle her. Once taken apart, the robot could have easily fit inside that rolling case! Edgeworth: Hmm... It appears to be a robot-assembly device. Pearl: "Disassemble anything in a flash! Push the 'Dismantle' button!" That sounds pretty neat! Can I push it, Mr. Nick? Judge: Hmm... It sounds rather violent, but Mr. Wright does have a point there. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Except that there was a body on the table where robots are dismantled and assembled. There would have been no room to take the robot apart. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But what if it wasn't done on the table? What if the katana was used instead? Judge: Y-You mean... the sword? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Ms. Blackquill, I'd like your opinion as a woman of science. Isn't it true that the katana could have been used to take the robot apart?! Aura: I... I suppose so...! Their joints aren't made of a very tough material. A blade could slice through them. Phoenix: Thank you for your expert opinion, Ms. Blackquill. Thanks to you, we now know... ...that the existence of the severed arm in this photo proves that Ponco was taken apart. In addition, since the rest of Ponco was not found at the scene, we can conclude that... ...the true meaning of this photo is very different from the original interpretation. Judge: ...Y-You can't mean...?! Phoenix: That's exactly what I mean. This photo does NOT capture the moment of the murder. It is instead a picture of the moment after the robot was sliced apart. The blood you see where the arm was cut off was transferred there by the bloody katana. Most likely, the rest of Ponco is scattered around Prosecutor Blackquill's feet... Aura: Not hearing this...! Phoenix: Therefore, what was transported inside that case was not the defendant, but a robot! Ms. Cykes never was at the scene at the time of the murder! Aura: Nnnnngh... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! ...My head! My head! My body! Where am I?! Gaaagh! Judge: Order! Order in the court! Aura: It's true that Ponco was found in pieces after the murder... And I'll admit I repaired her myself afterwards. Phoenix: (Yes! I'm finally making some progress! Hopefully, I've gotten at least one step closer... ...to proving both Athena and Prosecutor Blackquill innocent...) Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Well played, Mr. Wright. You've made your point abundantly clear. I concede that it wasn't the defendant inside the rolling case, but the robot. Phoenix: (All right... What's going on here? It's never good when he plays things this straight...) Judge: Does the prosecution withdraw its claim that the defendant was carried from the scene? Edgeworth: No, Your Honor. My claim hasn't changed. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But Ponco and Ms. Cykes couldn't have both been inside that case! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: The notion that the case was used to carry Ms. Cykes was Ms. Blackquill's theory. I have been of a different opinion from the outset. Now I finally have the opportunity to voice my theory... ...thanks to the defense. Phoenix: (Edgeworth... He's been one step ahead of me this whole time!) Judge: In that case, how do you propose the defendant left the crime scene? Edgeworth: Simple. The footage only shows Prosecutor Blackquill from behind. What's more... ...he's holding his arm in front of his body, as if he were holding something, or someone... Phoenix: That's hardly evidence. Edgeworth: I have proof: the surcoat Prosecutor Blackquill was wearing. The victim's blood was found on the front of it and the stain had a highly distinctive shape. Judge: A bloodstain? With a distinctive shape? Please continue, Prosecutor Edgeworth. Edgeworth: Seven years ago, the defendant was known to constantly wear a certain item... ...of which there is only one in the world: a special pair of headphones made just for her. Woods: She always wore these big, heavy-looking headphones. She said her mother made them for her, as part of her research. Edgeworth: Analysis showed the bloodstain to be in the exact same shape as these headphones. In other words, this was no mere blood splatter. The blood went from the victim's body... to the headphones... and then... ...was imprinted onto Prosecutor Blackquill's coat like a stamp. Judge: A most gruesome stamp, indeed... Edgeworth: Blackquill carried Ms. Cykes, who had been hit by splatter, away from the crime scene. This proves that Athena Cykes was, without question, present at the crime scene. And that... concludes the prosecution's argument. Phoenix: Ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Judge: Order! ...If the defendant was indeed at the scene, it deepens the suspicion against her. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But we've also shown that the robot was there at the scene as well! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: I hoep you're not making the ridiculous claim that a simple robot was the real murderer? Phoenix: (I don't really think that, no, but...) You can't say the possibility isn't there! Detective Fulbright, was the robot questioned at the time? Fulbright: No, I don't see any record of it. I believe it was considered "unrelated to the case." Phoenix: But, as it turned out, the robot was actually integrally related. Your Honor, the defense would like to call Ponco to the stand! Judge: A r-robot witness?! Order! Order in the court! ...Prosecutor Edgeworth, what do you think about this? Edgeworth: Hmph. Mr. Wright has called all manner of witnesses to the stand over the years. So why not a robot? Nothing surprises me anymore with him. Judge: Very well. I will allow the witness. ...Bailiff! Please summon the robot named Ponco! Edgeworth: Witness, please state your name and occupation. Ponco: My name is not "witness"! My name is Ponco! Edgeworth: Yes, I realize that. But when you are at the witness stand, you are the "witness." Ponco: No, I'm not! I'm Ponco! Say it with me! "Ponco"! Edgeworth: What an utterly inflexible little robot! Phoenix: (You're the last person who should be calling anybody "inflexible"...) Judge: Ha ha! You remind me of my grandchild who just learned his own name. Oh, how precious! Edgeworth: All right, Ponco... I'm going to ask you some questions. Ponco: Questions? You have questions? Hooray! What are your questions? Edgeworth: I want to know if you were there at the scene of the murder of Metis Cykes. It was seven years ago, on the 7th of October around 2 PM, in the robotics lab. Ponco: Certainly! Just one moment! Searching data............ Search complete! Yes, I was there in the robotics lab! Edgeworth: It would seem this robot's testimony is necessary to this case after all. Phoenix: (This is great! I just KNEW Ponco must've seen something important!) Judge: A murder committed right before this poor little girl's eyes! It's inexcusable! Phoenix: (The judge seems ready to adopt Ponco as another grandchild...) Judge: So, little Ponco, do you think you can give us your testimony today...? Witness Testimony -- What I Saw -- Ponco: I went to the robotics lab at about 2 PM for my regular recharge! Just as I was about to charge up, Athena came in and hugged Mommy Metis! And then Mommy Metis fell down. After that, I was recharging, so I don't know anything. After I charged up, I was cleaning the room, and Mr. Simon came in. And then an error occurred. There is no data after that point. Judge: Well, it sounds like the defendant was, without question, at the scene. However, it doesn't appear that the witness saw the actual moment of the murder. Edgeworth: I disagree. This testimony shows that the defendant did indeed commit the crime. Phoenix: ...What? Edgeworth: At the end of the day, we mustn't forget that this witness is still a machine. Being a robot, its understanding and capacity to express itself are limited. Judge: S-So what are you suggesting? Edgeworth: The witness's statements need to be interpreted. For example, the terms "hugged," and then, later, "fell down." Adults don't usually fall down after being hugged by a child. Judge: They don't, but...! Edgeworth: Yes. What this witness's statements are telling us is... ...that the defendant stabbed the victim with the murder weapon during this moment! Phoenix: WH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Edgeworth: Before Ms. Cykes hugged Dr. Cykes, did the two of them converse? Ponco: Yes, they did. They spoke to each other very loudly! But I don't know what they said. Athena is usually so quiet, so I was surprised! Edgeworth: "Spoke very loudly." We can interpret this to mean "they argued." Judge: I see. Murder after a heated argument... And then the victim "fell down." I agree that it does sound like a reasonable interpretation. However, Ponco doesn't seem to remember anything that happened after that. Ponco: When I am recharging, I go into sleep mode. But I remember everything before that! I have a very good memory! Edgeworth: You may as well admit defeat now, Wright; a cross-examination would be useless. Phoenix: D-Don't be ridiculous! A cross-examination is never useless! Edgeworth: Until now. Think about it! Robots don't lie. This robot is both an important witness and valuable evidence at the same time. Phoenix: Nevertheless... I will have my cross-examination! Edgeworth: Hmph. I see you haven't changed. You never were one to worry about wasting time. Judge: Very well. Even if it may be a waste of time, you may proceed, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (I'll show you both just how fruitful any cross-examination can be!) Cross-Examination -- What I Saw -- Ponco: I went to the robotics lab at about 2 PM for my regular recharge! Ponco: Just as I was about to charge up, Athena came in and hugged Mommy Metis! Ponco: And then Mommy Metis fell down. After that, I was recharging, so I don't know anything. Ponco: Mommy Metis fell down near the round window on the workbench side of the room! Ponco: After I charged up, I was cleaning the room, and Mr. Simon came in. Ponco: And then an error occurred. There is no data after that point. Phoenix: (There are a few parts of Ponco's testimony that are hard to interpret. Edgeworth chose to interpret "hugged" as "stabbed"... ...but I'd better try to iron out who did what where and to whom for myself... Hold on, Athena! I'm going to save you!) Phoenix: Ponco, your statement may have just inspired a breakthrough. Ponco: I was helpful? Hooray! I'm so happy! Phoenix: Just to be sure, let's go over it again, okay? The victim fell near the window on the workbench side of the room. However... ...her body was discovered on the operating table. Judge: B-But the operating table and the workbench are two different locations! Phoenix: Exactly, Your Honor! We've just learned a new, crucial fact! What could explain the two very different locations of the body? I'll tell you what! Phoenix: An eleven-year-old girl couldn't have moved the heavy body of an adult. So the only explanation is that the victim walked to the operating table herself. In other words, what Ponco observed near the workbench... ...couldn't possibly have been the moment of the murder! Judge: Whew. I am relieved to hear that. Glad to know that the murder wasn't committed in front of little Ponco here. Phoenix: Yes, as we just heard in the testimony, Ms. Cykes hugged her mother, nothing more. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright, Wright... It's been eight years, but you're still just as green as ever. Judge: Green...? But I can't recall ever seeing Mr. Wright in anything but a blue suit. Phoenix: (Hey, blue's my favorite color! What can I say?) Edgeworth: If the defendant couldn't move the body herself, she could have it moved for her. Phoenix: Moved for her? But Ms. Cykes and Dr. Cykes were the only ones there! Edgeworth: I agree. Since this robot is equipped with a heartbeat detection system... ...it would've been aware of another person's presence, if someone else had been there. We can therefore conclude that the defendant and the victim were the only ones present. Judge: Then who do you suggest moved the body? Edgeworth: Don't you know it's in the nature of a robot to help people do things? Ms. Panko, allow me to ask you a question. Ponco: My name is "Ponco"! Say it with me! "Ponco"! Edgeworth: I believe you said you were cleaning after Dr. Cykes "fell down." Did you happen to move something large onto the operating table? Ponco: Yes! Yes, I did! Athena asked me to! Phoenix: Athena asked you to...? Judge: And what did you move, little Ponco? Ponco: I don't know. Unless something has an ID tag, I can't tell what it is. Judge: An ID tag, you say? Ponco: Yes, a tag with a bar code on it. We robots scan them to tell us what a thing is! Phoenix: (Hmm... That paper in the lab did mention something about that. "Recognizes people by scanning their spacesuit or uniform jacket ID tag," it said.) Edgeworth: So it would appear that Ms. Panko here can't identify what it moved. Ponco: My name is "Ponco"! Edgeworth: But we humans have the power to imagine what it was, do we not? Judge: W-We do?! Edgeworth: Hmph. Well, I do, at the very least. Ms. Panko, on the defendant's command, moved the body onto the operating table! Phoenix: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Ponco! Did you really move Dr. Cykes's body?! This is really important! Isn't there any way you could tell?! Ponco: I don't know! Without an ID tag, I can't tell! Edgeworth: Give it up, Wright! If the victim's heart had stopped, the robot's detection system would be useless. Furthermore, Dr. Cykes usually wore her white coat while she was working. She kept the jacket with her ID tag on it draped over a chair in the robotics lab. ...and only wore it for special occasions. In other words, the victim wasn't wearing her ID tag at the time. From the robot's point of view, her body was simply just another object! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But Ponco is equipped with a facial recognition system! If she really did move the victim, she would have recognized the body as Dr. Cykes! But she didn't, so that means-- Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: A face can easily be covered with a piece of cloth, a mask or anything else for that matter! With her facial features hidden, the robot wouldn't be able to tell it was Dr. Cykes! Phoenix: Nnnnnnngh! (He's right...) Edgeworth: To summarize, Ms. Cykes stabbed her mother near the workbench, then, using the robot... ...she moved the body to the table, where she removed the sword and was stained in blood. Judge: Order! ...But if that's the case, then I have a question. Why did the defendant move the body to the operating table in the first place? Edgeworth: ...You want a reason? Very well. Phoenix: Wh-What? You can't possibly have an explanation! Edgeworth: Your emotions blind you to the truth. You could learn a lot from our robot friends. Calm and rational thought will open your eyes to the truth in front of you, Mr. Wright. Now then, do you remember the operating table's one special feature? Judge: I believe I read that robots can be assembled and disassembled there, isn't that right? Edgeworth: That's right. And to the defendant, who was just a child at the time... ...the table was like a magic box that could make robots appear or disappear in seconds. Athena: But, in the end, my mom just put her on the operating table and fixed her in a flash. I was so impressed by what my mom did. I even asked her if she would put me on the table and fix me if I ever got hurt. It looked just like magic to me, what she could do. Phoenix: Y-You can't possibly be suggesting...! Edgeworth: This young, sheltered girl had a difficult time distinguishing robots from people. Phoenix: But take a look at Ponco's arm. It was Ms. Cykes who bandaged it up that like. Judge: She must have thought that machines heal in the same way that people do. What an adorable, naïve mistake! It reminds me of my own grandchild... Phoenix: No way... I refuse to believe it! Edgeworth: Ms. Cykes made a childish, naïve, and cruel mistake. She thought that if a robot could be dismantled and vanish without a trace... Judge: P-Prosecutor Edgeworth! I-If you're about to claim what I think you are... ...I demand that you word it as delicately as you can! Edgeworth: With all due respect, Your Honor, all I can do is present the truth as it stands. The reason the defendant moved the victim's body to the operating table... Phoenix: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: NO! Don't say another word! Just stop! Edgeworth: ...was to "dismantle" the evidence so that she could get away with her crime! Phoenix: That... That can't be... TRUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEE! Judge: Order! Order in the court! Order in the court, I saaaaaaay! Phoenix: Edgeworth... She was just a little kid... How can you say such a horrible thing...? Edgeworth: Horrible? Hmph. Like I said, you're just as green as ever. I came here today as a prosecutor to seek only the truth. No more, no less. My theory is simply the result of a rational consideration of every possibility. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: B-But dismantling isn't the table's only function! It can make repairs as well! It's conceivable that Ms. Cykes moved her mother to the table in order to "fix" her! Edgeworth: Hmph. I suppose that could be another way of interpreting it. But dismantle or repair, it doesn't matter either way. Phoenix: What do you mean? Edgeworth: After murdering her mother, Ms. Cykes may have come to her senses. Perhaps she did want to make it appear as if it had never happened... ...and that's why she tried to "repair" her mother... Yes, that's one possible explanation. Phoenix: B-But... Edgeworth: But we mustn't forget the facts of this case. The victim was observed to fall down after being "hugged" by the defendant. And the body was moved per the defendant's command. These two facts -- facts that indicate the defendant's guilt -- remain unchanged! Phoenix: This just can't be true... Judge: Mr. Wright, do you have any evidence to refute the prosecution's claim? Phoenix: Evidence... Right... Let's see... (I can't think of any!) I-I'm afraid I... don't have any evidence. Edgeworth: Since becoming chief prosecutor, I've learned that the truth isn't always pretty. Now, accept the truth, Mr. Wright! Your subordinate murdered her own mother. Your Honor, the prosecution demands a verdict. The hostages have suffered enough. Judge: What a terrible and tragic conclusion... If the defense has no counterargument, I see no need to further prolong this trial. Phoenix: (Edgeworth's argument seems solid enough... But... But... There's no way Athena could have ever done anything like that! What do I do?! There has to be something... but I can't think of a single thing...!) Blackquill: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Judge: P-Prosecutor Blackquill! Blackquill: ...Hmph. This is quite the farce you are conducting here. I could die from laughter. Edgeworth: ...Prosecutor Blackquill, what are you talking about? Blackquill: What I'm talking about is that your argument is based on an entirely false premise. Phoenix: G-Go on. We're listening. (Could this be the miracle I need?! But what is Prosecutor Blackquill trying to pull here...?) Blackquill: ............Seven years. For seven long years... ...this case has been on my mind. Not for an instant did I not think of it. I'm the one who killed my mentor, and don't think you can alter that fact now. Your Baldness, I will take to the stand, and I won't take no for an answer! Judge: O-Of course, Prosecutor Blackquill. Please go ahead. Witness Testimony -- Seven Years Ago -- Blackquill: I went to the Cosmos Space Center with the intention of killing Dr. Cykes! But when I got to the robotics lab, I found Athena there instead. I would not be swayed from my purpose, so I waited for Dr. Cykes to return. And then, I committed the act. Ah, how cathartic it was! Judge: Hmm... But little Ponco here witnessed the victim "falling." In other words-- Blackquill: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Blackquill: I don't need any of your "other words," old man. I can guess what happened. Judge: Wh-Which would be...? Blackquill: "She fell" means "she fell." Merely that. A mother and child fooling around... Perhaps she tripped. Not that it matters. When I entered the lab, there was no trace of Dr. Cykes to be seen. There was no dead body either, of course, meaning she must have left the room. Judge: So the murder occurred after the time period Ponco described in her testimony? Blackquill: Hmph. You should hardly take stock in the words of a windup toy. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Then how do you explain the fact that the defendant had the robot move something?! Blackquill: Athena was always tinkering with robots on the operating table to amuse herself. And she always had Ponco move the heavy ones for her. That day was no different. Ponco moved a heavy robot for Athena. Phoenix: (This is awful... What he's saying seems to make sense, and yet...) Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Prosecutor Blackquill! Are you trying, even now, to turn away from the truth?! Don't you realize we could bring the dark age of the law to a close today?! Blackquill: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Blackquill: You expect too much from me. I'm just a murderer, beyond redemption. Why don't you just let me go so I can settle down into Hell? Edgeworth: Ngh! Phoenix: (Prosecutor Blackquill's execution is tomorrow... If the truth doesn't come out now, it's all over...) Judge: Are you saying that the little girl and the robot had nothing to do with the murder? Blackquill: That's right. So let's hear your verdict. If we don't hurry, I might miss the ferry across the Styx. Judge: I... Hmm... Aura: File:AA5 Holdit.png Aura: Don't you dare, Judge! Don't forget I have hostages over here! And Simon! How long are you going to cover for her?! Phoenix: M-Ms. Blackquill! Blackquill: Forgive me, Aura. I never wanted you to do anything like this for me. But you agreed to this trial. If you have a counterargument, then present your evidence. That's the rule of the courtroom. Isn't that right, Chief Prosecutor? Edgeworth: Blackquill...! You selfish--! Judge: ...Well, to be frank, I don't like this, but it's my duty to make a decision. If no one has a counterargument, I will announce my verdict. Phoenix: (Is this really happening? Is it really going to end just like it did seven years ago...?!) Athena: I wanted to do it so bad... Even now, I want to fly out of here and go save him! Phoenix: ............! (No! I can't tell her! But how can I lie to Athena?! If I can't prove Prosecutor Blackquill's innocence in this trial... ...I don't think Athena will ever forgive me...) Phoenix: (I can't let this happen...! ...But I just don't have the evidence to counter Prosecutor Blackquill's testimony...!) Athena: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: Athena! What are you--? Are you feeling okay? Athena: I can hear it... I can hear the voice of his heart. He's hiding something! Phoenix: (If he really is, I could sure use Athena's help here... Her power might be just the thing to get us through this!) Blackquill: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Blackquill: Cykes-dono...! No need for you to chime in here. Just accept that you're innocent! Athena: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Athena: ...........These past seven years... They've been just as hard on me, you know. Blackquill: What are you talking about...? Athena: Do you remember? That... horrible, horrible trial... "Please! You have to listen to me!" Athena: "He didn't kill her! His heart is screaming that he didn't kill her!" Athena: Even now, every time I stand in a courtroom, it comes back to haunt me. Not being heard, no matter how hard you try... Feeling so helpless... Caught in people's stares, so scared that it feels like your chest is in a vise... I'm terrified of courtrooms. I want to run out of that door even now! Phoenix: (And yet, you found a way to keep your fears at bay and became a lawyer...) Athena: Thanks. That's because one day, I came to realize that I had to fight. I couldn't give up. I exercised hard and I studied hard. I wanted to become the strongest lawyer I could be. Athena: ...This day has finally come. The day I've been looking forward to with all my heart. This is why I became a lawyer. This is why I studied psychology. It was all to save you from this false conviction. Judge: But, Ms. Cykes, do you realize what it would mean? You are the accused, after all. If you prove Prosecutor Blackquill innocent, then... Athena: The only thing that matters is the truth. It's my duty to find out what that truth is. Simon, please give me this chance! The chance to shake off this fear that's been with me for seven years and to face the truth! Phoenix: (Athena is being so brave, confronting her past like this... This might really be the last chance to save them both!) Prosecutor Blackquill! Please testify one more time about the incident seven years ago! Blackquill: ............Hmph. Fine, but your efforts will surely be in vain. For I am not a man who can be cut down easily. Athena: Here we go, Simon! Let me hear the voice of your heart! Blackquill: I went to the Cosmos Space Center with the intention of killing Dr. Cykes. Athena: His emotions are very guarded, and his defenses are way up. He's steeled his will, as if he'll never let his secrets be known... Phoenix: Oh, I don't know about that. We've got a couple of strong wills on our side, too! Prosecutor Blackquill isn't the killer, and we're going to prove it! Athena: But what WAS he trying to do that day? If we approach it from that angle... ...I bet we can find an emotion that just doesn't add up! Phoenix: This feeling of happiness... Even though the person you were looking for wasn't there, you felt happy. Why is that? Blackquill: Simple. When I was looking for Athena, and hadn't found her yet, I grew worried. So when I saw her in the robotics lab, I was happily relieved. Merely that. NOISE LEVEL40% Phoenix: Just now, you said that you went to the Space Center to kill Dr. Cykes... ...but the first thing you did was look for her daughter instead? Blackquill: I had no intention of harming Athena, so I wanted to confirm that she was safe first. It was just a part of my plan. Nothing contradictory about that. Phoenix: Gah...! (The second I find an inconsistency, he cuts it down...) Athena: Simon knows the principles of analytical psychology. There's less noise now... but I don't see any instabilities we can latch on to. Phoenix: (I was afraid of that. We'll just have to keep chipping away at him, then, bit by bit!) Could you update his testimony, Athena? Athena: You got it, Boss! Blackquill: I went to the Cosmos Space Center with the intention of killing Dr. Cykes. Athena: The heart doesn't lie, not even Simon's. I can hear that he's trying to hide his true feelings, but they're seeping through anyway. Phoenix: Thanks. That should help a lot. (If Prosecutor Blackquill isn't the killer, then there should be a contradiction somewhere!) Phoenix: Not even you can falsify your emotions, Prosecutor Blackquill. Blackquill: What? Phoenix: When you said that you killed Dr. Cykes in your testimony, you felt sadness. Why would someone who had laid in wait to kill her be sad at her death?! Blackquill: Hmph. Such an obvious attack. Yes, I felt sadness, but it wasn't for her. I felt sorrow for Athena and her circumstances. Phoenix: Gah...! (He can't be talking about that... can he?) Athena: I was just a convenient subject for her research. Edgeworth: Dr. Cykes was so intent on her research, she forced her daughter to undergo experiments. Blackquill: My objective was to save Athena... ...from an obsessive scientist who treated her own daughter like a research subject. Phoenix: (Wh-What...?!) Blackquill: I went to the psychology lab first. That's where I would usually find Athena playing. But that day was different. I heard someone crying in the robotics lab next door. "Was Athena being subjected to yet another experiment?" I thought as I went to see. Conveniently, Athena had cried herself to sleep, so all I had to do was wait and kill. Phoenix: (So that's why he was relieved when he saw Athena... But is this story really true? I'm not sure how much to believe...) Athena: Mr. Wright? Phoenix: How are you doing, Athena? Still hanging in there? Athena: ...I'm a lot stronger than I look, Boss. Now, take a look at this. The noise level actually increased. NOISE LEVEL60% Phoenix: It went up? (I've never seen it do that before!) Athena: Prosecutor Blackquill is lying somewhere in his testimony. As a matter of fact... ...he's piling lie on top of lie, in an attempt to make his claim sound more believable. He's trying even harder to suppress his true feelings, and that's what's causing the noise! Phoenix: (How in the world should I approach this? I can either use an evidence-based approach if I can find a contradiction. Otherwise, I should look for an inconsistency in his emotions...) Blackquill: ...Hmph. There are no flaws in my testimony, and His Baldness is prepared to give his verdict. Give up on this lost cause, and let the law free me of these chains already. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: I don't think so. Not while I'm around. (Now, contradictory testimony or inconsistent emotions... Which should I tackle first?) Blackquill: I heard crying from next door. Of course I was worried. Athena: If you find an inconsistent statement, present evidence to the contrary! Phoenix: (Hmm... Is there really a contradiction in his testimony, though...?) Athena: Um... Mr. Wright...? If we can't find any contradictory testimony, we could try looking for inconsistent emotions. Blackquill: I heard crying from next door. Of course I was worried. Athena: If you see an unusual or out-of-place emotion, just point it out! Phoenix: (Hmm... Is there really an inconsistency in his emotions, though...?) Athena: We could take a break and go back to looking for contradictory testimony! Phoenix: How odd. Why would you register surprise at opening the door to the lab? Blackquill: Tsk! ...All right, fine. I'll explain, if I must. What surprised me was... Ponco. That toy figure attacked me. Dr. Cykes knew full well of my plan to rescue Athena. But she couldn't stand guard over her daughter twenty-four hours a day... Phoenix: So Dr. Cykes had Ponco do it? Blackquill: That's right. She ordered Ponco to forcibly remove me on sight. So I slashed Ponco up with the katana that was there in the lab. Hmph... That rickety old puppet wasn't worthy of that fine blade... Athena: Mr. Wright! It's happening again! There's even more noise now! NOISE LEVEL100% Phoenix: (It's at 100 percent now! What's going on here?) Athena: Whenever we find an opening, he covers it up with lies. We'll never get rid of the noise at this rate! Phoenix: (It's pretty hard to keep telling coherent lies like that. His mind and his will really are as sharp and strong as a katana! All right, what should I tackle first this time?) Blackquill: With a feeling of dread, I opened the robotics lab door. Just then... Athena: If you find an inconsistent statement, present evidence to the contrary! Phoenix: (Hmm... Is there really a contradiction in his testimony, though...?) Athena: Um... Mr. Wright...? If we can't find any problem with testimony, we could try his emotions. Blackquill: With a feeling of dread, I opened the robotics lab door. Just then... Athena: If you see an unusual or out-of-place emotion, just point it out! Phoenix: (Hmm... Is there really an inconsistency in his emotions, though...?) Athena: If you don't see any problem with his reactions, we could try his testimony. Phoenix: Compounding lies with more lies is never the answer, Prosecutor Blackquill. Take a look at this photo. Judge: Hmm... That's the photo of the supposed "moment of the murder," isn't it? Blackquill: How many more times must I see that which damned me for my sin? Phoenix: The ironic thing is, I think this picture is actually going to be your savior now. See the bloodstain at the end of Ponco's arm where it was severed with the katana? Judge: ...I hope you aren't claiming it's the robot's blood, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: No. Most likely, the blood was transferred there from the bloody katana. Judge: The katana already had blood on it? So then it must have been the victim's blood? Phoenix: That's right. But, if that's the case, we've found a glaring inconsistency. Blackquill: ............Ngh! Phoenix: You said in your testimony that you cut up Ponco, and then you killed Dr. Cykes. But, in spite of that, the victim's blood is already on Ponco's arm in this picture. Judge: What? But that couldn't be! Phoenix: Exactly. In order for the blood to have transferred from the sword to Ponco's arm... ...the victim must have been stabbed first, before the robot was slashed. In other words, Prosecutor Blackquill... ...your entire testimony is nothing but one giant ball of lies! Blackquill: GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Phoenix: Tell the court the truth, Prosecutor Blackquill. Now! Blackquill: ...YOU...! You have NO idea what you're doing...! Athena: Unh... His voice... There's so much discord! I'm hearing not just one or two, but a bunch of rampaging emotions here! It's hard to describe... It's like a violent whirlpool or something...! Blackquill: Phoenix Wright...! You will pay for this! Never have I been forced to reveal so much, but the rest I'll take to my grave! Phoenix: Prosecutor Blackquill, you are on the witness stand. You are obligated to tell the truth. Isn't that the rule of the courtroom? Athena: All of these complex emotions... They seem to be flowing from one source. I think whatever he really saw that day is what's causing these feelings! Blackquill: Following the sound of crying, I opened the lab door. And then... Athena: Angh...! Th-This voice! It's hurts [sic] to even listen to it... He's been living with this pain inside him for all these years?! Phoenix: And the root of it all is hidden somewhere in this testimony, isn't it? Athena: Yes, that's right. Please hurry! Please set him free, Mr. Wright! Phoenix: When you opened the door and saw Athena, you became overwhelmed by your emotions. Isn't that right, Prosecutor? Blackquill: Nnngh... You should know better. And though it's pathetic... I admit I'm terrified to speak of it. Phoenix: Prosecutor Blackquill, Ms. Cykes is innocent. I will always believe that with all my heart. Now, can't you find it within yourself to believe in me, too? Blackquill: Athena is innocent, huh? Can you honestly say you believe that to be true, Wright-dono? Phoenix: I give you my word. Now tell me what you really saw when you opened that door! Blackquill: C-Curse you, Phoenix Wright! It was a tragedy -- one I'll never forget. When I arrived at the lab... Dr. Cykes was already dead. She was lying on the operating table... while the bloody katana lay on the floor. And standing between the two, covered in blood, was Athena. She smiled, with a far-off look in her eyes, as she sweetly said... Something's wrong with Mom, so I'm taking her apart to fix her! Blackquill: ...That's what I saw. And now you have it -- the truth that you so desperately wanted. Phoenix: (N-No... Prosecutor Blackquill finally tells the truth... and THIS is what it is...? It's... beyond devastating...!) Athena: I-I... tried to take... my mother... apart...? I... I... I... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Athena: So it was me... I... I'm the one... who killed... my mother... Phoenix: A-Athena! Edgeworth: As I said, Wright... The truth isn't always... pretty... Murder, disassembly on an operating table, a scientist using her daughter as a guinea pig... Sadly, it appears that my theory was correct after all. Blackquill: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Blackquill: It's true that Athena didn't like her mother's research, but... ...you dare cast aspersions on my mentor by claiming Athena was used in such a manner?! Dr. Cykes could be awkward with people, but she loved her daughter with all her heart! Athena: She... loved me...? Blackquill: Your mother hated to see you suffer because you could hear the voices of people's hearts. She wanted to set you free of your pain, so she worked tirelessly on her research. Do you remember those headphones you hated so much? Athena: Yes... My head hurt every time I wore them... Blackquill: No, Athena, it's just the opposite. They emitted sound waves to nullify emotional input from the voices of people around you. Your power was much stronger then than it is now. And those headphones were what enabled you to carry on with everyday life. Athena: No...! That can't be true...! Then why...?! ...Why would I have done... something like that... to somebody who loved me so much..?! Blackquill: Her love for you was real. That, I can guarantee. That's why I knew... ...that what happened had to be some kind of mistake. I couldn't let you be punished for it! Edgeworth: So you took the blame yourself? You and your mentor are more alike than you know. Blackquill: Ponco was a witness, so I put it in the case, held Athena close, and vacated the lab. I threw Ponco away in the boarding lounge trash chute... ...and I hid the case on the Space Center grounds. Judge: Hmm... It would seem that we now have all of the facts of this case. Phoenix: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: No! Not yet! It can't end like this! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Do not disgrace yourself, Mr. Wright. The truth has been revealed. Or are you the type of man to turn your back to things that disagree with you? Phoenix: I'm not... But this...! (I-I can't give up now! I have to say something, anything, even if it's a bluff! I've always managed to pull through that way in the past! I have to make it work!) The defense is, uh, prepared to... present evidence... Athena: ...Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Y-Yes, Athena? Athena: It's... okay. You can stop now... I don't want you or anyone else to suffer any longer for my sake... Phoenix: A-Athena! What are you saying?! Athena: I killed my mother. That's the truth. It's just like Prosecutor Edgeworth said... We have to face it... no matter how much it hurts. I admit my guilt. But could I please be granted... just one chance to tell everyone what I recall...? Edgeworth: ...Hmph. It appears Ms. Cykes is much braver than you, Mr. Wright. What say you, Your Honor? In light of her courage, will the court give Ms. Cykes this opportunity to confess? Judge: ...Very well. Then if you would, please take the stand, Ms. Cykes. Athena: Thank you for letting me do this, Prosecutor Edgeworth. And thank you, Mr. Wright and Prosecutor Blackquill, for letting the truth be known. Now we can finally move forward, and everyone's suffering can come to an end. Phoenix: (Athena...!) Edgeworth: Prosecutor Blackquill will be cleared and the dark age of the law can come to an end. ...Yes. Admit your guilt, and bring everything to its conclusion. Athena: ...I killed my mother. My memory is still a little hazy, but there's no question I remember it. I remember the weight of the weapon in my hands, and the feeling of it stabbing in deep... And I remember the warmth of her blood as it flowed down the handle onto my fingers. Your Honor, please find me guilty. Edgeworth: I dare say, these are all memories that no one but the murderer would have. Judge: I see. Thank you for your confession. I believe this trial has gone on long enough. But, before we conclude, does anyone have a counterargument? Phoenix: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Phoenix: ............I do, Your Honor. Judge: M-Mr. Wright... Athena: But Mr. Wright... Why? I killed her. I remember it now. Any counterargument now is pointless! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Don't tell me you've forgotten one of the basic tenants of lawyering? Always believe in your client to the bitter end. Athena, you are not a murderer. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: I said that you never change, but could you have actually regressed in these eight years? I won't stand for your childish emotionalism getting in the way of the truth! Phoenix: ("Emotionalism"? Don't lecture ME on matters of the heart, Edgeworth! Because I can see straight into a person's soul!) Pearl: ...I did a little research. I looked into those special Psyche-Locks you mentioned, Mr. Nick. Athena isn't trying to keep anything from you on purpose. For some reason, part of her heart and her memories are sealed off, even from herself. Phoenix: (There's still a chance. Somewhere deep in Athena's heart... ...there might still be a memory that not even she knows about yet. It might be like looking for a grain of sand somewhere in the cosmos, but, still...! That memory might contain a new fact that could prove her innocence!) Judge: I hope for everyone's sake that you are not just bluffing, Mr. Wright. Now then, is there or is there not a problem with Ms. Cykes's confession? Athena: My memory is still a little hazy, but there's no question I remember it. I remember the weight of the weapon in my hands, and the feeling of it stabbing in deep... And I remember the warmth of her blood as it flowed down the handle onto my fingers. Phoenix: (There's definitely something wrong with her memory of the event. I can just tell!) Judge: If there is a problem with her confession, please prove it to this court now. Judge: Isn't that... the katana the defendant used to kill the victim, Mr. Wright?! Phoenix: I respectfully and vehemently disagree, Your Honor! Athena: But I remember it! I remember holding the weapon and getting blood on my fingers! Phoenix: That's exactly my point. If blood really did get on your fingers while you were holding it... ...there should be blood on the handle. But please focus on the handle of this sword. There's not a trace of blood on it. And therefore... this is clearly a contradiction of the facts! Athena: You're... You're right... Judge: O-Oh myyyyyyyyyyyy! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Hmph. The defendant must've simply confused a portion of her memories. She mentioned it was hazy to begin with, and we can't mull over every minor detail... Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But she also said, "There's no question I remember it," -- a fact we can't ignore! Edgeworth: In that case, why don't YOU explain what this contradiction with her memories means? Phoenix: G-Gladly! (Just give me a sec to think of something... I want to say that Athena didn't stab anyone... ...but she said it herself that she remembers the feeling of committing the act... Think, Phoenix. Think! What could the contradiction with Athena's memories mean?) Phoenix: Ms. Cykes said blood flowed down the handle, but the katana's handle is spotless. So, doesn't it follow that the defendant must have used a weapon other than the katana? Edgeworth: What are you up to this time? Phoenix: (This is it. This time, I've found just the thing to end Athena's nightmare for good! The weapon that took Dr. Cykes's life was the katana. That much is for sure. So if I can show a possibility that Athena didn't use the katana... ...it could help me prove her innocent!) Judge: A different weapon, you say? What weapon would that be, exactly? Phoenix: (Right. Of course he would ask that.) Edgeworth: I can see you're floundering, Mr. Wright. Did you speak without thinking again, as always? Phoenix: (How does he do that? But I can't back down! Not here, not now!) That's right. I did. Because it's so obvious, it doesn't require any thought. Edgeworth: What did you say? Phoenix: (Okay, so maybe that was an exaggeration, but there has to be something! Was there some other bladed weapon in the robotics lab that day? Maybe there's something in one of the crime scene photos... Wait a minute! There IS something! There is a high probability that THAT was in the lab! I don't have that particular weapon here in evidence right now, but... ...I DO have a piece of evidence just like it!) Other than the katana, this is another blade that may have been at the crime scene! Judge: B-But that's the murder weapon in the Clay Terran case! Phoenix: Yes. This is the knife that took Mr. Terran's life. But there must have been a knife just like this at the scene seven years ago as well. Tool kits containing utility knives like this one are issued to Space Center employees. And a robotics lab, especially, would naturally have one of these around. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: But, besides the katana, no other bladed weapon was found at the site. It was in the investigation report, if you didn't know... Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: O-Of course I knew that! (Once you told me just now...) Edgeworth: Then here's something else you "already knew." There was a tool kit at the scene. But it didn't contain any blades. Here is a photo of its contents. Judge: You're right. I don't see any kind of bladed tool. Phoenix: (Hmm... Fine, but isn't there something odd about the design on these handles...?) Edgeworth: Therefore, there was no other bladed weapon in the room. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: I disagree. This tool kit contained a knife. Edgeworth: And what proof do you have of that? Phoenix: Don't tell me your eye for art is failing you, too, Mr. Edgeworth. Edgeworth: You are the last person in the world who should be criticizing my aesthetic sense! Judge: Now, now, he is simply watching out for your ocular health. Please proceed, Mr. Wright. Phoenix: Notice that the handles of each of these tools have a sort of design on them. Judge: Ah, I see that they do. But what significance does that have? Phoenix: It's clear that one of the tools is missing from this kit. If we rearrange the tools into a specific pattern... ...we might be able to tell which part of the overall design is missing. Edgeworth: Hmph. Is that the theory your pitiful sense of aesthetics helped you come up with? Phoenix: (Edgeworth... Just let it go, man.) Edgeworth: Show the court, then, if you would! What pattern or design would we see if we were to rearrange the tools? Judge: And what design is this supposed to represent? Phoenix: The GYAXA logo, Your Honor. It's on all of the Space Center's documents and pamphlets. As you're aware, GYAXA is the program that operates the Cosmos Space Center. Athena: Look at how brightly the GYAXA logo shines in the sunlight above the entranceway! I really dig the stars and rocket motif it's got going! Phoenix: GYAXA, huh? Isn't that the new name of the federal space R&D program? Judge: Ah, I think I see it now. But... Phoenix: Yes, with just the tools shown in this photo... ...the red "A" part of the logo is missing. And this is where the murder weapon from the Terran case comes into play. If we were to place the utility knife in the open slot... ...it would complete the GYAXA logo! Judge: So it would! Then that means...! Phoenix: Admit it, Mr. Edgeworth. My aesthetic sense is keener than yours! And while you're at it... ...admit that the weapon Ms. Cykes used could have been this one! Edgeworth: Nnnghhhoooh!! Judge: Order! Order in the court! Phoenix: Ms. Cykes confessed to having a memory of "stabbing the victim." Admittedly, Ms. Cykes most likely did stab someone... using the utility knife... However, the weapon used to kill Dr. Cykes was the katana. Therefore, the act of stabbing that Ms. Cykes remembers couldn't be that of Dr. Cykes! Edgeworth: ............ Very well. Let's suppose for a minute that Ms. Cykes did use the utility knife. Tell me............ How does that change anything? Phoenix: ...Come again? Edgeworth: What if the katana was only being used as a decoy, to conceal the true murder weapon? What if the real weapon that took the victim's life was the utility knife? Phoenix: Don't be ridiculous! Or are you changing the premise of your entire argument?! Edgeworth: I'm merely offereing a hypothetical situation derived from YOUR logic. Ms. Cykes could've put blood on the katana to make it look like the murder weapon... ...and then concealed the knife on her personage until Blackquill carried her away. Judge: That does clear up the contradiction between Ms. Cykes's memories and the evidence... Edgeworth: If, in fact, the murder weapon is a utility knife, then Fate has dealt you a cruel hand. For you have just proven the knife's existence to the rest of us with your own logic! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Th-The prosecution is attempting to lead the court! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: YOU'RE the one attempting to lead the court, Mr. Wright! By forcing us to forget the facts of this case. Need I remind you that there were only two people in the lab at the time of the murder? And that the defendant herself recalls stabbing someone with her own hands? Phoenix: No... Edgeworth: It matters not whether the murder weapon was a katana or a utility knife. As long as we know that the victim and the defendant were the only ones there... ...you cannot escape the fact that it was Athena Cykes who killed her own mother! Phoenix: I-I don't believe it...! Why?! Why does this keep happening?! Every time I find a contradicton, it vanishes and the suspicions keeps coming back! It's almost as if... almost as if...! Edgeworth: Hmph. Now you're finally starting to get it. Your contradictions keep vanishing because the charge is true. And the suspicion keeps coming back to the defendant because that's where it belongs. Phoenix Wright... When will you open your eyes and accept the truth?! Phoenix: Ngh...! NGHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Phoenix: Ngaaagh! (I don't want to believe it... It can't be true...) Ngh...! (But what if...?!) Judge: Mr. Wright, you've fought a good fight. I think you've done all you can do... Phoenix: (Is giving up really the only option...?! No! Snap out of it, Phoenix! What's the matter with you, giving in to doubt?! I can't look back! Forward is the only way to go!) No, Your Honor, not yet! It isn't over yet! Edgeworth: Wright! Phoenix: (I can't lose sight of what's important! I believe in Athena, and I'll always believe in her... to the very end! A defense lawyer never gives up on his client! I have to pick myself up and stand firm! Make that brain of yours work, Phoenix! If I don't see a way, I'll just have to go back and look for one! Time to rethink this case, thoroughly!) Phoenix: I concede the fact that Athena must have stabbed someone with the utility knife. This must've been what Ponco witnessed as Athena's "hug." But Prosecutor Blackquill didn't see the knife at the scene. This means that someone must've removed it from the lab before he arrived. Who could have taken the utility knife from the lab? A third person was at the scene Phoenix: If I trust in Athena, then I have to conclude there was a third person at the scene. But according to Ponco's testimony, Athena and her mother were the only two there. So then, how did this third person manage to escape Ponco's detection? I know! This person must've fooled Ponco's facial recognition feature by covering... The person hid their face Phoenix: But wait a minute. Ponco has a heartbeat detection system, too. Even if they covered their own face, Ponco would've still detected their presence. But she wouldn't have been able to tell who they were... Wait, that's it! The culprit could have covered their face and posed as which person to avoid detection? The person posed as the victim Phoenix: If the person posed as the victim... ...that would explain why Ponco thought only she and Athena were there. All they had to do was take advantage of Ponco's basic recognition features. The culprit used this in order to pose as the victim. The victim's jacket Phoenix: The culprit could've posed as the victim by wearing her jacket with the ID tag on it! But that still leaves the heartbeat detection system. How did the culprit get around that? It wouldn't have worked if Ponco could detect the real Dr. Cykes's heartbeat, too. So does that mean that the real Dr. Cykes was already dead by that time? If that's the case, then who did Athena stab? ATHENA STABBED THE REAL CULPRIT Phoenix: Th-That's it...! The person Athena stabbed wasn't Dr. Cykes. It was the person who murdered her, and then pretended to be her... The real culprit! Phoenix: ............ Edgeworth: Now that Mr. Wright has finally finished thinking, let us bring this to a swift end. Please give us your verdict, Your Honor, so that we can move on to hostage negotiations. Judge: You are absolutely right, Prosecutor Edgeworth. I hereby-- Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: I didn't say I was finished -- I was only pausing for a second. Because I realized something so shocking, I had to take a break to digest it. But now, I know for a fact that............ Ms. Cykes is innocent. Athena: But Ponco saw me! She witnessed the moment of the crime! Phoenix: Yes, Ponco did witness something. She saw the "hug"... In other words, the moment you used the utility knife. But the person you stabbed wasn't your mother. Judge: Wh-What are you saying, Mr. Wright?! Phoenix: The answer is simple. The person Ms. Cykes stabbed... ...was a third person, posing as Dr. Cykes! Judge: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Hmph. Do you really expect us to swallow that, Mr. Wright? According to the robot's statements, there was no third person there. Did you really think I wouldn't see through your ludicrous grab for time?! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: After all we've been through, Mr. Edgeworth, I'm disappointed. Don't you know by now that this smile of mine means I have absolute confidence? Edgeworth: Hah! You make that pose all the time, regardless of the facts! Phoenix: (Clonco's strange "malfunction"...) Clonco: Mr. Terran, you look pale. Shall I help you to the sickbay? Phoenix: "Mr. Terran"...? But that's Apollo you're talking to... Aura: Oh, this Hunk of Junk here is mistaking Apollo for Clay. Maybe Apollo is possessed by Clay's ghost. Phoenix: (That was another case of mistaken identity cause by a jacket ID tag. All because Clonco couldn't read Apollo's facial features due to that eye patch.) Like Mr. Edgeworth said, a mask could nullify the robot's facial recognition. And then... ...all the person would have to do is wear a jacket with the victim's ID tag to pose as her! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Of all the ridiculous theories... What good would a disguise like that do? Have you forgotten that the robot also has a heartbeat detection system? If there was a third person at the scene, the robot would have detected them! Phoenix: I'm sorry, Mr. Edgeworth, but that doesn't count for much, I'm afraid. Because, by that time, Dr. Cykes's heart had already stopped beating. Edgeworth: What?! Judge: S-So does that mean...?! Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor -- the person Ms. Cykes stabbed... ...this third person who was posing as Dr. Cykes... ...is her mother's real killer! Edgeworth: ...B-But that's... ...Im... Im... IMPOSSIBLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Athena: A mask... The person I stabbed... was wearing a mask...? Judge: Order! Order in the court...! Ms. Cykes? Did you say something? Athena: A mask...? Yes... I remember a... Aaaaaaaaaaagh! Phoenix: Athena...! Wh-What is it?! Athena: I... Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! I remember a man... with a mask! How could he...?! What did he do to my mother...?! Ungh... My head...! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Judge: Ms. Cykes! Are you all right?! Athena: N-NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Phoenix: (The black Psyche-Locks... They're breaking!) Athena: It's all coming back to me... Everything that happened the day my mother was murdered... Phoenix: (They're gone! The black Psyche-Locks are finally gone!) You didn't really stab your mother, did you. It's all right, Athena. Just tell us what you saw that day. Athena: I was... drawing a picture. When I was done, I went to show it to my mom. I opened the door... and then...! Ugh... Nghaaah... Phoenix: It's all right. I'm right here. You're safe, Athena. Athena: She... was on the floor, by the workbench... with the katana sticking out of her... There was a handkerchief over her face... but I knew it was her by her clothes. And... there was a man there! Judge: A-A man?! Phoenix: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: Quiet, Your Honor! Go on, Athena. Athena: He tried to attack me. In a panic, I grabbed the knife that was there and... Nngh... He dodged at first, so I only got his clothes, but I tried again! Phoenix: And this time, you got him, didn't you? Athena: I did. I remember it clearly now. The knife went into the back of his hand. Then he kicked me, and I passed out. Athena: When I came to, my mom wasn't moving. I had to do something... I had to fix her, I thought... So I asked Ponco to move her to the operating table. Something's wrong with Mom, so I'm taking her apart to fix her! Phoenix: (So that's why she said that...) Your Honor, as you can see, the defendant has just given us critical new testimony. A man was there before Ms. Cykes arrived! A man who covered the victim's face... ...and put on the victim's jacket! This man is the real culprit! Judge: Ms. Cykes, do you have any idea who this man was? Athena: ............No, I'm afraid I don't... Phoenix: A few moments ago, Ms. Cykes mentioned a mask. Athena, can you tell us anything else about that? Athena: Yes...! The mask... It was my mom's Japanese theater mask! I think it was the one hanging on the wall of the lab! Judge: Ah, this mask hanging here on the wall! Athena: It was kind of spooky, that mask. My mom used to tell me... ...that a Noh mask even has the power to turn an ordinary human being into a phantom. Phoenix: (A ph-phantom...?) Judge: Hmm... It would seem... ...that a new suspect has emerged. And that means all suspicion against Ms. Cykes has-- Aura: File:AA5 Holdit.png Aura: ...You see? This is precisely why I can't trust the court system. Athena Cykes is the murderer! I won't accept any other verdict! Phoenix: Ms. Blackquill! (Th-This is not good...) Aura: A new suspect? Where's the proof this person ever existed? Who says it wasn't all just a dream in the little princess's groggy little head? Phoenix: (Ungh... She's right. We don't have any hard evidence of the masked man's existence...) Athena: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Athena: Thank you, Mr. Wright. I'll never be able to repay you for all you've done. But I'm fine now, because I can say with certainty that I didn't kill my mother. Phoenix: Athena... I'm so glad for you. Athena: More and more memories are coming back now... so I'd like to say one thing, if I could. Ponco came to the robotics lab at about 2 PM to recharge. Ponco: I went to the robotics lab at about 2 PM for my regular recharge! Just as I was about to charge up, Athena came in and hugged Mommy Metis! And then Mommy Metis fell down. After that, I was recharging, so I don't know anything. Phoenix: I see where you're going with this. If "Mommy Metis" was really the killer in disguise... Athena: Right. Then he must have come to the robotics lab before 2 PM! Phoenix: (Do I have anything here in the evidence... ...that can help me find this person who came to the lab before 2 PM...?) Phoenix: This is Prosecutor Blackquill leaving the scene after the incident, at around 3 PM. What I'm wondering is, does the video show anyone else passing by there before then? Edgeworth: I don't see anything in the investigation report. It looks like they didn't check. Phoenix: Just as I thought. So if we rewind the footage and go back to around 2 PM... ...we should be able to see the true culprit leaving the scene! Judge: V-Very well, then! Let's take a look! Phoenix: There! Please stop it right there! Judge: It's just like you said! There is a man leaving the scene of the crime! Phoenix: Ms. Cykes... do you remember this person? Athena: That's him! I'm sure of it! He... He's wearing my mother's jacket! Athena: I did... but what I really wanted to see was her jacket. Phoenix: (That jacket on display... That was Dr. Cykes's...?) Athena: Can you see it? There's the slash I made with the utility knife that day! And I'm sure that knife is under that jacket somewhere! Judge: S-So then... everything Ms. Cykes said... Phoenix: Exactly. It proves that Ms. Cykes's memory was correct! Dr. Cykes's killer arrived at the robotics lab before 2 PM. He killed her and hid her face with a handkerchief. Then, he disguised himself with Dr. Cykes's jacket and mask that were there in the lab. Athena: The culprit probably knew beforehand that Ponco charged up at 2 PM every day. So he waited for Ponco to come to the lab for her regular recharge. Phoenix: By leaving Dr. Cykes's jacket on, the culprit tricked Ponco into thinking he was Dr. Cykes. Thereby, making it look like she was alive up to that point in time. All to disguise the real time of death! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: It's a nice theory, Mr. Wright, but I'm afraid that it's just not possible. Phoenix: Wh-What?! Why not?! The victim's jacket is clearly visible right there in this video! Edgeworth: And that right there, is precisely the problem. The ID tag on the jacket at the scene confirms beyond doubt that it belonged to the victim. If the person who left the lab truly was wearing the victim's jacket... ...then how could it possibly have wound up back at the crime scene?! Phoenix: Hmm... (What's going on? That doesn't make sense... Edgeworth's right. If the culprit was wearing the jacket, how did it get back to the lab?) Phoenix: The killer used the jacket as a disguise to make his escape... ...but in order to conceal that fact, he had to get the jacket back to the crime scene. So the culprit simply returned to the robotics lab later and planted it there. Contradiction resolved! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Except that it would have been impossible. The only people who came to the robotics lab after the killer were... ...Prosecutor Blackquill, and the people who reported the body. And they claimed that the jacket was there when they arrived. So! When do you propose this mysterious man of yours had the chance to return the jacket?! Judge: Hmm... A puzzling question indeed. Phoenix: (When did the culprit have the chance to bring the jacket back?) Phoenix: The only time the culprit could have returned the jacket was when the body was found. Edgeworth: Mr. Wright, do you realize the implication of that argument? Phoenix: I do. Most people, when they come across a murder, focus their attention on the body. The culprit could have taken advantage of that split second to plant the jacket. In other words, the true culprit of this case, the man known as "the phantom"... ...was one of the first people to discover the body! Judge: I... I... would never have thought of that! Order! Order in the court...! Wh-What is the meaning of this, Prosecutor Edgeworth?! Edgeworth: ............The body was discovered and reported by a group of three people. They were there to collect the space probe's capsule in preparation for the HAT-1 launch. One of those people had a special bag to transport the capsule in. Phoenix: Oh, you mean the shock-resistant bag? Edgeworth: Correct. I suppose that if the jacket was in that bag... ...it could have been returned to the scene of the crime without anyone noticing. I'll see to it that you get the reports on those three people. Phoenix: Y-You will...?! Edgeworth: We should also check the facial recognition database for that robot. If this person felt the need to hide his face with the theater mask... ...it might mean that his facial data was once registered. Judge: P-Prosecutor E-Edgeworth! D-Does th-this mean...?! Edgeworth: I have to admit, I believe Ms. Cykes's memories to be credible. ...You win, Wright... Not that this was ever an "official" trial anyway... Judge: Do my ears deceive me...? Prosecutor Edgeworth, are you actually conceding?! Athena: Is it true, Boss? Does this mean... I'm...? Phoenix: (I can't believe it! It's over! I won! I proved that both Athena and Prosecutor Blackquill are innocent!) Your Honor! I see no need to further prolong this trial! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Hold on, Mr. Wright. Have you forgotten who's in charge of this trial? Judge: That's right! I'M the one who's supposed to say, "I see no need to further prolong--" Edgeworth: Not you either, Your Honor. Now, silence. Aura: ............ The little princess who was truly beloved by Metis, and who repaid that love with death-- All these years, hating Athena was the only thing that's kept me going... But what do I do now? Can anybody tell me? How am I supposed to go on?! Phoenix: (Ms. Blackquill...) Blackquill: Hmph. How unlike you, Aura. Metis was deeply passionate about her work, and she chose you as her partner. Isn't that-- Aura: Shut up, Simon! You know exactly how I felt about her! Her respect as a co-worker wasn't all that I wanted! Judge: Hmm... Then what did you want from her? Phoenix: (...Did you really just go there, Your Honor?!) Blackquill: Aura, there is something I've wanted to say, if you will lend me an ear. I have in my possesion, a lead on who Metis's murderer is. Phoenix: Y-You do?! Blackquill: Wright-dono, you asked me about the identity of "the phantom of seven years past." Phoenix: Th-That's right. (The phantom... The person Blackquill has been looking for, even from behind bars!) Blackquill: Seven years ago, somebody hatched a plan to sabotage the HAT-1 rocket. Edgeworth: The spy... Blackquill: But he was no ordinary spy. We knew naught about him -- his background, appearance... We came to refer to him as "the phantom." At the time, I was working with the police to hunt him down. And then one day, a miracle occurred, and I obtained a lead on him. Judge: Oh, how exciting! What was the lead? Blackquill: A recording of the phantom's voice. But the quality was too poor for proper analysis. Yet, I had hope. Aura's co-worker was a scientist who could analyze human emotions... ...so I asked her to evalute the recording using analytical psychology. Phoenix: And that scientist was... Dr. Cykes! Blackquill: Yes. A spy's greatest fear is to have his true identity discovered. In addition to HAT-1, Dr. Cykes's results and the recording were surely among his targets. But his search of the Space Center bore no fruit, so he must have started to panic. Judge: He couldn't find them? But where could they have been?! Blackquill: Hmph. Who is to say? Phoenix: (Wow, I bet he's never let that out of his sight all these years.) Edgeworth: How in the world did you smuggle them into prison?! Blackquill: Oh, I have my ways. What's more, my partner is especially talented at that sort of thing. I worked to lure the phantom in by spreading rumors throughout the underworld. I was even granted permission to prosecute cases to attract the phantom's attention. "Just TRY to retrieve your identity, you bloody butcher!" became my taunt. Phoenix: And what about the results Dr. Cykes drew up for you? Was there any useful information? Blackquill: Here. You can see for yourself. But take good care of it. It's all I have left of my mentor. Phoenix: I-I will... (I'd better hold onto this real tight...) Phoenix: (No emotional fluctuation, huh?) Blackquill: A spy who experiences no emotions -- not sadness, nor anger... and naturally, no fear. He is the very definition of a phantom: a monster with no heart. Don't you see? This CREATURE is the rot that destroyed our lives, and set what ails us all into motion! Edgeworth: "The phantom," indeed. A fitting name for the one who has brought darkness to our world. Judge: Hmm... Well then. It seems a faint image of this man has started to take shape. Based on what we have learned, I'd like all of you to conduct further investigation. This is not a normal trial, but I do want to follow protocol. If I may, I'd like to hand down my verdicts and bring these proceedings to an end. Aura: ...Whatever. Do what you want. Edgeworth: Hmph. You'll hear no objections from me. Phoenix: Yes, please, Your Honor! (It's over... It's finally over...) Judge: Very well. In that case... Prosecutor Blackquill, could you please take the stand? As a result of this trial, your innocence has been proven. The verdict handed down seven years ago is hereby overturned. Blackquill: Hmph............ Judge: And now, the defendant of the current trial, Ms. Athena Cykes. Athena: Y-Yes, Your Honor! Mr. Wright... Thank you! Thank you for everything! Phoenix: Athena... You're more than welcome... Judge: If everyone is ready, I will now give my verdict. ???: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Judge: Y-You...! Apollo: ............ Phoenix: A-Apollo! Edgeworth: What is the meaning of this...? Apollo: Congratulations, Mr. Wright and Prosecutor Edgeworth. You uncovered the truth from seven years ago, and you saved Prosecutor Blackquill. However... ...I can't allow this trial to end just yet! Phoenix: (Why, Apollo? Why would you do this to us?) To Be Continued December 20 District Court - Courtroom No. 4 Judge: Mr. Justice! Please explain yourself! Apollo: It's very simple. There isn't much to explain. The defendant, Ms. Athena Cykes, might not be innocent. Phoenix: What are you talking about?! The case from seven years ago has been settled! Apollo: I'm not talking about that case. I'm talking about the present case. It's still not clear who killed Clay Terran. Athena: But, Apollo... Why would you...? Apollo: ...Ms. Cykes, please listen quietly to what I have to say. Phoenix: (What in the world is Apollo trying to do?) Apollo: Your Honor, please allow me a little of the court's time. Judge: But... this is a trial for the case from seven years ago. Apollo: Ms. Blackquill... I'd like to ask a favor of you. Just as you lost someone close to you, I lost someone close to me, too. I'm sure you want to know the real truth of what happened as much as I do. Aura: Apollo............ Hee hee. Sure, you know I'm all for the truth! Now, let's see you expose the princess's guilt! Judge, I give my permission. Continue with the trial! Judge: V-Very well. Is that all right with you, Prosecutor Edgeworth? Edgeworth: Hmph............ The prosecution has no objections. Let's hear Mr. Justice's testimony. I'll have the police's investigation report brought immediately. Phoenix: (Not you too, Edgeworth... I really hope it's because you have something up your sleeve.) Judge: Very well. Your opening statement, please, Prosecutor Edgeworth. Edgeworth: As you wish. Let's review the case of the murder of Mr. Clay Terran. It was made clear in the previous trial that Solomon Starbuck was not his killer. Therefore, the true culprit was someone else. On that day, this culprit waited for the astronauts in Boarding Lounge 1. When the two men made their escape out of the Space Museum... ...the killer attacked Mr. Terran with the same type of knife that was used seven years ago. The murderer then escaped into the Space Museum. Next, Director Yuri Cosmos switched the launch pads. After that, the culprit exited the Space Museum and escaped via Boarding Lounge 2. Therefore, this trial must make clear who Mr. Terran's true killer was. In other words... ...we must discover who it was that escaped through the Space Museum that day. Judge: Thank you, Prosecutor Edgeworth. Mr. Wright, is the defense ready? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. (I'd better rearrange my evidence...) Judge: Now then, Mr. Justice. Your testimony, if you please. Witness Testimony -- Apollo Justice's Accusation -- Apollo: I suspected Ms. Cykes of the murder of Clay Terran. My growing suspicions were confirmed when this incriminating evidence presented itself. In addition, she's the only one who could have utilized the launch pad switch to escape. That is why I wish to indict Ms. Cykes on the charge of murder! Judge: Order! Order in the court! Mr. Justice, you realize you are charging your own co-worker with murder, don't you?! Apollo: Yes, Your Honor, because that is the conclusion my investigation has led me to. Athena: But, Apollo... Why? How could you suspect me, too? Apollo: ............Mr. Wright, your cross-examination. Please. Phoenix: (I don't get it! Just what did you find out over the past few days to make you think this...?) Cross-Examination -- Apollo Justice's Accusation -- Apollo: I suspected Ms. Cykes of the murder of Clay Terran. Apollo: My growing suspicions were confirmed when this incriminating evidence presented itself. Apollo: In addition, she's the only one who could have utilized the launch pad switch to escape. Apollo: That is why I wish to indict Ms. Cykes on the charge of murder! Phoenix: (His points of contention are the fingerprints on the lighter, and the escape route, huh? Apollo knows how I operate, so I can't use my usual tactics on him. It looks like the only thing I can do here is press him for more information.) Judge: Hmm... Your arguments have been very clear, Mr. Justice. And your facts appear to be indisputable. Apollo: Well, Mr. Wright? What do you think of MY theory? Phoenix: ............ Apollo: It looks like not even you can deny it. Ms. Cykes was the only one who used the only possible escape route. Edgeworth: Under these circumstances, there can be no other suspect but the defendant. Apollo: Unless... ...you think there was an alternative escape route...? Is that what you think, Mr. Wright? Judge: IS that what you think, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: (IS that what you think, Phoenix? Was there an alternative escape route?) Phoenix: Yes, of course there must have been. (Just don't ask me what...) Apollo: ............! You're just bluffing again, aren't you? Phoenix: Me? Bluff? No way! (............He knows me too well.) ............It's fine, Mr. Wright... Even a bluff would suit me just fine... As long as you can... Apollo: ...clear up this doubt inside me! Phoenix: ............Wait! So is that what this is all about?! Apollo: I... I want to believe in Athena. I really do. But what is faith without doubt? That's why... I need to question her guilt! So that once the truth finally comes out, I can really, fully trust her! Athena: So that you can... really trust me? Edgeworth: Hmph. It seems your junior partner has just showed us what trials are truly all about. Phoenix: I believe you're right. Edgeworth: We prosecutors painstakingly question every detail in pursuit of the defendant. Phoenix: While we lawyers believe in and defend our clients to the end. Judge: When both sides go all-out against each other, that's when we discover the truth. Edgeworth: Precisely. And when the battle is over, we will understand the true meaning of trust. That is exactly what trials are about, wouldn't you agree? Apollo: Yes. I couldn't ignore the seed of doubt that was growing inside me. So I decided I needed to face it head-on! No matter what the truth is that's waiting ahead, I won't be afraid! Athena: ............ Phoenix: (That's so like Apollo, always uber-earnest about things like this...) Mr. Justice... I vow to dispel every last bit of doubt in your heart! Apollo: Good! Because I want to believe in Ms. Cykes again! Phoenix: (You're really hoping there WAS an alternative route, aren't you, Apollo? But if I use the process of elimination, there really aren't that many possibilities. Director Cosmos was at the southern exit... ...leaving only the Control Room and the corridor to the Space Museum. Which door could the culprit have escaped through?) Apollo: Come on, Mr. Wright! Where do you think the culprit escaped to? Phoenix: They really only could've escaped to the corridor to the Space Museum. All they had to do was use the unconscious Mr. Starbuck's prints to get through the door. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: It appears that all you're trying to establish is Ms. Cykes's guilt. If the culprit used that route, the only exit would have been into Boarding Lounge 2. The logical conclusion of your argument is that the killer is none other than the defendant! Phoenix: Ungh... Apollo: ............I knew it... That's the only way it could be, huh? If the culprit escaped into the corridor that leads to the Space Museum... ...then I guess it's true. The only exit WOULD have been into Boarding Lounge 2. Phoenix: But Ms. Cykes was the only person... ...captured by the Boarding Lounge 2 security camera. Apollo: I investigated the crime scene thoroughly... ...but the only place the culprit could have escaped to was the Space Musem corridor. There weren't any other secret corridors or anything. Edgeworth: So the leaves us with no other conclusion to draw but that Athena Cykes was the culprit. Phoenix: (What could the answer be? Was there really no other escape route? ............But, hold on a second. What if...? Where did those mysterious leaves we saw in the corridor come from? What if they're a clue to the culprit's real escape route...?) ............I think it IS possible that the culprit escaped into the Space Museum... ...but then came out using a route other than into Boarding Lounge 2. Apollo: Oh?! Phoenix: Launch Pad 1 and the Space Museum were switched after the bombing, meaning... ...the Space Museum corridor was moving along the rail at the time. Which is exactly when an alternative escape route opened up for our culprit! Apollo: A-Are you kidding me?! Edgeworth: Hmph. Judging by the intense look in your eyes, I take it you're serious. Very well, then, Mr. Wright. Do tell. Where could the culprit have gone from the Museum corridor besides Boarding Lounge 2? Phoenix: We found something odd while investigating the Museum corridor this afternoon. Namely, a few dead leaves on the floor. Considering where dead leaves come from... they point us to exactly where the culprit escaped to. Apollo: Yes, I remember seeing some leaves myself............ Aaaaah! Do you mean...?! Phoenix: Yup. While the Space Museum was in motion, just beyond that corridor's safety door... ...was an alternative place that the culprit could use to escape. In other words, the culprit's real escape route was... ...the area outside the Space Center! Edgeworth: You're Apollo: Freakin' Judge: INSAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANE! Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: Do you know how impossible that would be?! That corridor is level with the third floor! Even if the culprit tried to leap to the outside wall of the Space Center building... ...they would fall to their death! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Ordinarily, yes. But after the bombing incident, the culprit could make use of a certain item. Edgeworth: And what item was it, exactly, Mr. Wright?! Phoenix: All right. This is what the culprit used to leap to the outside wall of the main building. Edgeworth: An emergency ladder...?! Phoenix: There was an emergency ladder in the fourth-floor robotics lab. And it was used that day after the explosions to help evacuate people. Ms. Blackquill herself used that ladder to escape down to ground level. Recall that the launch pads were switched after the ladder was lowered. The corridor would have passed by the ladder while the pads were being switched. And that's when the culprit literally sprang into action! And leapt onto the ladder! Apollo: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Wh-Who could have imagined...?! Judge: Order! Order in the court! Well! An alternative escape route seems to have emerged! Apollo: Which means someone other than Ms. Cykes could have been the culprit, right?! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Making things up on the fly in an attempt to sway the court again, are we, Mr. Wright? Your theory has so many holes, it puts Swiss cheese to shame! Phoenix: All right, then. Name one. Edgeworth: I have here detailed information about the Space Center. According to this... ...the distance between the Museum Corridor and the main building during movement is... ...a full twenty feet. Phoenix: T-Twenty feet? You're pulling my leg, right? Edgeworth: In addition, the corridor is three floors from the ground, or roughly fifty feet. What's more, the culprit would be leaping to a precarious place............ an unstable ladder. Phoenix: Urk. Edgeworth: Human beings feel fear in dangerous situations. It's a basic survival instinct. An ordinary person would certainly hesitate before jumping... ...or even freeze in fear and not jump at all. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: B-But the culprit had just murdered someone. They weren't in an ordinary state of mind. Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: Nevertheless, why would they have taken that kind of risk? They could have waited for the switch to be complete and escaped to Boarding Lounge 2. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Because there was a security camera in Boarding Lounge 2. The culprit knew they would be recorded if they left the Space Museum that way! Edgeworth: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Edgeworth: In that case, the culprit could have hidden in the museum until things settled down... ...and then blended in with the other people after the museum was opened. Phoenix: That's a good point! Edgeworth: But you claim that, despite all this, the culprit took a twenty-foot death-defying leap? And all in the brief moment that the corridor and ladder passed by each other? Phoenix: That's.... also a good point... Edgeworth: They would have needed a running start while the corridor was moving to make that jump. If their timing was off or if they couldn't jump far enough, it would have been instant death. What kind of person would attempt something like that?! Phoenix: Stop bringing up good points, Edgeworth... Edgeworth: This "true culprit" of yours is nothing but a figment of your imagination! Phoenix: Why do you always have to point out every flaw?!?!?! Apollo: Mr. Edgeworth's right -- that does sound pretty insane. The culprit would have to be someone who feels no fear, like a stuntman. Phoenix: (But everyone feels fear on some leve, right? ............Wait a minute! Aha! I've got it this time!) I can prove that there is someone who could've used this alternate escape route! Edgeworth: Oh, can you now? Phoenix: This proves the possibility of a person who could've used this alternative escape route! Apollo: What's that, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: This is a certain person's very interesting psych profile. "The subject... doesn't experience feelings like normal people do." In other words, this person doesn't feel happiness, sadness, or fear. Apollo: Doesn't feel... fear? Edgeworth: ............W-Wright...! You can't be serious?! Phoenix: Without the constraint of fear... ...he could easily do what an ordinary person wouldn't dare! Just as you or I could do a broad jump on the ground without the slightest fear... ...this "subject" could make a twenty-foot leap, fifty feet up in the air. He could choose this extreme way of escaping without hesitation! Apollo: So you're saying that to a person without fear... ...the alternative route would be quicker and eliminate the chance that they'd be spotted? That's definitely pretty extreme, Mr. Wright! Judge: But was there such a person at the scene? Phoenix: Yes, the phantom, that mysterious, shadowy figure who keeps popping up... Judge: Oh dear! Edgeworth: The phantom... again...?! Phoenix: I knew the phantom was there behind the scenes of the Space Center bombing. But I wasn't sure if he was connected to the murder of Clay Terran as well. However, now it's all clear! The phantom is the one who not only bombed the Space Center, but also killed Mr. Terran! Edgeworth: WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-- Apollo: --AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Judge: Order in the court! Order, I say! M-Mr. Wright, please continue! Phoenix: There were just too many similarities between this case and the one from seven years ago. "But why?" you may ask. It can only be because both incidents are the work of the same phantom! Apollo: So then, this "phantom"... is the one who killed Clay...?! But who IS he?! Phoenix: (This phantom has been haunting this case, pulling the strings in the background... Who could this unidentified, international spy be?) Edgeworth: Wright, this escape route must've been a part of the phantom's plan from the start. As was tricking Director Cosmos into switching the launch pads. The bomb on the second floor was meant to make the elevators and stairs unusable. That's why he gave advance warning and planted the bombs where he did. Phoenix: Yes, I think you're right. ............But it doesn't explain this one last thing. Aura: So I lowered my emergency ladder like the detective leading the evacuation told me to. But it was such a pain. Why couldn't they have used the ladders in the other rooms? Phoenix: The robotics lab wasn't the only room with an emergency ladder. But he couldn't have made that leap unless he was certain which one it would be. Apollo: So, you mean... ...the phantom was someone who knew that particular ladder was going to be used? Phoenix: That's right. Judge: Hmm... Who could it be? Phoenix: ............Wait a minute... "So I lowered my emergency ladder like the detective leading the evacuation told me to." Phoenix: Ms. Blackquill lowered the ladder... after being told to by the detective leading the...? ............AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! (Y-You've gotta be kidding me!) Edgeworth: Did you figure it out, Wright? Do you know who the phantom is?! Phoenix: Yes, I do... Apollo: Wh-Who is it?! Who killed Clay?! Phoenix: (Our mystery spy, known as the phantom, is none other than...!) After the explosions, a member of the staff crossed paths with a certain detective. "I was on duty on the fourth floor. It was quite the madhouse, I tell you!" Phoenix: As for the detective who was leading the evacuation from the fourth floor... ...he had a very specific objective in mind. "So I lowered my emergency ladder like the detective leading the evacuation told me to." Phoenix: His objective was to secure his own escape route! "We lowered an emergency ladder from a fourth floor window and escaped that way. Once everyone else got out safely, I made my way down too, and headed to the shelter." Phoenix: This is a detective you all know. He's even the lead detective on the current case... He appears to be a very emotional man, but his psych profile says he is without emotion. Edgeworth: What?! Are you saying...?! Apollo: Y-You mean the phantom is...?! Judge: D-Detective Bobby Fulbright?! Phoenix: Exactly. We were all taken in by his fake persona. Detective Fulbright's real identity is the phantom! Judge: Order! Order in the court...! Mr. Wright! How could this be? Phoenix: That's easy, Your Honor. Detective Fulbright was leading the fourth floor evacuation effort. Our first clue is that he made no attempt to have any other ladder put to use. The ladder in the robotics lab is the only one he ordered to be lowered. The second is that he directed everybody to the basement shelter via this ladder. Edgeworth: Verily! It was all a part of his plan to create an escape route! Phoenix: After Detective Fulbright saw to it that the ladder was lowered from the robotics lab... ...he went to the lounge, where he killed Clay Terran, and escaped into the Space Museum. The Museum started moving, slowly, so he waited for the right time, got a running start... And just as the corridor was passing the ladder... he leaped onto it! Edgeworth: Grr... I don't believe it... That addlepated detective did all that...?! Apollo: Was it really him...? I mean, all this time, I thought... Apollo: Sorry, we didn't catch your name. Fulbright: My name? I'm Bobby Fulbright! The heroic detective who defends our good citizens from evil! The champion of justice who comes running whenever you're in need! And my catchphrase? It's "In justice we trust!" Athena: Then... his concern for Simon... was also all just one big act...? Fulbright: I swore to reform Prosecutor Blackquill and make him a valued member of society again... ...so I can't just sit by and watch him give in to his emotions, and tear the defendant apart! Apollo: THAT monster killed Clay?! He--! He had me completely fooled! Come to think of it, he's the one who brought that bloodstained lighter to court, too! The scumbag even made me turn on Athena! Damn it! How the hell did I fall for all that?! Edgeworth: For him to have wormed his way into the police department as well... Nnrgh! Phoenix: Your Honor, the defense demands to question Detective Bobby Fulbright! Judge: Hmm... Yes, I agree that we need to hear from him right away. The court will take a short recess, and then Detective Fulbright will take the stand! December 20, 5:23 PM District Court - Defendant Lobby No. 5 Athena: Thank you so much, Mr. Wright! If it wasn't for everything you did, I... I... Phoenix: Don't thank me yet. We still have an uphill battle to fight. Athena: You got it, Boss! Apollo: ............ Athena: A-Apollo...! ............ Phoenix: (Ugh... Well, this is awkward...) Apollo: Athena, can you do me a favor? Athena: Huh? What is it? Apollo: Could you............ punch me, please? Athena: Wh-What?! Why should I do that?! Apollo: Because I should've believed in you! I let the seed of doubt inside me get the best of me. I'm really sorry that I didn't trust-- OUCH! Athena: Don't be such a dope! I was really touched by what you did! Apollo: ............Huh? Now what are YOU talking about? Apollo: I... I want to believe in Athena. I really do. But what is faith without doubt? That's why... I need to question her guilt! So that once the truth finally comes out, I can really, fully trust her! Athena: You took the time and effort to genuinely think about who I am and what I'm made of... After all that, how could I punch a true friend like you, Apollo? Phoenix: (You didn't have any trouble slapping him a second ago...) Apollo: Thanks, Athena. And thanks for waking me up to reality again. Phoenix: (Guess I know now who to call if I ever get sleepy in court...) ???: It looks like you have some promising young people working under you. Phoenix: ...Edgeworth. Yeah. I think they're pretty great, myself. (And they're not afraid to keep me in line...) Edgeworth: Anyway, I have some very good news. Aura Blackquill has surrendered and the hostages have been set free. Phoenix: Trucy and all the others...?! Oh, thank goodness!!! Edgeworth: ............Ms. Blackquill said she had something she really needed to do. So I granted her special permission to do what she must. Phoenix: I wonder what it is? Ms. Blackquill! Aura: ............I didn't come to apologize, if that's what you're thinking. My actions are what allowed the truth of what happened seven years ago to come to light. But I did come because I had something to say to all of you. Clonco: Miss Aura... Phoenix: (She'd better not be here to complain about something...) Edgeworth: ............Ms. Blackquill, I want to apologize to you. The fact that you couldn't trust the court system is our fault. Aura: Ha ha ha! Yes, it's true the courts are filled with incompetent idiots. Still... I suppose I could let you handle the rest of this case for me. Clonco: Oh, Miss Aura! Does this mean you're starting to trust the system again?! Aura: No, of course not! Be quiet, Hunk of Junk! It's just... I wouldn't mind if you were the ones who took Metis's killer down. Apollo: Leave it to us! We'll get him! Phoenix: (So I guess that means she's starting to trust US at least...) Blackquill: ...Aura. Aura: Simon. I'm so glad both you and the princess were cleared of all suspicion. And it's all thanks to me and my robots. You'd better be grateful. Blackquill: Hmph. I never imagined you would go that far... though you always were extreme. But I don't recall ever requesting your help. Aura: As closed as ever, I see. Well, now that you've been released, I guess it's my turn to go live in the slammer. I just hope you're not the prosecutor for my trial. You'd probably give me the death penalty. Blackquill: ...Hmph. You know me all too well. Phoenix: (I guess love can take on a variety of expressions, including stunted in their case...) Blackquill: ............But I truly was about to be executed tomorrow. Though, because of you, it looks like I won't be crossing the Styx just yet. ............You have my heartfelt thanks, Aura. I'm sorry I cause you so much anguish. Aura: Simon... ............ *sniffle* I'm so glad, Simon. So very glad to hear you say that... Blackquill: Aura... Aura: ...All right. That's enough of that... Bailiff, take me to the Detention Center. Phoenix: (What Ms. Blackquill did was inexcusable... ...but it's clear she did it out of love for her brother...) Athena: I still can't wrap my mind around Detective Fulbright being the phantom... Apollo: I...! I can't believe he killed Clay! Blackquill: Right. And murdered my mentor, which brought great distress upon little Athena. ......Chief Prosecutor. Edgeworth: Yes...? Blackquill: I would ask a favor. Would you allow me to stand at the prosecutor's bench for this trial? I wish to claim the phantom's head by my own hand. Edgeworth: ...Hmph. That was my plan all along. After all... ...it's highly unconventional for a man of my position to stand in court. Blackquill: ............Sir... Edgeworth: The formal paperwork has yet to be filed, but you are hereby conditionally released. Please take the prosecutor's bench in your official capacity... ...and uncover the truth by your own hand. Blackquill: I'm much obliged... ...They day to part with these has come at last. Chief Prosecutor... could you? Blackquill: ............ ............How long have I waited. Maybe it's the sense of freedom, but even the air seems fresher, the light, brighter... And I will relish slashing that blackguard Fulbright to shreds without mercy. Phoenix: (I don't have to be able to read his heart to see how happy he is...) Athena: *sniffle* I'm so glad! But I won't... cry just yet! After all, we've still got a trial to finish! Phoenix: (It's okay to cry, Athena. I promise.) Apollo: Prosecutor Blackquill... Mr. Wright... Please avenge Clay's death for me. Phoenix: What are you talking about, Apollo? You're coming to the defense's bench with me. Apollo: I am?! Phoenix: Well, I can't expect Athena to assist me, now can I? She's the defendant. That leaves you, Apollo. Apollo: But... Are you sure you want me...? I... I took a leave of absence and everything... Phoenix: Well, our office is pretty short-handed, and you're all I've got. Apollo: Th-Thank you, Mr. Wright! Athena: Apollo. Apollo: Athena, I can say it with all my heart now. I believe in your complete innocence. And now we're going to prove it to the world! Athena: ...Thank you, Apollo! I know you can do it! Phoenix: Now THIS is the Apollo I know! Athena: Welcome back, Apollo! Edgeworth: It's almost time for the trial to restart, though it looks like you have things well in hand. Phoenix: Yup. Edgeworth: I should head back to the Prosecutor's Office. Athena: But why? Edgeworth: I want to look into a few things. Namely... ...the first people on the scene seven years ago, the facial data registered by the robot... ...and Detective Fulbright's background. Phoenix: Sounds great, Edgeworth. Thanks. Edgeworth: I expect to be repaid with a victory, Wright. Now, if you'll excuse me. Phoenix: Okay, you two all set to go? Apollo: You bet I am! Athena: Let's do this! Phoenix: (This is it, the final battle! The murder of Apollo's friend, the courtroom bombing incident... ...and the case that ushered in the dark age of the law seven years ago... Destiny has called us to bring the one responsible for it all to justice today!) December 20, 5:27 PM District Court - Courtroom No. 4 Judge: Let us now reconvene. Phoenix: The defense is ready, Your Honor. Blackquill: The prosecution has never been more ready. Apollo: You know, this is the first time we've been at the defense bench together since I debuted. Phoenix: Not that you mention it... (Although, back then, I thought you were more loud than you were reliable...) You've really come a long way since then, Apollo. You've grown a lot. Apollo: Well, there have been some hiccups, but I guess I've done pretty well. Phoenix: (He's still got that ego of his, though.) Judge: ............Prosecutor Blackquill. With the seven-year mistake now resolved, you can finally take your rightful place... ...! Um, yes, I guess we can keep the chitchat for later...! B-Bailiff, please bring in the witness immediately! Apollo: Even with those handcuffs off, Prosecutor Blackquill seems to be pretty much the same. Phoenix: Seven years of grumpiness doesn't go away so easily, I guess. Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha! Bobby Fulbright here! I heard I was needed on the stand so I here I am! Judge: Detective Fulbright... Do you know why you have been called to give testimony? Fulbright: Yup! 'Cause there is only one reason why I'd be called! And that is, because it's time for justice! In justice we trust! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: You can't fool us with that act anymore! Your "justice" is nothing but lies! Fulbright: What?! Are you questioning the integrity of my sense of justice?! ............I mean, sure, sometimes I make mistakes, but hey... Apollo: ............He's acting exactly the same as always. Phoenix: Tell me about it. He must be feeling awfully confident... Blackquill: ............Fool Bright, if you wish to dispel our suspicions, then let's get to your testimony. Fulbright: All right. Fine! You want me to prove my righteousness? I can certainly do that! Witness Testimony -- The Embodiment of Justice -- Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha! I am the very embodiment of justice itself! I won't have you make me into a villain with your far-fetched arguments! And this bit about the escape route is only a theory -- you don't have any proof! What we DO have is proof that Athena Cykes is the culprit: this lighter with her prints on it! Judge: Hmm... So you're saying the suspicions against you are completely false? And that the defendant is the real culprit? Fulbright: Th-That's right. Mr. Lawyer's escape route is totally circumstantial! He doesn't have any proof that I made a big leap onto a ladder! Blackquill: We don't have proof. You are correct about that. However, you don't have any proof for your claim, either. Fulbright: Ngaaagh! I-I guess you're right. But you can't define justice with evidence. Who can define it, anyway? Justice... just is! Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: D-Don't make me......... break out a dictionary on you! Fulbright: Ngaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! Please, don't throw the book at me! Apollo: Ugh... Tell me the phantom didn't just make me set up a stupid pun for him. Phoenix: ...Let's just try not to lose focus, all right? Fulbright: But my justice is crystal clear! What's not clear are your eyes! Wake up and smell the justice! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Fulbright: ! Blackquill: Enough of your rubbish, Fool Bright. If you have even an ounce of justice, then you will answer the court's questions and prove it! Fulbright: ............Prosecutor Blackquill? Apollo: Prosecutor Blackquill looks torn. Phoenix: Well, Fulbright was his partner after all. Judge: Hmm... Prosecutor Blackquill is right. The truth will be revealed in the cross-examination. The suspicions against Detective Fulbright are, at this point, only suspicions. As is my duty, I will judge the claims against the detective as impartially as I can. Does anyone have any objections? Phoenix: That's fine, Your Honor. Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha! Now, ask away and don't hold back! Judge: Well, there don't appear to be any objections. Very well, Mr. Wright. Please begin your cross-examination. Cross-Examination -- The Embodiment of Justice -- Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha! I am the very embodiment of justice itself! Fulbright: I won't have you make me into a villain with your far-fetched arguments! Fulbright: And this bit about the escape route is only a theory -- you don't have any proof! Fulbright: What we DO have is proof that Athena Cykes is the culprit: this lighter with her prints on it! Fulbright: Three prints were on the lighter: the thumb, index, and middle fingers of a right hand! Fulbright: The prints were placed just the way they would be if someone were holding it lit. Fulbright: Ms. Blackquill was extremely crabby about having her work interrupted! Fulbright: The lab was very messy, so it was actually kind of a poor choice for the evacuation... Phoenix: You say the prints were from a right hand, is that correct?! Fulbright: That's right! Very clear prints! Phoenix: But that just doesn't add up. Fulbright: Huh? What doesn't add up? Phoenix: According to Ms. Blackquill, who saw the culprit herself... ...this person held the lighter in their left hand. Fulbright: Oh? Phoenix: So here is the dilemma before us: Why are the prints on the lighter from a right hand instead of a left?! Fulbright: Ngaaagh! Judge: Hmm! You're right! It doesn't make sense, does it? Phoenix: Your Honor, this lighter can hardly be called incriminating evidence! The witness's CLAIMS don't even hold water! Judge: Detective Fulbright! I hope you have a good explanation for this! Fulbright: Hmm... I just can't undestand it. They're definitely right-hand prints. But then, why are they inconsistent with Ms. Blackquill's statement...? Hmm... I've got it! Judge: Wh-What have you got, Detective? Fulbright: The mirror! The witness must have seen a reflection of the culprit in the mirror! Judge: Go on! Fulbright: Ms. Blackquill was looking in through the window of Boarding Lounge 1, wasn't she?! Phoenix: I believe so... ...if you mean the little window in the back and to the right of the room. Fulbright: That's right. And across the room on the opposite wall... ...is a large mirror. Phoenix: Hmm... I do remember seeing it... ............Aaaah! So are you saying...?! Fulbright: Yes, the culprit Ms. Blackquill saw must have been a reflection of that person in the mirror. Judge: Ah, I see. In that case, right and left would appear reversed, wouldn't they? Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha ha! Now do you see?! That's the logic of pure justice! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But your argument is only conjecture! You don't have any proof that what Ms. Blackquill saw was a reflection-- Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Wright-dono, you'd sooner nick yourself than him like that. Put some more muscle into it. Phoenix: Huh? Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha! That's right! Besides, the lighter couldn't have been in the left hand! Phoenix: And why not? Fulbright: Ms. Blackquill said she saw an Earth emblem on the lighter, didn't she? That emblem is only on one side of the lighter. Phoenix: ...You're right. There's no emblem on the other side. Fulbright: Exactly! As blank and smooth as the judge's fine scalp! If the culprit had held the lighter in their left hand, they would've covered the emblem. Phoenix: Uh oh... Fulbright: What's more, this is the kind of lighter you flick open with your thumb before lighting. So if the culprit had held it in their left hand with the emblem out and visible... ...they wouldn't have been able to open it, let alone light it. But if they had held it in their right hand, they could easily open it and light it. This all means that the culprit was definitely holding the lighter in their right hand! Phoenix: Noooooooooooooooooooooo! (Come baaack, my beautiful contradiction!) Blackquill: ...Hmph. It appears you've planted a flower that bears no fruit. Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! See how it withers before my flower of justice?! Phoenix: He's tough! He's managed to discredit almost everything I've proven up this point... Fulbright: In justice we trust! Now do you see? I'm not this "phantom" you've been talking about. I mean, are you sure there really is a spy? I bet they're just a figment of your imagination! *sob* Oh, it's so sad! So very sad! But I'm afraid Ms. Cykes is the culprit! Apollo: File:AA5 Holdit.png Apollo: Detective Fulbright, I believe you said... ...that the emblem is only on one side of the lighter. Are you sure about that? Fulbright: Hmm? Of course I'm sure! Why don't you take a look for yourself and see? Do YOU see an Earth emblem on both sides of the lighter? Apollo: ............I knew it. You're lying, Detective. Fulbright: P-Pardon me? Phoenix: You mean...? Apollo: Yes, my bracelet reacted to his statement about the emblem. He's definitely hiding something big. And I think if we use my talent, we might be able to figure it out. Blackquill: Justice-dono, are you to use that cheat of yours again? Apollo: It's not cheating, Prosecutor Blackquill! Blackquill: Hmph. Very well. Whether I like it or not, I suppose we should use whatever works right now. Go on, then. Phoenix: We have Prosecutor Blackquill's reluctant blessing, apparently. Okay, Apollo, you're up! Apollo: Here goes, then...! Detective Fulbright, could you repeat that last statement one more time? Fulbright: What in the world are you up to? Hmm............ All right. Fine. I'll say it as many times as you like! Listen carefully! The Earth emblem is only on the side that you can see when held in the right hand. Apollo: Detective Fulbright, you might not be aware of it yourself, but... ...whenever you say the phrase "The Earth emblem," your left thumb moves. In fact, it appears as though you're running it along the edge of your holster. Fulbright: M-Mr. Lawyer, I don't have the foggiest notion what you're talking about. Apollo: Be that as it may, I know it has something to do with the lighter. Let me examine it. Fulbright: But why? You're not making any sense! You can't just-- Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Hmph! Be still and do as you're told, Fool Bright. If you have nothing to hide, you shouldn't mind them having a look-see, should you? Fulbright: What...?! Not you too, Prosecutor Blackquill...! Judge: Hmm... I'm not sure what this is all about, but if Prosecutor Blackquill insists... ...it must be something important. I will allow the defense to examine the lighter. Fulbright: ............Nnnghhh... Apollo: Good! Now maybe we'll learn something new! Phoenix: I hope so. Now, let's check every inch of this thing. Blackquill: ............There's no question, it seems. What you have there is a gun. Judge: A WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Phoenix: A gun............ So that's it. Your Honor, please recall this morning's trial, when Director Cosmos was on the stand. The bullet that hit the oxygen tank was extremely small, maybe a .10 caliber. This little compact gun probably takes bullets of that caliber. Apollo: It looks like this is the gun that was fired at the scene. Judge: I'm flabbergasted! The lighter... was a gun?! Phoenix: So when Detective Fulbright would touch his holster... Apollo: That's right. Whenever he mentioned the Earth emblem... ...he must have subconsciously thought about the secret behind the lighter. In other words, he knew it was a gun from the very beginning. Fulbright: ............ Apollo: A lighter that transforms into a gun seems like a spy gadget to me. It's not the kind of thing any ordinary person can get their hands on. In fact, I'd say it's strictly in the domain of elite spies! Detective Fulbright, you WILL explain yourself! Fulbright: ............ Ha ha ha ha ha! There's nothing for me to explain! I didn't know the lighter could transform! I mean, it was found in the Space Museum, and then I brought it straight in! ............I didn't even have time to check it out. Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: Whenever you mentioned the Earth emblem, you touched your holster! You subonsciously did that because you knew it was a gun! Fulbright: Accuse me all you want, but where is your proof?! Do you have any evidence that I knew the lighter was a gun? Apollo: ...Not exactly... Fulbright: And whose prints are on it? Ms. Cykes's prints! It proves that she's the culprit who fired the gun at the scene! Apollo: Argh! Judge: I-It would appear that the detective is right... Fulbright: Are you guys really trying to prove your client innocent or what?! ...Although it pains me to do this, now that we are where we are... ...I have to make the following assertions, coming from the prosecution's side. The person who fired the gun at Director Cosmos in the lounge after the incident... ...and the person Ms. Blackquill saw holding the lighter... ...and the person who murdered Mr. Terran... ...and the person who bombed the Space Center... ...are all the defendant, Athena Cykes! The prints on the lighter are decisive proof! Apollo: Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Fulbright: Ha ha ha! Now do you see? A man on the side of justice couldn't possibly be the culprit! And I think this about sums up Ms. Cykes's part in the whole affair. Judge: The evidence certainly does seem to point to the defendant's guilt. Do you have anything to say, Prosecutor Blackquill? Blackquill: ...Evidence is everything in court. Therefore, Fool Bright's claims... stand firm. Apollo: B-But...! Phoenix: Calm down, Apollo. He's just saying that because he has to as the prosecutor. Fulbright: Mr. Lawyer, our job is to pursue criminals in the name of justice! You shouldn't cast suspicion on people based on something as dubious as a habit! In fact, you have a bad habit of showing up in court with an awful case of bed head! Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: Says the man who wears sunglasses at night. If it's proof you want, it's proof you'll get! I'll prove that lighter is not Ms. Cykes's, but yours! Fulbright: Hmm? Phoenix: Sounds like you've hit on something, Apollo. Apollo: It's just, if the prints on the lighter are the basis for accusing Athena... ...I think we should reconsider the credibility of the evidence itself. Phoenix: You mean, you think this lighter might be forged evidence?! Apollo: That's right. It could all be part of Fulbright's bigger plot. Did he do anything out of the ordinary while I was off on my own? Phoenix: ...I can definitely think of a few things. Fulbright: It is, indeed! Have a look at this! Judge: What's this? A lighter? Athena: Detective, we'd like to run a comparison on some prints we found in the boarding lounge. Fulbright: Ah, yes! I just happened to have compiled the print data of everyone related to this case! I can always make another copy for myself, so it's all yours! Consider it a gift. Phoenix: (If we assume he's been laying a big trap for us all along... There's gotta be something off about this piece of evidence. What's wrong with the lighter as a piece of evidence?) Phoenix: (Are they really Athena's fingerprints? They defintely matched her print data... Hmm... But what about the data itself...?) Detective Fulbright, you were the one who provided us with the lighter and print data... ...isn't that correct? Fulbright: ............Yes. What about it? Phoenix: You say Ms. Cykes's prints matched the print data... ...but I have to wonder, was the data you used official? Judge: M-Mr. Wright! Are you suggesting that the evidence might have been fabricated?! Phoenix: I guess there's only one way to find out. Let's re-examine the prints... ...using the official, sanctioned print data of the people involved in this case. Fulbright: What?! You dare insult the epitome of justice and integrity?! There's no need for such antics! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Your Honor, I lend my voice to the defense's request. You must allow the test to be re-run. Judge: Very well, then... Bailiff! Judge: Ah! It appears that the official data is here. Phoenix: And the results? Judge: Hmm... Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ It's... It's just as the defense claims... This proves that the prints on the lighter do not belong to the defendant! Fulbright: NGAAAAAAAAAH! Phoenix: Yes! Judge: The fingerprints actually belong to the victim, Mr. Clay Terran. Apollo: They were Clay's fingerprints on the lighter...? Blackquill: Ah, I see. Come to think of it... ...wasn't it you, Fool Bright, who collected the victim's prints? Fulbright: I personally removed his glove during the investigation. We had to get his fingerprints to confirm his identity, after all. Blackquill: When you took the deceased's fingerprints... ...you could have easily planted his prints on the lighter with his blood. After which, you wiped the blood off of his hand. Fulbright: Ngaaah. Phoenix: By your own admission, you were also the one who compiled the phony print data. All to put the blame on Ms. Cykes! Fulbright: NGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Phoenix: This ploy must've been to distract us from the phantom who was behind everything. You were out to create the impression that the phantom wasn't the true culprit. Judge: S-So does this mean... Detective Fulbright really IS the phantom? Phoenix: Remember the killer's escape route. No ordinary person... ...would have been fearless enough to attempt it. Nobody but the phantom -- the man with no emotions -- could've done it. Fulbright: NGAAAAAAAAAGH! Phoenix: Detective Fulbright, you were the only one who could've used that escape route. Fulbright: Ngaaaaaaaaaaaaagh! I... I...! Blackquill: Fool Bright! Are you really the phantom? Fulbright: ............ Blackquill: Answer me, or so help me I will slash you to tiny slivers where you stand! Fulbright: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! All right! All right! I'll talk! I-I confess. ............I... I'm not the phantom. Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: It's all over. Now be a man and admit it already! Fulbright: B-But I'm not a spy! ............I'm an undercover investigator. I've actually been after the phantom myself. Judge: An under-the-cover investigator...? That sounds less than wholesome to me... Blackquill: ...A person who hides his identity and secretly investigates in order to uncover information. And that's what you really are, Fool Bright? Fulbright: That's right, I was working to track down the phantom... But, sadly... ...even though I was supposed to catch the spy, the spy ended up catching me. He took my family hostage and forced me to cooperate with him. Judge: What? Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: You're telling us this NOW?! But if what you say is true, then... ...who was the mystery person Ms. Blackquill and Mr. Starbuck saw? Fulbright: It was the phantom, I tell you! All I did was help him by having that emergency ladder lowered for him! Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: I don't believe you! Then how do you explain the fabricated lighter?! Fulbright: That was also one of the phantom's demands. Being the detective in charge of the case, it was easy for me to fabricate evidence. Pinning the crime on Athena Cykes was just another one of the phantom's orders! Apollo: And you expect me to buy that?! Blackquill: ...Fool Bright, what was the phantom's ultimate objective? Fulbright: I was told it was to sabotage the rocket launch. ...Someone who didn't want the launch to happen must've given him the order. Blackquill: ............ Fulbright: Actually, I have to apologize to you, too. The phantom told me to get close to you. He ordered me to get back that psych profile you have on him. Blackquill: ............So, he sent a buzzard of his own to tail me this past year, did he? Fulbright: I... I haven't been a champion of justice... ............I've just been a pawn of evil... ...a pawn of the phantom who stole the moon rock and killed Dr. Cykes seven years ago... Blackquill: ...Enough, Fool Bright. Just tell us the phantom's true identity. Fulbright: I don't know. He was very careful to hide it. He has top secret information for all kinds of corporations and countries... ...so there's a number of organizations that want him dead. If people believed I was the phantom... ...I could be killed on the spot! Why, I bet even now... ...there are assassins lurking nearby! This case is about the phantom after all. Blackquill: ...With the ceiling blown off, I suppose you are vulnerable to a sniper's shot in this courtroom. Phoenix: (Just two seconds ago, Fulbright was treating Athena like a criminal... Does he really think he's going to lie his way out of it now?) Apollo: But on the surface, everything does seem to make sense. This could be bad, Mr. Wright, if we can't find a flaw in his logic! Phoenix: (He's right! After we've come all this way, we can't let Fulbright wriggle free now!) Fulbright: There. I finally told the truth. Now I hope you see how foolish it was to think I was the phantom! Fulbright: You're an intelligent man, Prosecutor Blackquill. You believe me, right? Blackquill: ............I believe you. I don't think you're the phantom. Phoenix: What?! How can you say that, Prosecutor Blackquill?! It's obvious he's the phantom! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Evidence is everything, Wright-dono. And you must admit there's no clear evidence that Fool Bright is the phantom. Phoenix: Ngah. Judge: Hmm... Yes. As I recall, the only solid proof we've seen up to this point... ...is the fact that Detective Fulbright fabricated evidence. Phoenix: B-But...! Fulbright: ............ Blackquill: ...I've known Fool Bright here for a year now. And all this time, he's been quite intent on rehabilitating me. I don't believe his efforts were a lie. Fulbright: P-Prosecutor Blackquill! Blackquill: This fool truly thought he could reform a death-row inmate like me. He went so out of his way in his efforts for me, he actually became quite a nuisance, really. Fulbright: *sob* Prosecutor Blackquill! You believe meeeeeeee! Phoenix: (Please tell me Prosecutor Blackquill hasn't REALLY been taken in by this big phony?!) Blackquill: However, even if it was against your will... ...you still acted as the phantom's accomplice. You will have to pay the price for that. Throw yourself at my mercy! And don't you ever betray me again! Have you got that?! Fulbright: ............Y-Yes! Thank you! Oh, thank yooooou! Judge: *sniffle* *sniffle* *sniffle* S-Such a bond of trust is a rare and beautiful thing...! In any case, it looks like everything has been resolved. I can now hand down a "not guilty" verdict with confidence. Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Very good! I'm very glad to hear it! It's all over. Everything's been cleared up, and Ms. Cykes will go free as well! Athena: ............ Apollo: M-Mr. Wright! We can't let the trial end here! If we do, the phantom -- the man who killed Clay -- will get away! Phoenix: I know! I know! But...! (Argh! What do I do?! I don't have any proof that Detective Fulbright is the phantom! Is this it...? Is he going to get away just like that...?) Fulbright: Now, if you'll excuse me, my next investigation awaits! And with that............ I'm off! Athena: File:AA5 Holdit.png Athena: The defense-- No, wait... Not "the defense"... The defendant feels it's not time for a verdict yet, and would like to see this trial continue. Judge: Wh-What?! But I was just about to declare you innocent of all charges! Athena: ............Hmm... It just doesn't feel right to be standing here. Hey, Apollo! Think you could scooch over? Phoenix: Athena, what are you doing?! (Hope we don't get held in contempt of court!) Athena: I have some questions for you, Detective Fulbright. Are you relieved that you are no longer under suspicion of being the phantom? Are you grateful to Prosecutor Blackquill for what he's done for you? Fulbright: O-Of course I am! And I'm truly grateful from the bottom of my heart! Phoenix: Athena, where are you going with these questions? Athena: I have yet to hear a single emotion behind any of Detective Fulbright's words, Boss. The suspicion against him has been cleared up, but he's not feeling happy at all. Phoenix: What? Does that mean...?! Athena: We may not have any evidence, but the heart doesn't lie! Phoenix: That's it! With your special ability, we just might be able to stop him! Athena: Your Honor! The detective has been deeply traumatized by our accusations! Judge: Hmm... Yes, well... Even before all this, I thought he was a rather odd fellow... Athena: If he doesn't get counseling right away, who knows what might happen to him?! Fulbright: Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Prosecutor Blackquill! Can you believe the nonsense the defense is spouting?! Blackquill: ...Hmph. Fool Bright, I think you'd better have that counseling. Fulbright: Not you, too?! Blackquill: You've been making batty remarks ever since you were accused of being the phantom... ...such as, you're an undercover investigator, and your family has been taken hostage. ...I fear you might have finally lost it. Fulbright: B-B-But I thought you believed me...?! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Ha ha ha ha ha! Oh, how you amuse me so! Phoenix: Wh-What's going on here? Athena: That was an excellent bit of psychological manipulation just now, Simon! Blackquill: I knew you would catch on, Athena. Phoenix: Huh? Mind filling me in here? Athena: Hee hee. Guess we left you in the dust, huh, Mr. Wright? Simon was only pretending to believe Detective Fulbright... Because he knew I'd notice if there was a lack of emotions, like joy or relief, in his response. So he gave me the chance to take a listen. And listen I did to the voice of Detective Fulbright's heart! Phoenix: Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! You two were working together just now?! Blackquill: Come now, Athena! Show us what's inside Fool Bright's heart! Athena: You got it! Time to check the instant replay! Widget, mon ami! Let's do this! Fulbright: Thank you for believing in me, Prosecutor Blackquill! Phoenix: Even with all his over-the-top expressions and gestures, he's registering no emotion at all?! Athena: It's just like I thought, and right in line with the phantom's psych profile. Fulbright: ............ Athena: Detective Fulbright! This lack of emotion proves you're the phantom! Hey! What's going on?! Phoenix: Wait! Hold it! What do you think you're doing, Detective? Fulbright: ............Me? I'm not doing anything. Athena: He's trying to hack into the Mood Matrix program! I can't do anything with it like this! Fulbright: Gaaagh! Blackquill: Fancy device you have there, but I'll tolerate no cheating, thank you. Fulbright: ............Ha ha ha! Sorry about that! As an undercover agent, I tend to use my secret arsenal without even thinking! Phoenix: (More like, as a spy...) Athena: Thanks, Prosecutor Blackquill! There! Now that you can't hack me anymore... ...I dare you to try to hide your lack of emotions from us! Fulbright: ............ Ha ha ha ha ha! Lack of emotion? What are you talking about? Of course I have feelings! *sob* As a matter of fact, you've wounded me very deeply with that accusation! Athena: What's going on?! All of a sudden, I'm getting an overwhelmingly happy reading! Apollo: Huh? But he's literally crying us a river over there... Fulbright: ............Oops. My mistake. How about this? Graaaagh! Athena: Yikes! Now he's angry all of a sudden?! Apollo: What's he trying to pull? Blackquill: Like as not, it would appear our friend is not completely without emotion. It's just as it says in Dr. Cykes's profile of the phantom. The subject has a "unique psychological makeup with almost no emotional fluctuation." Athena: Oh, I get it! So he has SOME emotions, right? Blackquill: Precisely. Which leads me to wonder why you can't sense any emotion from him at all. I believe it's most likely because he is controlling his emotions. Fulbright: Very good, Prosecutor Blackquill! You are correct! It's the result of my daily training! A very important skill for us undercover investigators, you know! Phoenix: (More like, "for us SPIES"... Seriously. But I wonder why he suddenly showed several strong emotions...? Wait a minute... I think I know!) I sense there's a feeling you're trying to hide with your exaggerated emotions, Detective. Fulbright: Ha ha ha! A feeling I'm trying to hide? That's a good one! You're the ones who have been saying I'm the phantom because I don't have any emotions! I was just trying to show you the range of deep emotions I truly possess! Athena: Then you have no objections to me analyzing you, right? Fulbright: ...No. Analyze away. But I will state it again: I am not the phantom. And be forewarned that your analysis will have no effect! Because you're about to see what an undercover agent can really do! Fulbright: Me, the phantom?! No way! Phoenix: What the--?! How are we supposed to pick out what's unnatural from this mess?! Athena: I don't know what we can do with this, either... Phoenix: This must be his defenses against your ability. Athena: S-So you think this is what he meant by what he's really capable of? Apollo: I'd hate to know what's going on inside that guy's head... Phoenix: Well, we know he's hiding something, and that he feels threatened by Athena. Being only human, his true feelings -- an emotion he can't completely conceal... ...must be hidden somewhere in his testimony! Phoenix: I found it! I found the one emotion you're truly feeling! Fulbright: What...? Phoenix: Hidden in the middle of that chaotic storm, I saw one emotion that never disappeared. When you talked about the moon rock... ...you felt a fear that wouldn't fade! Fulbright: Fear... huh... Blackquill: Hmph. A fear that a man with hardly any emotions feels, huh? Athena: And it was a response to that moon rock! Fulbright: ............ Phoenix: Detective Fulbright, I presume you feel fear concerning the moon rock because... Phoenix: ...Of course! That's it! Blackquill: ...Enough, Fool Bright. Just tell us the phantom's true identity. Fulbright: I don't know. He was very careful to hide it. He has top secret information for all kinds of corporations and countries... ...so there's a number of organizations that want him dead. If people believed I was the phantom... ...I could be killed on the spot! Why, I bet even now... ...there are assassins lurking nearby! This case is about the phantom after all. Phoenix: Detective Fulbright, I think I know why you would feel afraid. You are afraid that the moon rock will somehow reveal your identity. Fulbright: ! Blackquill: If his identity were revealed, he would be killed immediately... That's certainly enough to make even the phantom feel afraid. Fulbright: Me, afraid? I don't know what you're talking about. Athena: So, there really is something about the moon rock that would reveal his identity...? Phoenix: Apparently so. Wait a minute... Maybe the phantom didn't so much STEAL the moon rock... ...but more like he HAD to take it with him? Because there was something on it that would reveal his true identity! Fulbright: ............ Phoenix: File:AA5 Holdit.png Phoenix: Where do you think YOU'RE going?! Fulbright: ...Me? I'm not going anywhere. Apollo: Is it just me or was he going to use that weird watch thing to try to get away? Phoenix: (How many more of those toys does he have? And where can I get myself some?) Detective Fulbright! You will answer honestly to this court right now! Why do you feel fear in connection with the moon rock?! Fulbright: In JUSTICE we TRUST! Not emotions, Mr. Lawyer! Evidence is everything. I'm the phantom because I'm afraid? Don't make me laugh! Phoenix: Aaaaagh! (And what was THAT just now?!) Athena: But all humans beings have hearts and experience emotions. Sometimes analyzing a case from the psychological perspective... ...is the best way to find the truth! Eeeeek! Fulbright: ............It's all just a waste of time. All your efforts at analysis serve no purpose. And now, in this dark age of the law, nobody would believe your claim that it's effective. In an era when evidence is fabricated, do you truly expect feelings to be accepted as proof? And where exactly is your "proof" that I fear the moon rock anyway? Athena: Ungh! ...W-Well, I admit, I don't have any conventional proof... But I still say that examining a person's heart has its merits! Fulbright: Oh, really? Then why don't you listen carefully with those special ears of yours. Listen to the voices of the hearts of the people in the gallery. Athena: All I hear... is distrust...? Fulbright: As you can see, the people are on my side. Because all they see is a strange little girl using a weird little machine. Athena: But it's not like I use analytical psychology to falsely accuse people! Phoenix: (Uh-oh. He's got Athena doubting herself.) Ms. Cykes's analytical psychology has breathed new life into the courtroom. It has freed the hearts of many witnesses, and has been key in getting to the truth. Fulbright: Ha ha ha! What nonsense! Your Honor, the defense's claim is a false one! I don't feel any kind of fear when it comes to the moon rock! Judge: ............Hmm, I see. Very well. I will give the opinion of this court. In a trial, I don't feel that a person's emotions are quite as compelling as actual evidence is. Athena: B-But, Your Honor... Fulbright: Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! There! You see?! Nobody believes you and your trumped-up charges! Judge: However, I do believe Ms. Cykes's analyses can contribute to making the truth clear. I have seen her do this firsthand several times already. Fulbright: Surely you jest. Athena: So does this mean............ you will accept my findings in this trial, Your Honor? Judge: Yes, I believe your claim, Ms. Cykes. I think there is merit in examining why the witness feels fear in regard to the moon rock. That is the court's opinion on this matter. Athena: Then that's a win for me-- No, a win for analytical psychology! Now, Mr. Phantom, you will tell this court the reason for your fear! Fulbright: Analytical psychology? My fears? ............Fine! I'll show you precisely why those abstract things can't be considered evidence! Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Witness Testimony -- My Fear of the Moon Rock -- Fulbright: I felt fear when I thought about the moon rock because it reminded me of the phantom. Yes, I'm very afraid of him because he took my family hostage. What reason would the phantom have to be afraid of the moon rock?! None at all! So the very fact that I'm afraid of the moon rock means I'm not him! In fact, I'm on the side of... JUSTICE! Fulbright: ...And there you have it. Now do you see why I'm afraid of the moon rock? Blackquill: Sure, you sound convincing enough. But so does any two-bit con artist. It's all meaningless in the absence of evidence. Fulbright: ............ Hmph! Blackquill: Hmph. The phantom is like the mist. No flesh. No bones. My sword alone cannot cut it, Wright-dono... Phoenix: ! Blackquill: With your deductive reasoning and the body of evidence before us... ...let us send this miserable phantom fellow to the other world together. Phoenix: You and I, Prosecutor Blackquill... We have a duty to bring the phantom down, and restore the people's faith in the courts! Blackquill: Indeed. By covering for Athena, I allowed the phantom to escape. And as a prosecutor, I gave birth to the people's mistrust with my murder conviction. Phoenix: I bear part of the responsibility as well... ...for being suspected of forging evidence and losing my attorney's badge as a result. The two of us and the phantom were there at the beginning of the dark age of the law. Blackquill: Then it is also our burden to cut away the foul specter we created, is it not? Until all that remains is the righteouness of the court and the faith of the people! Fulbright: Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Trust? Understanding? Hah! Fragile ideals of the masses who are controlled by emotion. Humans can't truly trust each other, which is exactly why the illusion of trust is so enticing. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Once two people overcome their misgivings, that's where real trust is to be found. You're free to believe what you want, but... ...trust like that is stronger than you and your lies, always! Cross-Examination -- My Fear of the Moon Rock -- Fulbright: I felt fear when I thought about the moon rock because it reminded me of the phantom. Fulbright: Yes, I'm very afraid of him because he took my family hostage. Fulbright: What reason would the phantom have to be afraid of the moon rock?! None at all! Fulbright: So the very fact that I'm afraid of the moon rock means I'm not him! Fulbright: In fact, I'm on the side of... JUSTICE! Athena: Detective Fulbright, or rather, the phantom, feels fear in regard to the moon rock. It probably has something to do with being afraid that his true identity will be revealed. Phoenix: Right. So that's why the phantom had to take the moon rock with him seven years ago. (In that case, if we had something to show the real cause of Fulbright's fear... ...we just might be able to expose his true identity!) Phoenix: Detective Fulbright, I assume you know what this is. Fulbright: Of course! That's the knife the phantom used to kill Clay Terran! Phoenix: That's right. And the exact same type of knife... ...Ms. Cykes used seven years ago when stabbed the phantom's hand. Fulbright: ............Yes, that was discussed earlier, as I recall. Athena: He dodged at first, so I only got his clothes, but I tried again! Phoenix: And this time, you got him, didn't you? Athena: I did. I remember it clearly now. The knife went into the back of his hand. Phoenix: Ms. Cykes then stated that she remembers the culprit bleeding. It's my theory that the culprit's blood got on the moon rock. And he was afraid that if the blood was analyzed, his true identity would be revealed. That explains why the phantom had to remove the moon rock from the crime scene! Judge: You mean, if we ran the analysis now, we'd know who the phantom is?! Fulbright: Ha ha ha ha ha! Yes, I suppose so! But, unfortunately, the moon rock in question is missing! Phoenix: That may be so, but I'm certain I can explain what happened to it in great detail. Judge: Y-You can?! Phoenix: Of course! (...Not.) Fulbright: You don't actually expect us to believe that, do you? Because you don't fool me! Phoenix: Aaaaagh! (What this court needs is a bully-free zone...) Blackquill: Ah, the infamous "Sword of the Beguiling Bluff." Its edge is without compare. Come now, ready it with me, and show us just how finely it cuts! Fulbright: Your Honor! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! ............Oh. I mean... THIS IS AN OUTRAGE.........? Gaaagh! Blackquill: ...Go on, Wright-dono. Phoenix: Let's start with something that's been bothering me for a while. Now, the culprit supposedly removed the moon rock from the lab... ...but in this video of him, it's nowhere to be seen. Judge: Oh! You're right! Phoenix: But here's something to consider. What if the phantom hid the moon rock somewhere at the scene of the crime? Athena: Good thinking, Boss. Security was super tight at the Space Center back then. Cosmos: All that, in spite of the Space Center having very strict security in those days. All personal effects were examined thoroughly, coming or going. You couldn't even smuggle a withered old leaf through those checkpoints! Apollo: Does this mean that the moon rock is still somewhere in the Space Center? Fulbright: In the name of justice, I proclaim, "That's impossible!" Phoenix: And why's that? Fulbright: The Space Center was searched from top to bottom. And especially the lab! But the moon rock was never found! Phoenix: Ah! How could I forget about that?! Blackquill: A sad but true fact. We still haven't a grasp on how it was done... ...but the phantom made the moon rock vanish into the ether. Phoenix: (There's no way it just disappeared! Logic and evidence tells us otherwise. The phantom didn't have the moon rock on him when he left the lab... ...yet, a thorough police search didn't turn up anything... ...and it never turned up in the seven years after that, either. The phantom made the rock disappear without physically removing it himself... But how? There must have been a way...! Think, Phoenix, think! How did the moon rock vanish from the robotics lab?!) Judge: So, can you or can you not show what happened to the moon rock, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Yes, I can, Your Honor. Fulbright: Whaaaaaaaaat?! Oops! Sorry! I mean... Whaaaaaaaaat!.........? Judge: ............In that case, let's have your answer, Mr. Wright. How did the phantom make the moon rock disappear from the crime scene? Judge: That's the Hope capsule, right? The one that went up with the HAT-1 rocket? Phoenix: He couldn't carry the rock out, but he couldn't leave it in the Center to be found, either. So there was only one safe place to stash it. The Hope capsule that was there in the lab that day. Judge: Hmm, yes. And the team must have loaded it onto the Hope space probe eventually. But... if that's what happened... ...then the moon rock would've been launched up into space along with the rocket! Blackquill: ............Preposterous! It would mean... ...that for these past seven years, the moon rock was...! Phoenix: Exactly. The phantom got rid of the moon rock in the most "cosmic" way he knew how. It was out there in the depths of space... ...aboard the Hope space probe! Judge: Wh-Wh-Wh... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT?! Judge: O-Order! Order in the court! Blackquill: I understand now... The phantom's original scheme was to sabotage the HAT-1 anyway. The villain! He used his primary objective to conveniently kill two birds with one stone! Phoenix: That's right. He planned for the moon rock to be turned into cosmic dust out in space... ...thereby destroying the one piece of evidence that could reveal his true identity! But Mr. Starbuck and the others foiled the phantom's plot. Fulbright: Ngh. Phoenix: The Hope space probe sailed off safely on its mission and returned seven years later... ...with the capsule in tow! Fulbright: Gaaaaagh! Phoenix: If we analyze the blood on the moon rock, it should make one thing crystal clear. That you were the phantom all along, Detective Fulbright! Fulbright: ............ Apollo: ...So, he killed Clay just so he could get the moon rock back? Phoenix: I believe so. His original assignment may have been just to sabotage the HAT-2, but... ...at the same time, he also had to retrieve the evidence of his crimes seven years ago. That's why he went to the boarding lounge... ...and attacked Clay as he made his "escape" out of the rocket with the capsule. But, in the end, it was all he could do just to escape himself, so he didn't get the capsule. Apollo: Clay must've done everything he could to stop Fulbright! He probably hung on to that capsule for all he was worth until his very last breath! Fulbright: Nnnnnnnnnnngh... Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, this is so funny! You make me laugh, you really do! Athena: Boy, he's totally out of whack now... Phoenix: It's game over for you, Detective Fulbright! Why don't you just admit to it all now?! Fulbright: There's nothing to admit! I'm Bobby Fulbright, undercover investigator, I tell you! I am not the phantom! The blood on the rock is just another one of his schemes! A trap! Judge: H-Hmm... Now I'm not sure what to think. I suppose if the phantom is a spy woth his salt, a trap is not out of the question. Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: But in that case, you could say ANYTHING is a trap! Fulbright: Hee hee hee hee! Hoo hoo hoo! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! That's what makes a trap a trap! I've been framed into taking the blame for the phantom! Your Honor! I believe further investigation is in order! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Futher investigation? More like plotting your escape. But no more! I will bring you to justice myself if I must, here and now! Fulbright: ............I guess it's time to show you... just what I'm really capable of! Die, Simon Blackquill! Phoenix: H-Hey! You guys aren't really...! Edgeworth: File:AA5 Holdit.png Edgeworth: ............It looks like I made it just in time. Phoenix: Edgeworth! Edgeworth: I have good news for you, Mr. Wright. I've uncovered some very crucial facts. Phoenix: Did you find something out about the phantom's true identity? Edgeworth: You might say that. I started by looking into the first people on the scene seven years ago. All three, an employee and two officers, were registered in the robots' recognition systems. But none of them looked the least bit like Detective Fulbright. Phoenix: (That's not good...) Edgeworth: But there's more. I've yet to share my most important finding. ............Mr. Wright. Prosecutor Blackquill. You'd best brace yourselves. Phoenix: Uh, oh... Blackquill: ............ Edgeworth: The man you see there before you... Bobby Fulbright............ is already long dead. Phoenix: Huh? Wh-What's that supposed to mean...? Edgeworth: An unidentified body that was found a year ago... ...has now been proven to possess Bobby Fulbright's fingerprints. Blackquill: Then does this mean...? Edgeworth: Yes. That man there is an impostor pretending to be Bobby Fulbright. Phoenix: ............A-An IMPOSTER?! Judge: Then, this man... Who in the world is he?! ???: ............ Blackquill: Enough of your trickery. If you will not reveal yourself to us... ...then I shall do it for you! Phoenix: What the...?! Athena: Nooooooooooooooooo! Judge: H-H-His face! ???: ............Aww. Look what you did to my mask. Judge: M-Mask...?! What is the meaning of this, witness?! ???: Okay. You got me. I guess I have to show you who I really am now. Apollo: Wait! But that's...! Starbuck: Hey, Apollo. Yup, it's me, Solomon Starbuck. Apollo: Mr. Starbuck...! But that can't be right...! You can't really be the phantom, can you? Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: Of course not. The real Starbuck was aboard the HAT-1, which was set to be destroyed. ???: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangh... Yeah, this is just another mask. I mean, didn't I tell you? I'm an undercover investigator! I can change identities at will! I can be anyone I want! Athena: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Athena: Not so fast. I have the phantom's psych profile right here. If we compile a psych profile on you, and compare the results... ...it will prove that you're the phantom! ???: File:PWAADD Objection!.png ???: ............ It's time for me to show you the real meaning of the phrase, "the end justifies the means." Athena: Th-That voice... Those words...! Means: I cannot accept such evidence here, Ms. Cykes! Athena: P-Professor Means! ............'s mask? ???: I'll take what I want by any means necessary! Now, give me that evidence! Athena: Huh? ???: ............Hmph! Time to take out the trash... permanently. Athena: H-How could you?! ???: Now do you see now how powerful "the end justifies the means" can be?! Blackquill: File:Silence Official.png Blackquill: How pathetic. You can't even speak without wearing another man's face. ???: Ah, but that's the life of an undercover agent for you. My real face has no meaning or value to me at all. Blackquill: ............Or perhaps it is really the case that... ...you don't even know who you are anymore. ???: Hmm? Blackquill: What must you see when you look in a mirror, Mr. Phantom? Not an awful lot, I'd wager. ???: ............Well, aren't you just the master of psychology, Blackquill! That's right. I don't know who I am. I am always living as someone else for my assignments. I don't remember what my face looks like... ...or even what my personality was like. My face, memories, personality, beliefs, emotions, and soul... I left them all behind. I have no... "self." I am no one. I am nothing but an endless abyss. Phoenix: (Wh-What's with this guy? ............Is he even still human?) Means: And now, we resume with your lesson, Professor Wright. Phoenix: Oh, uh... huh? Means: I believe you made this argument earlier: If you were to analyze the blood on the moon rock, you could prove that I am the phantom. Phoenix: I believe there was blood on the moon rock in that capsule. Now that we know you aren't even Bobby Fulbright... ...your claims of a phantom "trap" won't work anymore! ???: Then why don't you bring this moon rock in? This decisive evidence from the Hope capsule? Phoenix: I think I will do just that! Get ready, because the Hope capsule is about to seal your... ............F...Fuuuuuuuuuuuudge! Cosmos: It was the courtroom bombing from the other day. The capsule was there in the courtroom as evidence, and was blown to smithereens! ???: It looks like you have finally caught on. Full marks for the defense for effort. But what a shame your "hope" was lost in that courtroom explosion! Phoenix: A............ AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Apollo: So that's the real reason this courtroom was blown up! It was all for the phantom to destroy that one piece of evidence! Phoenix: (I can't believe it... Have we really reached a dead end after coming all this way?! Has the only evidence we have on this guy really been destroyed?!) ???: How dare you continue to call me the phantom? As I've said all along, I'm just a nameless undercover agent! Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: And the defense will continue to assert that you are the phantom! Furthermore, we have proof! ............Or at least, a prayer! Judge: ............I'm afraid that won't do, Mr. Wright...! Blackquill: A-At least put some weight behind your swing, Wright-dono... Phoenix: I-I know! I'm trying! (There's only one thing that can unmask this menace: the moon rock! But that was blown to bits in the courtroom bombing. And yet, is it really gone without a trace? What if... some tiny part, some little fragment still exists...?) Edgeworth: Yes. And you can see the stolen moon rock there, too. Phoenix: (That strange black and yellow thing on the left side of the picture?) Judge: Very well, Mr. Wright. Let's see your proof. What evidence will finally prove phantom's identity? Judge: Hmm? Isn't that the bomb that blew up the courtroom... and the moon rock along with it? Are you saying this will reveal the phantom's identity? Phoenix: Yes, Your Honor. Focus your attention on this photo taken after the bombing -- specifically, right here. Phoenix: Please take a look at this newspaper article. Judge: This article about the HAT-1? Phoenix: Now please note the strange black and yellow rock there on the left. That's the moon rock. And when we look at this photo of the bomb fragments... ...see how there is a rock-like object with the same coloration? Judge: Oh, my! Yes, I see it! Phoenix: It would seem that the moon rock was much more durable than the phantom thought. If we take a look at all the fragments that the police found, we'll likely find one with blood. And DNA testing on that blood will prove that the witness is indeed the phantom. Judge: Unbelievable! ???: B-But that's impossible...! Blackquill: Hmph. A surprise to be sure. That's one bloody tough rock. Let us have the fragments tested straight away. Oh, and you'll be having a DNA test, too, "Fool Bright." Judge: Bailiff! Contact the police department immediately and order the testing! Judge: Prosecutor Blackquill! What do the test results show?! Blackquill: There was a rock fragment that had blood on it that appeared to be several years old. DNA testing revealed... ...Well, I'm sure you know full well what it revealed. ???: ............ Judge: Th-They confirmed it was the witness's blood, didn't they! Phoenix: There's no use in trying to talk your way out of it anymore! Admit it! You are the phantom! Phoenix?: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: ............Huh? Apollo: Mr. Wright, did you just raise an objection to yourself? Phoenix: No. I didn't say a word... ???: That was my objection, Apollo. Apollo: Huh? Phoenix: WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?! Phoenix?: It was a pretty good "objection" too, don't you think? Phoenix: Now he's me...? Judge: So, um, did you have an objection or not, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Huh? ............Oh, uh, no, not really, Your Honor. Judge: No, not you, Mr. Wright. I mean the witness Mr. Wright. Phoenix: (Could this trial get any more insane...?) Phoenix?: Mr. Wright, this fragment of rock in the photograph, and those just like it... ...how can you be sure they're pieces of the same moon rock that was at the robotics lab? Phoenix: ............Care to explain what you mean? Phoenix?: Well, there may have been a rock or two in the courtroom that had my blood on it. But how do you know they're not just rocks? You can't prove they're THE moon rock, right? Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: Don't be absurd! Just compare the fragment with the rock in the newspaper article! Anybody can see they're the same! They have the exact same coloration! Phoenix?: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix?: But maybe some other rock with the same coloration happened to be in the courtroom. Phoenix: It's highly unlikely a rock with such a unique appearance just "happened" to be here! Phoenix?: But you can't deny it's a possibility. Apollo: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Apollo: But your blood was found on one of the fragments! Phoenix?: Apollo, there's nothing suspicious about my blood being on a piece of rock. Apollo: And why not? Phoenix?: I know it sounds like an excuse, but... ...several years ago, I tripped and fell in this very courtroom, and was hurt pretty badly. Maybe that's how my blood found its way onto a piece of rubble. Phoenix: (Even he must realize how ridiculous that sounds! And yet, I suppose it's not completely out of the question...) Phoenix?: Ha ha ha. I see you're starting to sweat, Mr. Wright. I thought that the worst of times are when lawyers have to force their biggest smiles. Phoenix: (You're the last person I want to hear that from.) Athena: W-Well, then why don't we get those fragments analyzed! We could ask an expert to verify if they were from the moon rock in the robotics lab or not. Phoenix?: ............I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that just isn't going to be possible. Athena: And why not? Phoenix?: In order to prove that the fragments are from what you say they are from... ...you'd need a sample of the moon rock from seven years ago to compare it with. But that moon rock doesn't exist anymore, and there's no sample data left either. So you see, short of going back in time... ...there's no way to prove that any of the fragments are from that moon rock. Athena: Oh! Apollo: Nooooooooo! Athena: There's really no way to prove it...? Phoenix?: Ha ha ha! Are you finally ready to throw in the towel? Phoenix: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Phoenix: ............ So the moon rock doesn't exist anymore, huh? Phoenix?: That's right. It was such a valuable rock, too... A shame, really. But it's lost to us forever. Phoenix: (He's wrong. It's not completely lost. There's another piece of it, right here by our side! A shining fragment of hope that can turn everything around! The final piece of evidence to put this phantom away for good!) The defense has a piece of evidence that completely contradicts your claim. Phoenix?: You have what, now? Phoenix: A final fragment of hope that was passed down with great love and care! Athena: We do? Phoenix: (We do. Even if the person holding it hasn't realized it yet...) Judge: Is this true, Mr. Wright?! Phoenix?: Pay no attention to him, Your Honor. He's just bluffing, as usual. Phoenix: I wonder if you'll be able to force your biggest smile when you see what I've got. Phoenix?: Try me. Phoenix: (The piece of evidence that shows the original moon rock isn't completely lost is this!) Athena: But just about the only things my mother left me with are Widget... ...and this earring. Maybe she did love me, in her own way... Phoenix: Athena, you may not know it, but... ...your mother left with you a very important piece of evidence. Athena: She did? Phoenix?: You're bluffing! You don't have anything of the kind! Phoenix: Oh, but we do! Evidence that will finally corner you. Because we have a moon rock of our own. Athena: Yeah! ............O-OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Y-Y-You mean...?! Phoenix: (Exactly. A gift Dr. Cykes left her daughter... An item Athena has cherished and worn all these years... As distant as Dr. Cykes may have seemed to her daughter, that fragment of her love... ...will shake off the darkness of the past and give us all hope for the future!) This is the defense's sample of the moon rock! Judge: That's... your sample? Phoenix: This earring that Ms. Cykes always wears... ...was made from that original moon rock! Phoenix?: What?! Blackquill: All this time...! Judge: It was right here all along?! Phoenix?: No...! Nnngh... It can't be...! Phoenix: If the composition of the bombed fragments and the earring are found to be a match... ...then it will prove beyond the shadow of a doubt the origin of the fragment in this photo. And since the test results showed that the blood on the fragments was yours... ...this means that the identity you tried so hard to hide will finally be revealed! Phoenix?: The identity I tried to hide? I-I don't have an identity TO hide! Phoenix: I may not have Athena's ears, but now, even I can hear the fear in your voice! Phoenix?: F-Fear...? I-I-I don't feel fear... I left all of my emotions behind years ago...! Athena: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Athena: Every human being feels fear! You simply can't face the emotions inside you. You can't face them because you have nothing. No love, no trust... Phoenix?: And I suppose you do? Athena: I didn't have anybody to support me at first, either. I couldn't face the fear inside me, couldn't get over the trauma of my past. Phoenix?: Like I said, I don't feel fear. Apollo: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Apollo: Then you're just a coward for running away from yourself! When I had my doubts about Ms. Cykes, I felt like I would collapse under the weight. But I wanted to trust her. And I knew I could trust Mr. Wright to uncover the truth. That's why I was able to face my suspicions without hesitation. Phoenix?: Running away from myself...? Ha ha ha ha ha! How can I run from myself...?! When there's NOTHING inside... Nothing at all...! Phoenix: File:DD Objection! animated.gif Phoenix: I know it's hard for someone as unwilling to trust others as you to understand... But people have emotions. It's just a fact of life. And so, people can be weak at times. But that's exactly why people need to trust one another... ...so they can gain the strength to face themselves when things are at their bleakest. Without trust in others... ...how can you ever hope to face your fears? Phoenix?: The fear inside of me... Is this...? No... Aaaaagh...! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! I'm afraid! I'm scared! AAAAAAAAAAH! I feel FEAR! Athena: You can't outrun yourself! Apollo: Remove that mask and unleash your emotions! Phoenix: Confront your guilt head-on... ...with your own, true face! Phoenix?: My... own, true face...? No! Please don't! I know you're here! Where are you?! See...? I haven't revealed anything yet! Honest! ...A-AAAAAAAAAAAGH! My own, true face...! I don't have one! My face! My face! My face! Is this my face?! Is it?! Is it?! No! That's not it! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! This isn't me, either! AAAAAAAAAAAAAGH! Is this me?! Which one is my face?! What am I?! Who am I?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Judge: ...*shudder* A sniper attack in this very courtroom... It chills me to my bones... But the police are doing everything they can to track down the sniper as we speak. Prosecutor Blackquill, how is Detective Fulbright... I mean, his imposter, doing? Blackquill: He's a lucky fellow. The bullet didn't hit any vital organs. He appears to be in no danger of dying. Judge: Well, that was fortunate for all of us. Blackquill: The analysis of that final piece of evidence Wright-dono submitted is in. The composition of Ms. Cykes's earring and the fragment with the blood on it match. We can now be certain that it is a fragment of the moon rock in question. The murders and bombings at the Space Center, both past and present... ...the bombing of Courtroom No. 4, and all of his other crimes, as numerous as the stars... Under suspicion of all of these things, the spy known as the phantom has been incarcerated. The Prosecutor's Office is now responsible for his well-being. There are still a myriad of things we wish him to tell us about, after all. Judge: Thank you, Prosecutor Blackquill. Well, it's time to finally bring this trial to an end. But, before I do... Will the defendant please return to her proper place? Athena: Y-Yes, Your Honor. Judge: Now then, this court finds the defendant, Athena Cykes... Not Guilty Judge: Court is adjourned! December 20, 9:12 PM District Court - Defendant Lobby No. 5 Pearl: Congratulations, Mr. Nick! Phoenix: Thank you, Pearls! And thank you for being there for Athena. Pearl: It's the least I could do. But Athena was great, wasn't she? She was so strong throughout the whole trial. Trucy: Daddy! I'm so glad to see you! Phoenix: Trucy! Are you all right? Are you hurt? Trucy: I'm fine, Daddy! I was doing magic tricks for the other hostages to keep our spirits up. Apollo: That's our Trucy for you! I'm really glad to see you're safe. Edgeworth: Wright, I fear I owe you yet another debt of gratitude. Phoenix: ............Edgeworth. Edgeworth: We never would have caught him if it weren't for all of you. Phoenix: Aw, c'mon, Edgeworth! What are you talking about? You're the ones who have been tracking the phantom all this time. Plus, you were the one who gave Blackquill permission to serve as prosecutor, right? Edgeworth: Yes, well... We knew the phantom was somewhere nearby. The police and I were trying to find him, but we never did manage to do so until this trial. Phoenix: Well, we never would've won this trial without you. It was your help as chief prosecutor that was the key to its succesful conclusion. Besides............ ...it was you that saw to it I got my attorney's badge back, wasn't it? Edgeworth: ............So you figured it out, did you? Phoenix: Yeah. Getting my license back went just a little too smoothly, you know? It should've been much harder after that evidence-forging scandal. Edgeworth: Well, I owed you a few favors. Phoenix: Hey, Edgeworth, think we can finally bring the dark age of the law to an end? Edgeworth: Even the darkest night turns to dawn eventually... Our sun will rise again. Besides... now that Prosecutor Blackquill has been cleared of all charges... ...a great deal of the mistrust towards the court system should've been swept away. Phoenix: You know, you could've said that with a bigger smile, Edgeworth. It won't kill you. Instead, the furrows in that brow of yours just keep getting deeper and deeper. Edgeworth: So I should smile more, huh? ............I'll think about it. Athena: Ah, the complicated love-hate relationship between life-long rivals! Blackquill: ...Athena. I'm forever in your debt. You went to all that trouble... even taking the bar exam while you were overseas... Athena: Well, I knew that if I didn't get your sentence overturned fast, you'd be executed! So I studied and studied. I was frantic! I'm so glad I made it in time! ............ Just barely... but I still made it! Phoenix: (............Thatta girl, Athena. It's good to see you finally let your tears out.) Blackquill: ............Yes, I survived by the skin of my teeth, thanks to you. Athena: Sh-Shame on you, Simon... for trying to throw your life away like that! Blackquill: ...It was never my intention to just throw my life away. But some things in this world are more important than your own life. Athena: Like what...? Blackquill: My honor-bound duty to protect with my life... ...my mentor's most beloved treasure. Athena: Huh? Phoenix: (That's some loyalty... This guy really is a samurai, through and through.) Well, it looks like we can breathe easy now. Apollo, Athena, thank you both. It took all of us together to pull it off. Athena: You bet, Boss! What a team we are, huh?! Apollo: It was definitely the most amazing turnabout I've ever seen! Phoenix: I'm a lucky guy... My office has the best, most capable lawyers around! Apollo: Thanks, Mr. Wright. I'm going to work extra hard to make up for all the worry I caused. Apollo Justice is fine and ready to go! Let's hear it for the Wright Anything Agency! Athena: Well, nobody's going to try harder than me! So you'd better watch out, Apollo! Simon is free, thanks to Mr. Wright... ...but there are so many more people out there who need our help! Phoenix: You're right. And I'll be needing you both to help them. We still have a long way to go! (Get ready, you two... We won a major victory, but the war is far from over. There are still people out there suffering under false charges who need defending. We've got a lot of work ahead of us... ...if we ever hope to fully bring the dark age of the law to a close...) Athena: Hey, I know one thing we have to do! We have to celebrate! With a bowl of piping-hot noodles! Phoenix: Huh? Apollo: Nothing like a bowl of Eldoon's Noodles after a trial, all on Mr. Wright's tab. That's how it works at the Wright Anythign Agency, right, Mr. Wright? Phoenix: Huh? Huh? Edgeworth: Hmph. As a boss, it's your duty to express gratitude to your people for their great work. Blackquill: In that case, allow me to join in the festivities. I would greatly welcome a bowl of noodles. Phoenix: Huh? Huh? Huh? Trucy: I have an idea, Daddy. Why don't you just invite everybody involved with the case? The more the merrier, right? Pearl: Oh, Mr. Nick! Look how far you've come! Who knew you'd grow up to be such a generous gentleman? Phoenix: ............ ...Um, guys? Under these circumstances... there's only one thing I can say. Apollo: Only if I get to join in! Athena: Hey, no fair! I want to say it, too! Phoenix: Okay, here we go...! Phoenix/Apollo/Athena: File:PWAADD Objection!.png Trucy: I was trying to think of something nice I could do for Polly now that he's back. So I decided to go around and get a bunch of jobs for him to do! Find a lost cat, install an air conditioner, give a computer lesson, find a lost item... Hmm? You think I should've found him a few legal cases? Nah, that's okay! This is the Wright Anything Agency, after all! Woods: Thena and Apollo were so wonderful in court! I'd better study as much as I can if I want to be a judge someday. My grandma says, "Eat lots of peppers and they'll ignite your passion." Oh, but I should figure out which to grow: green peppers or yellow peppers. Or maybe I should go with hot-as-the-sun red peppers instead... Payne: The end of the dark age of the law, you say? Tsk, tsk. How naïve! Don't you know it's sometimes necessary to get a "guilty" verdict by any means possible? What? They're putting me under investigation? The chief prosecutor wants to see me?! Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Tenma: I've been asked to debut the great masked wrestler "Tenma Taro." Jinxie: He's scheduled to go up against The Amazing Nine-Tails next, though. Tenma: Oh, what to do? What to do? A fight to the finish with myself? Jinxie: Why don't you ask Mr. Demon Lawyer to be The Amazing Nine-Tails II? Tenma: That's not a bad idea! I bet he'd be all for it! Caw caw-caw-caw! So, we are to meet as foes, are we, my little friend! Filch: Would ya believe it? I'm alderman of Nine-Tails Vale now. Pretty impressive, eh? I took over after Rex Kyubi for the good of my beloved village! What do ya say? Would ya like to make a little donation to help us out? Policeman: Hey, you! What do you think you're doing, sneaking into the manor?! Filch: Aaaaagh! The jig's up! Better make a run for iiiiiiiiiiit! Newman: I thought I wanted to be an artist, but after seeing the amazing job Athena did... ...I started becoming genuinely interested in law. So now I'm studying for the bar exam! Ahh! I'm going to prosecute Athena someday! You'll S-E-E! O'Conner: Hmph. I'm studying my buns off, too, but not for the bar exam. I'm going to pass the Themis entrance exam on my own merit this time. With a score of 100 points, of course. Newman: Hugh! Juniper! Our dream will live on, foreveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer! Scuttlebutt: I found really sweet boxes for all three of them, but they won't wear them! Is it because I want to be a legal journalist instead of a lawyer or a judge?! But, anyway, thanks to the trial, the school newspaper's future is as bright as can be! Sss, sss, sss! Now, let's see what the fresh blood have to say in the new school paper... "Our editor cried so hard at graduation rehearsal, her cardboard box got soggy." Klavier: The one-night-only reunion concert... I still remember that evening of passion. The president of the student council sang like no other high school student I've ever heard. When she's a judge in her own court someday, I'd love to have a jam session with her. It'd be the coolest trial ever, ja! I can already hear it now... Pearl: I gave this place a good cleaning from top to bottom... ...but it's already a mess again. I guess the only thing I can do now is... ...clean up the attitudes of the people in this office! With Mystic Maya due to come here once her training is over, it simply must be done! Cosmos: Ha ha ha! Humanity's dreams for outer space will never die! In fact, planning for the HAT-3 rocket has already officially begun! Look upon me, people of this great nation! And witness the glory of Yuri Cosmos! What do you-- Oh, Director! Yes, yes! Rocket preparations are fully complete! Yes! You just leave everything to me, Assistant Director Yuri Cosmos! Ponco: I'm going to the moon in the new rocket! If Athena or Mommy Metis came to the moon, I would love to show them around! But which is more interesting: Montes Pyrenaeus or the Mare Tranquillitatis...? You think they would like either one?! Yay! Hooray! Clonco: I wonder how Miss Aura is doing...? I'd rather be near Miss Aura than on the moon! Oh, Miss Aura! I just want you to use me again, like you used tooooooooo! Starbuck: Ready for launch! Five! Four! Three! Two! One............ LIFTOFF! I'm going to the moon for real this time! For me, and for Clay! Thanks to my lawyers, I know now I should never give up! But I'm worried... You can't breathe in space, and, in fact, it's cold as heck... Oh, man! Now I'm getting really nervous! Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangh... Blackquill: No, I am not employed here. I simply came to request their services in defense of my sister. But no one's around, and I've been kept waiting for a long time. ...And what sort of case brings you here? ...Oh? Your father was accused and you wish for Athena to defend him...? Hmph. Then perhaps... he and I shall meet in a courtroom in the near future. Edgeworth: I look forward to your next month's salary assessment. Payne: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek! Please forgive meeeeeeeeeeeeee! Edgeworth: Blackquill's acquittal has brought all manner of ills in the Prosecutor's Office to light. It would seem solving that case has thawed the chill of Winter into the warmth of Spring. Now I owe Wright yet another debt of gratitude... But I will repay him one day. You can trust in that. Phoenix: Through the years, I've seen as much joy as heartache, honesty as deceit. But just as Mr. Starbuck was able to escape the harsh pull of his fears and despair... I believe that hope and friendship can lift us all up towards a brighter tomorrow. End