| - Cursed Oathbreakers, your honor’s in pawn And worthless the vows you have gone, Justice shall see you where others have gone, Delivered to those you betrayed! These are the signs of a mage that’s forsworn– The True Gifts gone dead in his hand, Magic corrupted and discipline torn, Shifting heart like shifting sand; Swift to allow any passion to run, Given to hatred and rage. Give him wide berth and his company shun– For darkness devours the Dark Mage These are the signs of a traitor in war– Wealth from no visible source, Shunning old comrades he welcomed before, Holding not steady course
| - Cursed Oathbreakers, your honor’s in pawn And worthless the vows you have gone, Justice shall see you where others have gone, Delivered to those you betrayed! These are the signs of a mage that’s forsworn– The True Gifts gone dead in his hand, Magic corrupted and discipline torn, Shifting heart like shifting sand; Swift to allow any passion to run, Given to hatred and rage. Give him wide berth and his company shun– For darkness devours the Dark Mage These are the signs of a traitor in war– Wealth from no visible source, Shunning old comrades he welcomed before, Holding not steady course If you uncover the one who’d betray, Heed not his words nor his pen Give him no second chance – drive him away– False once will prove false again These are the signs of a treacherous priest– Pleasure in anyone’s pain, Abused or degrading of man or of beast, Duty as second to gain, Preaching belief but with none of his own, Twisting all that he controls Fear him and never face him alone, He corrupts innocent souls These are the signs of the king honor-broke– Pride coming first over all, Treading the backs and the necks of his folk That he alone might stand tall, Giving himself to desire that are base, Tyrannous, cunning and cruel Bring him down – set someone else in his place Such man are not fit to rule