| - Make Love, Not Walls: Donald Trump suddenly re-emerges after he was presumed to be killed, and is now a cyborg. As no election was held after his death, Trump is still technically president of the United States, however, Trump appears to be radically different from what he used to be, giving off the personality of a hippie. While attempting to discover why Trump is acting like this and who rebuilt him, Lloyd and Derp uncover a secret society lead by George Bush. (Airdate: 4/7/17) (Rating: TV-MA) Privacy Policy: TBA (Airdate: 4/21/17) (Rating: TV-MA)
| - Make Love, Not Walls: Donald Trump suddenly re-emerges after he was presumed to be killed, and is now a cyborg. As no election was held after his death, Trump is still technically president of the United States, however, Trump appears to be radically different from what he used to be, giving off the personality of a hippie. While attempting to discover why Trump is acting like this and who rebuilt him, Lloyd and Derp uncover a secret society lead by George Bush. (Airdate: 4/7/17) (Rating: TV-MA) DragonCircle XYZ III: One Slap Lloyd: When Lloyd gains superpowers, he decides to slap everyone, which kills them. (Airdate: 4/14/17) (Rating: TV-MA LSV) Privacy Policy: TBA (Airdate: 4/21/17) (Rating: TV-MA) The Overtime Experiment: TBA (Airdate: 5/5/17) (Rating: TV-MA-LV) Reich Wing: CircleCity finds itself at the center of yetanother political situation, this time concerning the political status of United States citizens. As right wing and left wing tensions are on the rise, Derp fears that a new civl war is brewing, prompting him and Lloyd to sabotage an event right wing citizens are hosting. However, they soon discover a much more sinister event taking place: the resurrection of Adolf Hitler (Airdate: 5/26/17) (Rating: TV-MA) Date Knight: TBA (Airdate: 6/2/17) (Rating: TV-MA) Abdul Buttplug: The Greatest Air Guitar Player in the Middle East: TBA (Airdate: 6/9/17) (Rating: TV-MA) The Patriarchy: TBA (Airdate: 6/16/17) (Rating: TV-MA) Mike the Dyke Pence: TBA (Airdate: 6/23/17) (Rating: TV-MA L) The Father, The Succ, And the Holy Shit: TBA (AIrdate: 7/7/17) (Rating: TV-MA)