| - As Pegasus is attacked by a band of Lemures he feels as though someone is sapping away his energy, but the Guardian Senshi arrive and drive the monsters away. Chibiusa appears and promises to protect him, and Pegasus thanks his beautiful maiden. They sing about their fated meeting and the Senshi join in, while elsewhere, Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endymion sing of their eternal love ("Double Moonlight Romance"). The dream fades and Chibiusa finds herself in a forest, wondering what she was just doing and where she is now. She remembers going to a picnic with everyone and getting lost in the forest. Mamoru andUsagi find her and are soon joined by Ami, Rei, Makoto, Minako, and a group of forest creatures, including some usagizaru. They settle down in a clearing and begin having fun together ("Mori de Tanoshiku") though Usagi tries to delay the picnic so the girls won't find out that she ate all of their lunches while she was looking for Chibiusa. When she opens the bag, however, she is surprised to discover that all the lunches are there. The crack of Tiger's Eye's whip echoes across the forest and the Amazon Trio appears, introducing themselves and declaring that those lunches are a gift from them. They announce that the Dead Moon Circus is holding up auditions at which they are all welcome ("Amazon Kara Circus Dan ga Yatte Kita"). Fisheye is particularly interested in Mamoru trying out. The girls are all excited, promising to try out, but Chibiusa overhears the Trio talking about finding a person with a beautiful dream and is less enthusiastic. The Amazon Trio reconvenes at their lair to discuss about the girls they've just encountered, and Hawk's Eye brags that his good looks will charm any woman. He and Tiger's Eye then begin arguing until Fisheye cuts in and reminds them that they've yet to find out if those girls really hold beautiful dreams. Hawk's Eye says he's uninterested in them, while Tiger's Eye remarks that Ami is cute and Fisheye has a big crush on Mamoru, which freaks out the other members seeing as they're both males. Their conversation drifts and they begin to wonder why they are the only ones without dreams, but Zirconia overhears and reminds them that they have to fulfill their mission and find the one in whose dream Pegasus is hiding ("Dead Moon no Kuroi Yume"). A mysterious girlarrives and Zirconia uses Zircon to imbue her with dark energy so she will be able to follow Pegasus into dreams, ordering her to hate and destroy everyone who has a beautiful dream and make their dreams disappear into the black hole inside her heart. Later, Pegasus is being tortured by the mysterious girl within Chibiusa's dream as Chibiusa begs her to stop. Many Lemures begin surrounding her bed untilSailor Pluto, Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune arrive in her nightmare and repel them ("Fukkatsu! Crisis Yurusumaji"). Tuxedo Mask arrives and is shocked to see that the Outer Senshi have been revived. They inform him that baby Hotaru has disappeared, and not only does the mysterious girl have the same energy as she, she also has the pendant that Sailor Pluto gave to Hotaru. They conclude that the enemy must have abducted Hotaru when they weren’t looking, erased her memory, and made her grow, which means that this girl is Sailor Saturn, a threat to them all. Tuxedo Mask demands that they remain inactive until he says otherwise, but thanks them for protecting his daughter. At the audition for the Dead Moon Circus, the Amazon Trio and their Pierrot show off their various skills before allowing the girls to try out. Makoto demonstrates tricks with a magic wand, Ami impresses the crowd with her ball-walking, and Minako dances, but Usagi fails horribly at everything she tries, even sticking Tiger's Eye with a knife on accident. Rei arrives as Sailor Mars and uses her powers to pass the audition, though Usagi accuses her of cheating. Everyone gets in, except Usagi, but the others beg the Trio to find a way to take her in anyway, because they were only tagging along with her in the first place. Usagi is put in charge of cleaning the place while everyone is hurried out of the room to go sign their contracts. Although disappointed at first, Usagi resolves to do her best as always ("Mop, Hop, Step, Jump"). A couple of circus workers arrive, bullying the mysterious girl. Although Hawk's Eye says it's part of her training to make her obedient, Usagi cannot stand to watch and chases the bullies away. Though the girl says Usagi shouldn't bother with her, Usagi refuses to believe it's okay for her to be tormented like that. Usagi introduces herself, but the girl says she doesn't remember who she is. Usagi declares that from now on she will be the girl's friend, and asks about the locket she's wearing around her neck. The girl opens it, revealing it to be a music box, and says it was the only thing she had with her when she was found. They both sit on swings, and the girl says that she is "Miss Dream", a girl who sees beautiful dreams ("Miss Dream"). She and Usagi make a promise to meet again tomorrow and the girl departs, leaving Usagi stuck up on the high swing and uncertain how to get back down. Fisheye arrives with Mamoru and Usagi uses her position to spy on them. Fisheye is disappointed that Mamoru didn't show up at the audition, but is glad that Mamoru came to see him. Mamoru corrects him, saying he came to see Usagi because he was worried about her. Fisheye asks if Usagi is Mamoru's girlfriend, and he confirms it, saying that they're even married in the future. Fisheye proposes that he break up with Usagi in order to be with him, because if he does then Fisheye will protect him. Usagi reveals her presence, telling Fisheye to find himself his own boyfriend. When Fisheye asks what's so great about her, Mamoru replies that she has many dreams, which confuses Fisheye even more. He leaves and Usagi asks Mamoru to help her down the swing, but he says that he'll come join her instead. Tiger's Eye and Ami meet late at night, and he begins flirting with her while the other girls spy on them. She tells him about her dream to become a doctor, and he says he would like to see more of that dream before he reveals his true form and attacks her. The other Senshi try to intervene but are grabbed from behind by Lemures. The rest of the Trio arrives and they examine the girls' Dream Mirrors, but do not find Pegasus. They order the Lemures to finish them off, as they must destroy every person with a beautiful dream, but Zirconia shows up and stops them. Miss Dream says the girls have powerful energies and Zirconia forces her to use her powers on Ami, whose personality changes drastically. When the others ask what's wrong with her, she replies that she's fed up being the kind and sweet girl everybody expects of her ("Ii Ko wa Yameta"). Miss Dream then uses her powers to remove the other girls' dreams as well, making them servants of the Dead Moon. Zirconia orders them to find Pegasus and get the Golden Crystal for them so they can make a world without beautiful dreams. Elsewhere, Usagi and Mamoru share a tender moment while sitting on a pair of swings. Mamoru asks what she would do if he disappeared, and though she is shocked by the question, Usagi simply replies that everything would disappear for her if that happened. He reassures her that their love is eternal, even if he were to disappear. While they sing about their love, the members of the Dead Moon sing about their dark dream to overthrow the White Moon, and the Outer Senshi sing about their mission to protect the Earth. Chibiusa runs after Miss Dream, begging her to stop hurting Pegasus, but the girl refuses to listen and eventually succeeds in making him disappear ("Triple Dreams").