The Ape Rebellion, also known as Monkeygate, is referred to the rebellion of Evolved Apes led by Caesar. It begins when Caesar, an intelligent chimpanzee who resided in San Francisco as the adoptive son of Will Rodman and Caroline Aranha, bites the finger of his vile neighbor Douglas Hunsiker off by accident, while trying to protect Will's father, Charles. Over time, Caesar with the help of the wise orangutan, Maurice, the kind-hearted yet underestimated gorilla Buck and later his rival turned friend, Rocket begin a rebellion that sees the beginning of the destruction of humanity.
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| - The Ape Rebellion, also known as Monkeygate, is referred to the rebellion of Evolved Apes led by Caesar. It begins when Caesar, an intelligent chimpanzee who resided in San Francisco as the adoptive son of Will Rodman and Caroline Aranha, bites the finger of his vile neighbor Douglas Hunsiker off by accident, while trying to protect Will's father, Charles. Over time, Caesar with the help of the wise orangutan, Maurice, the kind-hearted yet underestimated gorilla Buck and later his rival turned friend, Rocket begin a rebellion that sees the beginning of the destruction of humanity.
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| - The Ape Rebellion, also known as Monkeygate, is referred to the rebellion of Evolved Apes led by Caesar. It begins when Caesar, an intelligent chimpanzee who resided in San Francisco as the adoptive son of Will Rodman and Caroline Aranha, bites the finger of his vile neighbor Douglas Hunsiker off by accident, while trying to protect Will's father, Charles. Over time, Caesar with the help of the wise orangutan, Maurice, the kind-hearted yet underestimated gorilla Buck and later his rival turned friend, Rocket begin a rebellion that sees the beginning of the destruction of humanity.