| - The G'ye Cult was the official religion, and theocratic government, of Beroutz. Centered in the citadel of Apoltemis, it was established in 800 BBY by the siblings Ora One G'ye, Alabri, and Arpel. According to the doctrine of the cult, G'ye served as seer and high priestess, Alabri as "god" of the Mousa, and Arpel as "goddess" of the Deriada. The people of Beroutz gave this triumvirate total obedience and any required tribute. In exchange, the Cult protected them from the monsters that ravaged their world. The people did not realize the monsters were deliberately introduced the by cults ally, the alchemist Jantrek.
| - The G'ye Cult was the official religion, and theocratic government, of Beroutz. Centered in the citadel of Apoltemis, it was established in 800 BBY by the siblings Ora One G'ye, Alabri, and Arpel. According to the doctrine of the cult, G'ye served as seer and high priestess, Alabri as "god" of the Mousa, and Arpel as "goddess" of the Deriada. The people of Beroutz gave this triumvirate total obedience and any required tribute. In exchange, the Cult protected them from the monsters that ravaged their world. The people did not realize the monsters were deliberately introduced the by cults ally, the alchemist Jantrek. The Cult was overthrown by a resistance led by Alkeri and Didama Deriada, working in cooperation with Prince Algyd, Yoda, Ambrose Ius, Zorith, Zudu, and Veronica.