| - Nero Tennys was a male Doloy soldier in the Royal Army of the Golden Empire. He was born on Mezlagob in 136 ABY, but his family moved back to Dolomir after the Nightmare War as part of Consul Rensi Shal-Shatir's repatriation initiative. Inspired by the Armada's conduct in the war, he enlisted in the Army at the age of eighteen. Nero participated in the Battle of Chimet. During the Battle of Renthiv, he was inbound on a troop transport which was shot out of the sky. The Chiss Centurion Vos'elk'eetash struggled to bring the transport to ground in a glide instead of a fall with telekinesis, and Nero noticed she was not wearing her helmet. Knowing she could not spare the focus to put it on, he seized it himself and placed it on her head. Seconds later, the ship crashed, and Nero was thrown against a bulkhead. The impact snapped his neck and twisted his head halfway around, killing him instantly. In the aftermath of the battle, Selkee was instrumental in securing Nero the Lifesaving Medal, First Class for his action—in the crash, she had been thrown around hard enough to dent her helmet, and believed the impact would have killed her had she not been wearing it. She also received permission from Nero's company captain to write a letter of condolence to his family.