| - The main character, Penny, enters EIT as a freshman and quickly finds herself in the middle of nerd culture. She meets a wide variety of characters, including a non-militant hardcore femenist, an invisible roommate, LARPers, and a guy who sneaks into the room just to play video games. Overall the cast is about what you'd expect from a nerd culture at a tech school. The comic is generally gag-a-day with occasional multi-strip arcs and a few asides where the author talks about things happening in her real life. The strip updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Tropes used include:
| - The main character, Penny, enters EIT as a freshman and quickly finds herself in the middle of nerd culture. She meets a wide variety of characters, including a non-militant hardcore femenist, an invisible roommate, LARPers, and a guy who sneaks into the room just to play video games. Overall the cast is about what you'd expect from a nerd culture at a tech school. The comic is generally gag-a-day with occasional multi-strip arcs and a few asides where the author talks about things happening in her real life. The strip updates Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The author actually created a (kind of) fully functional website for the school, complete with course listings, which can be viewed here. A character sheet is now in progress, please add to it Tropes used include:
* Alpha Bitch: The recent story arc involving Wiredwolf's past has a girl who is actually named Libby. She fits the Trope scarily well.
* Alt Text
* Animesque: Parodied when Kali considered cosplaying as people's emotions at a con.
* Art Evolution: The art style has changed two or three times, most notably the shift to color.
* Author Avatar: Penny of course.
* Breaking the Fourth Wall: Done more frequently at the beginning, but still occasionally used for a quick joke.
* Coat, Hat, Mask: Julian's LARP costume features a variation on this where the coat is replaced with a cape. And the hat has bunny ears.
* Con Recap
* Cosplay Otaku Girl: Kali has an Alphonse Elric costume. As in his armor. The reaction is great...
* Distracted by the Sexy: The only way to get a gamer away from Portal 2.
* Droste Image: Here.
* Education Through Pyrotechnics: Apparently Pocky doesn't react well to time machines...
* This has seriously damaged the space-time continuum around the university. Among other things, people stay the same age for an entire year before abruptly "upgrading."
* Faceless Masses: They're primarily male, and most of the major characters are female, so they're all silhouettes marked with Mars symbols.
* Gamer Chick: Several. Most notably Kali.
* Hammerspace: The Bucket of Holding
* Homage: Several for xkcd and other webcomics.
* Invisibility: Played with repeatedly with Kali the invisible roommate.
* Kill Sat: For launching marshmallows.
* LARP: Several of the characters participate.
* Life Embellished
* Luminescent Blush: Penny has done this several times now.
* Noodle Incident: This strip
* Our Werewolves Are Different: Wiredwolf shifts whenever she's angry (and, once, when she needed a Halloween costume.) Post-Plot-Relevant Age-Up, she has wolf ears (and tail) even in human form.
* Proud to Be a Geek: Raise your hand if you have ever rolled dice to determine where you go in a mall...
* Rickroll: Here.
* Slice of Life
* Speech-Impaired Animal: Tails, and played with once by Wiredwolf.
* Subject 101: Check out EIT's website.
* Wacky College: More or less the premise, though more silly than actually abnormal.
* Webcomic Time: lampshaded in this strip.
* Write Who You Know: Most of the characters are based off of people the author knows.