Rhaugilath, called "the Ageless", was a male human and an archlich. He was the former Sorcerer-King of the enclave of Orbedal in ancient Netheril and later one of the servitor liches of Larloch the Shadow King of Warlock's Crypt.
Rhaugilath, called "the Ageless", was a male human and an archlich. He was the former Sorcerer-King of the enclave of Orbedal in ancient Netheril and later one of the servitor liches of Larloch the Shadow King of Warlock's Crypt.
Rhaugilath, called "the Ageless", was a male human and an archlich. He was the former Sorcerer-King of the enclave of Orbedal in ancient Netheril and later one of the servitor liches of Larloch the Shadow King of Warlock's Crypt.