The Lord Shetland film franchise is a series containing seven films revolving around Lord Edgar Shetland, a character conceived by English novelist Peter Brown in the 1950's. The Shetland novel series spanned eleven pulp-style novels following the adventures of the irresponsible Shetland, who in public is a debonair playboy in the late Victorian era of the Kingdom of England, but is secretly a master of disguise, whose costumed alter egos include a mysterious caped swordsman known as the Wraith and a romantic, swashbuckling, masked rogue called Blade. He does battle with a series of sensationalized villains both as Shetland and as his costumed doppelgangers.
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| - Lord Shetland franchise (Napoleon's World)
| - The Lord Shetland film franchise is a series containing seven films revolving around Lord Edgar Shetland, a character conceived by English novelist Peter Brown in the 1950's. The Shetland novel series spanned eleven pulp-style novels following the adventures of the irresponsible Shetland, who in public is a debonair playboy in the late Victorian era of the Kingdom of England, but is secretly a master of disguise, whose costumed alter egos include a mysterious caped swordsman known as the Wraith and a romantic, swashbuckling, masked rogue called Blade. He does battle with a series of sensationalized villains both as Shetland and as his costumed doppelgangers.
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| - The Lord Shetland film franchise is a series containing seven films revolving around Lord Edgar Shetland, a character conceived by English novelist Peter Brown in the 1950's. The Shetland novel series spanned eleven pulp-style novels following the adventures of the irresponsible Shetland, who in public is a debonair playboy in the late Victorian era of the Kingdom of England, but is secretly a master of disguise, whose costumed alter egos include a mysterious caped swordsman known as the Wraith and a romantic, swashbuckling, masked rogue called Blade. He does battle with a series of sensationalized villains both as Shetland and as his costumed doppelgangers.