| - There she was. A little kit, a beautiful kit with a life laid out in front of her. I sighed. I thought of the beautiful mottled white queen. She had lost all of her kits, but she still had milk, so she could take care of my little daughter. "Maci?" Lace padded out of the bracken with a mouse, she dropped it as she saw my daughter and ran over. "What a beautiful little she-kit!" gasped Lace "was she your only one?" I shook my head sadly, I pointed my nose at a small gray tom, he was born dead. "can I name him?" asked Lace padding over to the dead Tom "just so he always has a name?" "sure." I meowed.
| - There she was. A little kit, a beautiful kit with a life laid out in front of her. I sighed. I thought of the beautiful mottled white queen. She had lost all of her kits, but she still had milk, so she could take care of my little daughter. "Maci?" Lace padded out of the bracken with a mouse, she dropped it as she saw my daughter and ran over. "What a beautiful little she-kit!" gasped Lace "was she your only one?" I shook my head sadly, I pointed my nose at a small gray tom, he was born dead. "can I name him?" asked Lace padding over to the dead Tom "just so he always has a name?" "sure." I meowed. "Finn." she meowed. I nodded and looked at Finn, he would always be dead, buy at least he had a name. I got up and let Lace take my place. The reason I chose Lace to be my kits keeper: one she was my sister, and two: before her second litter died, she had a litter of four and all grew up and separated their own way. Their names were: Shine, Soli, Jake, and Duran. All adults, but Lace herself wasn't old. We were a bit young to be mothering full grown kits. "what do you want to name her?" asked Lace stroking my daughter. My daughter had amazing fur, it was very soft fur. Her fur color was a beautiful golden color. She was a tabby, and she had this odd marking on the top of her head, just some lines though, nothing special. "I would like to name her Drift." I meowed. Lace nodded, "little Drift." I nodded. Lace got up, leaving Drift mewling for more milk. She curled her tail around me and said: "do you really have to le-leave?" Lace was choking on her words. "yes sister." I meowed "I know you will take care of Drift." Lace nodded and wailed: "please don't go!" I shook my head: "I must. I realized my place is to travel the world. And having a kit would ruin the whole thing. You see Lace? I'm going to do what I love most! Aren't you happy for me?" I stared at my sister with curious eyes. My sister nodded. Then with one last touch of my nose to her's I murmured: "goodbye Lace, I love you. Take care of my daughter." I licked my daughter and started to pad away then I turned back to Lace and meowed loudlyto her: "I will come back someday! I promise!" Then I disappeared from Lace's sight. And my promise shattered, I would never come back. For what I did not know. I would die before that happened