I-Chaya was a beloved pet sehlat that Spock had in his boyhood. I-Chaya was quite old and had belonged to Sarek during his own youth. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) When Spock undertook his kahs-wan ordeal prematurely, I-Chaya insisted on following him despite Spock's orders against it. It turned out to be a good thing, considering that a le-matya – a dangerous animal native to Vulcan – attacked Spock and I-Chaya. Spock's parents had I-Chaya's body brought back from Vulcan's Forge, to be buried in a place of honor on the family grounds. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
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| - thumb|I-Chaya im Jahr 2237. I-Chaya ist das Haustier des jungen Spock. (TOS: ) Der Sehlat gehört schon Spocks Vater Sarek. 2237 folgt er dem jungen Spock in die vulkanische Wüste, als dieser eine Mutprobe auf sich nimmt. Als Spock von einem le-matya angegriffen wird, verteidigt I-Chaya sein Herrchen erfolgreich, wird jedoch durch die giftigen Klauen der Bestie lebensgefährlich verletzt. Der von Spock herbeigerufene Heiler kann dem Tier jedoch nicht mehr umfassend helfen, da das Gift schon zu lange in dessen Körper ist. Vor die Wahl gestellt, I-Chaya ein Leben voller qualvoller Schmerzen oder den Tod zu bringen, entscheidet sich Spock, das Leben des Tieres zu beenden. (TAS: )
- I-Chaya was a beloved pet sehlat that Spock had in his boyhood. I-Chaya was quite old and had belonged to Sarek during his own youth. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) When Spock undertook his kahs-wan ordeal prematurely, I-Chaya insisted on following him despite Spock's orders against it. It turned out to be a good thing, considering that a le-matya – a dangerous animal native to Vulcan – attacked Spock and I-Chaya. Spock's parents had I-Chaya's body brought back from Vulcan's Forge, to be buried in a place of honor on the family grounds. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
- Quando Spock affrontà la propria prova del kahs-wan prematuramente, I-Chaya insistette per seguirlo nonostante Spock gli avesse ordinato di non farlo. Si rivelò una compagnia preziosa, considerando che un le-matya, un animale pericoloso nativo di Vulcano, attaccò Spock e I-Chaya. Dovendo affrontare la scelta di un'esistenza prolungata nel dolore od una morte pacifica, Spock fece la scelta più logica e praticò l'eutanasia su I-Chaya. Fu un fatto che segnò la decisione di Spock di seguire la filosofia di Surak.
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| - I-Chaya was a beloved pet sehlat that Spock had in his boyhood. I-Chaya was quite old and had belonged to Sarek during his own youth. (TOS: "Journey to Babel" ) When Spock undertook his kahs-wan ordeal prematurely, I-Chaya insisted on following him despite Spock's orders against it. It turned out to be a good thing, considering that a le-matya – a dangerous animal native to Vulcan – attacked Spock and I-Chaya. I-Chaya fought the creature as best he could, but the old sehlat fell in battle and both he and young Spock had to be saved by the adult Spock, posing as young Spock's cousin Selek, who had traveled into the past to prevent his own death at this moment. Although young Spock managed to find a Vulcan healer to help I-Chaya, the sehlat was beyond meaningful aid when he arrived. Faced with the choice of a painful extended existence or a peaceful release from his suffering, Spock logically chose to have I-Chaya euthanized. It was an act that marked Spock's decision to follow the philosophies of Surak. Spock's parents had I-Chaya's body brought back from Vulcan's Forge, to be buried in a place of honor on the family grounds. (TAS: "Yesteryear")
- Quando Spock affrontà la propria prova del kahs-wan prematuramente, I-Chaya insistette per seguirlo nonostante Spock gli avesse ordinato di non farlo. Si rivelò una compagnia preziosa, considerando che un le-matya, un animale pericoloso nativo di Vulcano, attaccò Spock e I-Chaya. I-Chaya lottò contro la creatura come meglio poté, ma il vecchio sehlat non resistette e sia lui che il giovane Spock dovettero esser salvati da uno Spock adulto, che si faceva passare per il cugino Selek, il quale aveva viaggiato nel passato per impedire la propria morte in quel momento. Sebbene il giovane Spock fosse riuscito a trovare un guaritore Vulcaniano per aiutare I-Chaya, il sehlat non poté esser salvato. Dovendo affrontare la scelta di un'esistenza prolungata nel dolore od una morte pacifica, Spock fece la scelta più logica e praticò l'eutanasia su I-Chaya. Fu un fatto che segnò la decisione di Spock di seguire la filosofia di Surak. I genitori di Spock fecero fare ritorno al corpo di I-Chaya dalla Fornace di Vulcano per poterlo seppellire in un luogo d'onore sul territorio della famiglia. (TAS: "Viaggio a ritroso nel tempo") Secondo il commento testuale di Star Trek: The Animated Series DVD per "Viaggio a ritroso nel tempo", scritto da Michael e Denise Okuda, I-Chaya fu in parte basato sul gatto di nome Bobby Magee di D.C. Fontana, un riferimento a "Me And Bobby McGee".
- thumb|I-Chaya im Jahr 2237. I-Chaya ist das Haustier des jungen Spock. (TOS: ) Der Sehlat gehört schon Spocks Vater Sarek. 2237 folgt er dem jungen Spock in die vulkanische Wüste, als dieser eine Mutprobe auf sich nimmt. Als Spock von einem le-matya angegriffen wird, verteidigt I-Chaya sein Herrchen erfolgreich, wird jedoch durch die giftigen Klauen der Bestie lebensgefährlich verletzt. Der von Spock herbeigerufene Heiler kann dem Tier jedoch nicht mehr umfassend helfen, da das Gift schon zu lange in dessen Körper ist. Vor die Wahl gestellt, I-Chaya ein Leben voller qualvoller Schmerzen oder den Tod zu bringen, entscheidet sich Spock, das Leben des Tieres zu beenden. (TAS: )