| - By removing items from their very existence, Rei can create exposed singularities, (center of a hole) a situation where matter is forced to be compressed to a point (space-like singularity) and a situation where certain light rays come from a region with infinite curvature (time-like singularity). Usually, this attack destroys any target made of energy or matter through a black or white hole. Through a black hole, it will destroy anything devouring the matter and energy, allowing the opponent to be ripped apart when they enter into a Gravitational Singularity and be erase to nothingness as body molecule, matter and energy will be absorbed causing instant death. Through a white hole, Rei can let matter and light escape, releasing a blast of energy and matter allowing it to create exposures. The other variation of the technique involves creating an area where things defer from normal state. While this area, differs from their immediate environment, this technique actually sends the user and the opponent into another dimension created by the user, which has similar appearance as their previous immediate environment however, has 20 times more gravity, Rei can freely change the flow of gravity in this zone. It seems that, Rei himself remains unaffected in this zone, temperature, pressure, gravity, wind velocity or conventional weapons, nothing seems to damage him or bother him. He can freely control the season and weather inside this zone, thereby making his enemies weaker.