Humphrey Belcher was a wizard who believed that a cheese cauldron was a good idea. Albus Dumbledore would later comment that he had been "woefully wrong" in this belief. Belcher could have been an inventor of a cauldron constructed from cheese.
Humphrey Belcher — czarodziej nieznanego statusu krwi, który sądził, że nadszedł czas na kociołek z sera. Wspomina o nim Albus Dumbledore w 1996 roku. Mówił wtedy do Harry'ego, że może się mylić co do życia Voldemorta – jak Humphrey.
Humphrey Belcher was a wizard who believed that a cheese cauldron was a good idea. Albus Dumbledore would later comment that he had been "woefully wrong" in this belief. Belcher could have been an inventor of a cauldron constructed from cheese.
Humphrey Belcher était un sorcier qui a voulu fabriquer un chaudron en fromage.
Humphrey Belcher – velho, joka keksi juustokattilat. Luokka:Velhot Luokka:Miehet Luokka:Brittiläiset
Humphrey Belcher — czarodziej nieznanego statusu krwi, który sądził, że nadszedł czas na kociołek z sera. Wspomina o nim Albus Dumbledore w 1996 roku. Mówił wtedy do Harry'ego, że może się mylić co do życia Voldemorta – jak Humphrey.
Humphrey Belcher was a wizard who believed that a cheese cauldron was a good idea. Albus Dumbledore would later comment that he had been "woefully wrong" in this belief. Belcher could have been an inventor of a cauldron constructed from cheese.
Humphrey Belcher était un sorcier qui a voulu fabriquer un chaudron en fromage.
Humphrey Belcher – velho, joka keksi juustokattilat. Luokka:Velhot Luokka:Miehet Luokka:Brittiläiset