| - Strong willed: Cassidy is a very strong woman. She doesn't like relying on others for help. If she can she will always take care of herself without the help of others. Devoted: Cassidy is a really devoted woman especially when it comes to anything about her family. She will try her best to live up to their expectations, and in the case of someone tainting the memory of her dead father and mother, she would certainly not be afraid of harming the person saying the bad things. Sentimental: Cassidy is driven mostly by her emotions. She makes decisions based on them rather than logic; this often causes her to end up in bad situations since she has a temper that shouldn't be joked with. Cassidy has always had it easy with harming people when angry, especially when her anger was caused by attacks on her family. Selfish: Cassidy is selfish. Aside from her family, she places herself above everyone else. In a life and death situation, she would leave everyone behind rather than risk her life to save them. Individualist: Cassidy likes being an individual rather than a part of a group. She really dislikes when people sacrifice all their personality traits for the sake of others. That's why she tries to really keep herself the way she is even while trying to keep her family happy. Disorganized: Cassidy really isn't very good at keeping things organized. She takes things as they come, often randomly since things have a tendency to reach her like that. Cassidy is easily stressed since lots of things pile up on her. You wouldn't think of Cassidy as a really feminine woman, but she is. She is slim with long black hair and is quite the looker. She has a lot of tattoos in different shapes, patterns and styles, most of them on the arm and back, and several on her legs. Cassidy is a Goth type of person when it comes to clothes. She loves the color black especially as clothing, but honestly she really just likes being different and doesn’t limit her clothing choices. She changes her attire regularly depending on where she is going so that she can be an individual rather than just some person in the group.