| - Constant-Serge Bounda is a Congolese national, was born in Brazzaville in 1966. His educational background includes a Degree in Information Sciences (Diplome d’Etudes Superieures Specialisees – DESS - en Informatique Documentaire of ENSSIB, France; a Degree in History (Diplome d’Etudes Approfondies –DEA - en Histoire – Mention tres honorable (Universite Lyon II Lumiere, France), and a Degree in Documentation (Diplome d’Aptitude aux Fonctions de Documentaliste) from the University of Dakar. Serge Bounda who will be taking up his assignment as the new UNFPA Representative to the African Union (AU), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) on 1st October 2012, served in the same capacity as UNEP Representative to the African Union and the Government of Ethiopia since the 1st June 2010. Prior to this, from 2008, he served as the Head of UNEP’s Support Office to the Nobel Peace Laureate, Goodwill Ambassador for the Congo Basin Forest Ecosystem and Co-chair with Right Hon. Paul Martin (former Prime Minister of Canada) of the Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF), Prof. Wangari Maathai. From 2005-2008, he also assisted Prof. Maathai in her capacity as the President of the Economic, Social and Cultural Council of the African Union (AU-ECOSOCC). Mr Bounda also coordinated and led the implementation of the UNEP related projects in the Congo Basin such as the Mayombe transboundary project aiming at creating protected area / reserve of biosphere between DRC, Angola and the Republic of Congo. He is a member of the UN-REDD team which a joint UNDP-FAO-UNEP programme on deforestation and forest degradation. Some of the greatest achievements while at the UNEP’s support office included the assistance in mobilizing successfully US$ 200 million for the Congo Basin Forest Fund (CBFF) to finance development projects in Central Africa. Supporting Prof. Wangari Maathai in doing an important advocacy work and raising awareness on the Congo forests among world leaders from Japan, UK, France, Germany, Norway, Italy, including UN Secretary General have built a momentum on forest and climate. Strategic reports produced have made the Congo basin forest system as one priority for the TICAD IV Summit (see TICAD IV final Declaration). Mr. Bounda also successfully organized high level meetings (Kinshasa, Brazzaville, Bangui and Cabinda) at the Heads of state and Ministerial level. Since 2006, Mr. Bounda also served as Regional Advisor for Africa to the Board of Directors of the United Nations Federal Credit Union (Pro Bono). Here, he was instrumental in the opening of the UNFCU Liaison Office in Nairobi and in facilitating initial contacts with the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (Arusha, Tanzania). Mr. Bounda has greatly contributed to the establishment of tailored-made financial measures for Nairobi’s UNFCU patrons. In 2002-2005, Serge Bounda was the Chief of the Sergio Vieira de Mello United Nations Information Services, Nairobi. He spearheaded the establishment and implementation of a common United Nations Library in Nairobi for all the UN agencies. As an Information Manager, he successfully coordinated and contributed to initiate strategic partnership projects such as the setting up of an Environmental Information Center in Iraq (2006) to empower and build capacity for government officials, researchers and the civil society in post-war countries. In addition, he represented UNEP and played a crucial role in working closely with Yale University, WHO, FAO and leading publishers to implement the Online Access to Research in Environment project (OARE), which aims at providing free access to online environmental journals for people in developing world. In May 2003, he was honored by UNEP as the first recipient of the Staff Member of Quarter Award (January to April 2003) in recognition of his creativity, professionalism and hard work. Prior to joining the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in 2002, Mr. Bounda served as the Head of Information Services at the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (UNICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania from 1998 - 2002. He also served as in the same field in various international organizations which included; International Labour Office (Switzerland), World Meteorological Organization (Switzerland), United Nations Office (Geneva), and World Health Organization (Switzerland) between 1994 and 1998.