| - Quagsire are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
- Lotad are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
- Since Ash had released Goodra, it remains in the swamplands, protected by Keanan.
- This particular Wooper is an old friend of Goodra.
- Beedrill are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
- Ariados are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
- Pinsir are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
- Swanna are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
- Yanmega are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
- Seviper are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. Originally, they invaded the swamplands, but managed to find an area to settle in.
- Gulpin are Pokémon that live in the swamplands, guarded by Keanan. They lived in the swamplands, until Florges came with her army, but managed to find a place in the swamplands to live in harmony.
- Originally invading the swamplands, Florges stayed in a cave to protect her child, a Floette. Florges attacked Goodra, who came for revenge, even ordering her army to capture Wooper and Pikachu. After Team Rocket got blasted off, Florges helped the swamp thrive back and remained in the area to protect it.
- Floette was Florges' child, who was to rest in a cave from an illness. Due to the lack of water, Floette couldn't be cured, but Goodra's Rain Dance helped Floette feel better.