| - Cynthia Aurora "Cindy" Vortex is a main character in the Jimmy Neutron franchise. She is Jimmy's rival, female counterpart and eventual girlfriend.
- Performer(s) Appeared in Cindy Vortex is one of the main characters from the Nickelodeon animated series The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. She is an intelligent, prideful, and competitive blonde girl who has a rivalry with Jimmy Neutron, whom she secretly harbors a crush on.
- __INDEX__ Die Beziehung zwischen Jimmy und seiner Rivalin Cindy Vortex ist überaus interessant: Sie war das klügste Kind der Schule, bis er kam, ab diesem Zeitpunkt sind sie Konkurrenten. Es ist, als ob sie von zwei verschiedenen Planeten kämen. Sie ist zwar kein Genie, aber sie ist sehr ehrgeizig und auch sehr klug und will deshalb nicht die zweite Geige spielen.
- Cynthia "Cindy" Aurora Vortex is one of the main characters from The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius. She is Jimmy's female counterpart, arch-rival and eventual girlfriend. She used to be the smartest kid in her old school until she moved across the street from Jimmy's house. Since then, she has been trying to regain her old reputation. Cindy is the only main character from the original Jimmy Neutron series who doesn't have a Planet Sheen counterpart.
- Cynthia Aurora "Cindy" Vortex is Jimmy's cute and beautiful girlfriend. She is considered one of the main characters and she helps her friends out on their adventures many times. Cindy is basically the hero-cute blonde role. She is a very smart, cute, beautiful, kind, prideful, intelligent, and independent character. She was shown with these personality traits throughout the series. File:CindyArt.png Her close friend is Libby. She has a dog named Humphrey. In the Jimmy Timmy Power Hour trilogy, Cindy has a relationship with Timmy Turner.
- Cynthia Aurora "Cindy" Vortex is Jimmy's former arch-rival and current girlfriend. She is considered one of the main characters and she helps her friends out on their adventures many times. Cindy is basically the hero-cute blonde role. She is a very smart, cute, beautiful, kind, prideful, intelligent, and independent tomboy. She was shown with these personality traits throughout the series. Cindy's best friend is Libby Folfax. While she has a crush on Jimmy, she pretends to dislike him to hide her true feelings. Although she has also once kissed him.