| - The Lutrillians were sentient humanoids indigenous to the planet Lutrillia, in the Yarith sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Members of the species had broad, wrinkled features, pointed ears, and hair growing from their heads and cheeks. Thick skin and a layer of blubber bolstered them against physical damage and harsh cold. The Lutrillians evolved a nomadic lifestyle to avoid subterranean predators and to visit oases scattered about their remarkably flat homeworld. They adapted to the introduction of galactic technology by moving into wheeled platform-cities. These mechanical beasts lumbered across the planet's equator, stripping the surface of food, water, and raw materials. Lutrillians enjoyed adventure, high stakes, and chance-taking, traits that made them natural entrepreneurs.
| - The Lutrillians were sentient humanoids indigenous to the planet Lutrillia, in the Yarith sector of the Outer Rim Territories. Members of the species had broad, wrinkled features, pointed ears, and hair growing from their heads and cheeks. Thick skin and a layer of blubber bolstered them against physical damage and harsh cold. The Lutrillians evolved a nomadic lifestyle to avoid subterranean predators and to visit oases scattered about their remarkably flat homeworld. They adapted to the introduction of galactic technology by moving into wheeled platform-cities. These mechanical beasts lumbered across the planet's equator, stripping the surface of food, water, and raw materials. Lutrillians enjoyed adventure, high stakes, and chance-taking, traits that made them natural entrepreneurs. In the early years of their world's introduction to the greater galaxy, traveling to Lutrillia required a time-consuming side trip from the Corellian Trade Spine in what was then considered Mugaari Space. Around 400 BBY, the explorer and entrepreneur Ecclessis Figg blazed a more direct route to the world that became known as the Lutrillian Cross. The Lutrillians found themselves with greater contact to the outside galaxy than ever before, and their influence in the Greater Javin region of the Outer Rim expanded. Lutrillians established themselves on many worlds. Some of the more successful Lutrillians included Solomahal, a general of the Clone Wars, Treva Horme, head salesbeing and executive planner for Planet Dreams, Inc., on Bespin, and Sawthawne, a crime lord of that same world.