| - Reputation is important, so much so that some are slaves to it. In the case of Hair-Trigger Temper, Jerkass and Noble Demon, their misanthropy is what makes others fear and (sometimes) respect them. There's more to this guy than meets the eye however; he also likes to do good deeds but in secret, to keep his reputation intact. Like reading to orphans, charitable donations, or just plain helping others. Of course, he gets found out; usually by the last person he wants to know his true self, and they call him out for his crime of... kindness. Examples of Hidden Heart of Gold include:
| - Reputation is important, so much so that some are slaves to it. In the case of Hair-Trigger Temper, Jerkass and Noble Demon, their misanthropy is what makes others fear and (sometimes) respect them. There's more to this guy than meets the eye however; he also likes to do good deeds but in secret, to keep his reputation intact. Like reading to orphans, charitable donations, or just plain helping others. Of course, he gets found out; usually by the last person he wants to know his true self, and they call him out for his crime of... kindness. He'll acknowledge it of course, reluctantly, and probably threaten grievous bodily harm on the witness should they tell others. But the secret is out. Even if the character tells no one else, it'll mark a milestone in the Character Development of both, and viewers will be better able to sympathize with him. Compare Villains Out Shopping, Think Nothing of It. Contrast with Jerk with a Heart of Jerk. Examples of Hidden Heart of Gold include: