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- This sourcebook is available at Wizards of the Coast for free download here.
- The Horde was a crew on the Cobalt Ocean. Image:Crew.png Arr! This article about a crew in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Shetty's Horde is a faction that feature predominantly in New Era Of Sports Entertainment, is partially featured in New-WWE simply as "The Horde", and have been slighty reference in World CAW Wrestling.
- The Horde Motorcycle Club (also referred to as The Horde MC or simply The Horde) is a nation-wide biker gang with a reputation for extreme violence and racial bigotry. Their only visit to Farmington was a robbery, that ended with them being arrested by the Strike Team. (Fire in the Hole)
- They come sweeping down from the mountains (or the deep forest) to Rape, Pillage and Burn, howling like death itself, and leaving only destruction and despair in their wake. They waylay travelers, ransack entire peasant villages, and sometimes even threaten entire cities. They take only what they can carry, and usually torch the rest. For the 1994 video game by the same name, click here. Often part of the Fantasy Axis of Evil. Compare The Usual Adversaries.
- June 9, 1995 11:00 AM local time Central Uganda Local authorities had recently been alerted to reports of a madman that had stumbled randomly into a village, screaming in a tongue that simply could not be human. By the time authorities arrived, he had been restrained to a wall, after attempting to bite and claw at the villagers, but they had managed to restrain him without injury. The madman was loaded into a truck and hauled off to a prison. 3:45 PM local time 3:49 PM local time June 10 1995, 1:00 PM local time Kampala, Uganda
- «The Horde: Barbarian Campaign Setting» — варварский подсеттинг для центральной части Forgotten Realms — Бесконечной пустоши (англ. Endless Waste). Бесконечная пустошь населена кочевниками, чья культура и стиль жизни напоминает татаро-монгольскую Золотую Орду. Коробка включает две 64-страничные книги с описанием племён и локаций, 4 карты, 24 страницы раздаточных материалов на плотной бумаге для игроков и 4 листа с монстрами, выполненные в формате Monstrous Compendium и предназначенные для объединения с папкой из MC1 Volume One. Два идущих в комплекте буклета могут считаться двумя частями одной книги и имеют сквозную нумерацию страниц.