| - Player can win essence of wisdom, which can be used to place town totems that give bonus experience to anyone who attunes to it.
- When using a lamp or star won on Treasure Hunter, the player has a chance to spawn Karima, giving them extra bonus experience or coins.
- All lamps and fallen stars are prismatic and give 50% extra bonus experience.
- Valentine love notes are available on Treasure Hunter and as monster drops. They can be exchanged for chocolates to earn a new title, or they can be exchanged for emotes and equipment representing one emotion either love or hate.
- Protean bars can be won, which give a fair chunk of Smithing experience when used.
- Training dummies can be used to obtain experience in the chosen combat style.
- Various portable skill stations can be won, for on-the-go Herblore, Smithing and Cooking experience as well as a sawmill that gives protean planks.
- The farmer's outfit is available, giving various Farming-related benefits when worn.
- Skilling outfits are made more common.
- Meteorites and space dust give 75% extra experience when used on one of the player's five lowest skills, and 25% otherwise.
- Protean traps can be used to catch a variety of animals for a higher amount of Hunter experience without receiving loot.
- Complete skill cards for a large experience reward.
- The gnomeballer's kit and the large gnomeball could be won.
- Pieces of the Cloak of Spring, Cloak of Summer, Cloak of Autumn and Cloak of Winter can be won, which combine into the Cloak of Seasons.
- Old rares can once again be won on Treasure Hunter.
- The pet is available for a limited time to start off the new minigame, Treasure Hunter.
- Obtain Ethereal outfits, which assist in your Runecrafting skill in multiple ways.
- Six new Slayer masks are available from Treasure Hunter, each themed around well known Slayer monsters.
- The spring cleaner can take various drops and turn them into base materials or bonus experience, at the cost of springs.
- All lamps and stars on Treasure Hunter are prismatic and provide 50% more experience.
- Captain Haskell is back, and using challenge tokens, players can receive scaled-down daily challenges.
- Clover necklaces can be won, which offer coins and prizes to win randomly.
- Smouldering lamps use bonus experience when giving their reward.
- Obtain Ghostweave fabric to create six outfits to trick-or-treat NPCs in Gielinor for chocolate rewards.
- Fading memories, when equipped in the pocket slot, give various bonuses when training Divination.