| - It is quite well known to all of us through TV shows like The Simpsons what disastrous consequences the eating of 64 slices of American Cheese can have on the human body, but after seeing the infamous scene over and over and over again, humanity still fails to learn the simple lesson. Have a look around at all the people sitting next to you, all the strangers that pass you by on a regular commute to the city. We all share one common trait, all of us will, someday, fall victim to 64 slices of American Cheese. Even you will fall victim to it eventually. It's not a matter of if it will happen but when...
| - It is quite well known to all of us through TV shows like The Simpsons what disastrous consequences the eating of 64 slices of American Cheese can have on the human body, but after seeing the infamous scene over and over and over again, humanity still fails to learn the simple lesson. Have a look around at all the people sitting next to you, all the strangers that pass you by on a regular commute to the city. We all share one common trait, all of us will, someday, fall victim to 64 slices of American Cheese. Even you will fall victim to it eventually. It's not a matter of if it will happen but when... So many hours of labour, so many lives and thus, so many of the billions of taxpayers' dollars are wasted every year on 64 slices of American Cheese, and the annual losses will only add up over time as the world's population continues to grow, so something needs to be done about this international crisis that the government is unethically overlooking. We need to get together and fight this villainous industry before it's too late, but firstly we need to inform you of what could potentially happen should you come into contact with 64 slices of American Cheese, what the typical warning signs are and what to do if you do think you are at risk.